Developer: Harhay Developments
Architect: OFFICEArchitecture
Address: 875 Queen St. E, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Retail)
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 7 storeys
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Toronto 875 Queen East | ?m | 7s | Harhay | OFFICEArchitecture

This is a render after all, but judging on what we're seeing in it I don't find it confusing at all - while there's plenty of unification in the use of red brick there's also different period-specific design motifs in the old building which makes that corner subtly stand out. The net effect is pretty sweet.
This is a render after all, but judging on what we're seeing in it I don't find it confusing at all - while there's plenty of unification in the use of red brick there's also different period-specific design motifs in the old building which makes that corner subtly stand out. The net effect is pretty sweet.

That's just it. The old facade stands out only subtly due to some motifs that barely register at a glance. The average passerby won't even be able to distinguish that the corner is a heritage facade without careful scrutinization. The rest of the design overwhelms it by too closely aping it. I'd have preferred to see less brick and more glass on the eastern portion of the new building in order to create some visual separation from the heritage facade.
I like the renderings, and I think that the Woodgreen Drugs building (or whatever it's actually called) appears distinct within the overall development.

I am sad to lose the old Woodgreen Church complex. Don't get me wrong - the proposed redevelopment is an improvement both for the site and this overall stretch of Queen - but there are aspects of the church complex which I find appealing. It's in crappy condition today, but I've walked by more than once thinking how it could be adaptively reused in a really exciting way for retailers, a community centre, etc. Totally not practical/feasible, of course. But nonetheless leaves me with a bit of a bittersweet feeling about this redevelopment.
That's just it. The old facade stands out only subtly due to some motifs that barely register at a glance. The average passerby won't even be able to distinguish that the corner is a heritage facade without careful scrutinization. The rest of the design overwhelms it by too closely aping it. I'd have preferred to see less brick and more glass on the eastern portion of the new building in order to create some visual separation from the heritage facade.
I guess we'll see what actually transpires when the thing gets built. In this render, I enjoy the subtlety. I mean, of course the rest of the design is going to overwhelm it - it's simply massive by comparison and it's partially swallowed up the original building. It's like it's going to become a historical cornerstone for a much larger edifice. But I think it's going to remain fairly obvious what was original and what's brand new. The render is admittedly very slick. We're probably going to end up with something where the contrast is greater, occurring in a number of ways, than what we've been presented with thus far.
I actually wish they could save the church building instead. There are plenty of buildings in the area that are like the one on the corner but not so much the church. A newer style that will disappear too soon.

Building a Community of Hope

We have exciting plans to help transform the lives of homeless families by delivering high-quality support services in a new purpose-built family shelter that will replace our aging and inadequate facility. Construction is expected to start in late 2016 and be completed in late 2018.
  • Functional and accessible
  • Plenty of natural light and feels like a welcoming refuge
  • Sanctuary of a lockable bedroom for each family
  • Dedicated children’s programming space
  • Secure and safe outdoor playground
  • Secure building access system and front entrance on the side street
  • First purpose-built family shelter to be part of a mixed-use development in Toronto

These were taken Dec. 6, 8, and 17. You can see that the drugstore is now completely gone. Is that normal when planning to preserve an outer wall? (I don't know how this usually works!)

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If the wall's structure is too far gone, it makes more sense to pull it all down (carefully), clean and store the bricks to be reassembled with new robust structure behind it.

Heritage Preservation Services prefers that whenever possible that the wall stay in place during the build.

I love that it's masonry (except perhaps for the part adjacent to the heritage portion). But I wish that each segment read more as its own separate mid-rise building. It's too copy-paste right now.
