BTW, the former land-owner of this 55 Shepppard East also managed to assemble/owned all the land along eastside of Bonnington; thus this "fake" 55 Sheppard East proposal was really the Land-Owner/Real-Estate-Mogul/LandAssembler/Developer's way to force the City to deal with the Doris South Extension VS continuing decades of stalling (first proposed in 1996)
Since over the years, I've been Squatting "Doris South Extension" on this dead thread - and now you know why,... I'll continue to claim Squatter's Right!
November 2020 Update: City staff will be presenting recommendations for this study to the Infrastructure & Environment Committee (IEC) at the December 1, 2020 meeting. A copy of the staff report is available under IEC agenda item IE 18.2. Interested members of the public can arrange to speak or...
For Doris South Extension from north of Sheppard to Avondale Ave:
"February 2020 Update: The City is considering a two-phased implementation approach. See new information panels below and provide your feedback."
The City is considering a two-phased implementation approach for North York Centre Service Road south of Sheppard Avenue.
Phase 1 – Interim: Offset Intersection
Phase 1 – Offset intersection
Create an offset intersection by extending Tradewind Avenue up to Sheppard Avenue, and installing coordinated traffic signals at Doris Avenue and Tradewind Avenue.
Bonnington Place would be closed off in a cul-de-sac.
This was identified as Option C in the Environmental Assessment.
The proposed timing of construction: post-2022
Phase 2 – Future: Single Intersection
Phase 2 – Four leg intersection
Realignment of Doris Avenue to meet the northern extension of Tradewind Avenue, resulting in a more standard four-legged intersection at Sheppard Avenue
This is a hybrid of Option A and Option B identified in the Environmental Assessment.
Implementation will be dependent on property acquisition and detailed design.
Attend the Public Drop-in Event
View the information panels in print and discuss one-on-one with the project team.
Date: February 27, 2020
Drop-in: 6 to 8 p.m.
Location: North York Memorial Community Hall (5110 Yonge St.), Lower Level, directly below the North York Central Library.
Please provide your feedback by March 5, 2020.
NOTE: When I last checked a few months ago, 69 Glendora (southwest corner of Glendora & Tradewind) was still privately owned - City still needs to acquire (have developer buy & convey or City expropriate). Also, City needs to deal for land at northeast corner of Sheppard Ave East & Doris Ave - it's a private park with whatever remaining air-rights (density & height) already transfered to 88 Sheppard East Condo; thus, they can't build anything on that land now!