that render confuses me, if thats bloor in the foreground....and the holts site is on the north side of bloor....why the $%^ is the cn tower seen in the distance behind holts???
Development boards are up on the site.
I walked up and read it: it says 277 m to the top of the mechanical penthouse. The design looked a lot like the Hariri Pontarini design we've seen.
277m to mechanical penthouse doesn't mean there's not going to be an architectural element that puts it 23m higher.
It wouldn't surprise me if a Rogers design looked somewhat similar.
uhh... that hariri pontarini concept is for the cumberland parking garage across from the new four seasons. look at the buildings beside it, and the shape of the lot. matches perfectly for there. that is NOT a preliminary render for 50 bloor west.
and the render is looking south, almost like it was taken half way up the shorter four seasons building. this explains the CN tower in the background.