Another high-rise in the works (26 floor). Corner of Railroad and Mill, currently the Dominion Skate Factory. Right across from the GO/VIA station.
1. An Application by KORSIAK & COMPANY LIMITED - STONE MANOR DEVELOPMENTS – (File: C1W6.70 - Ward 5) to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit High-Density Residential and Commercial Uses.
The subject property is located on the southwest corner of Railroad Street and Mill Street and has a municipal address of 45 Railroad Street.
The applicant is proposing to develop a high rise condominium apartment building with some ground floor retail. The current proposal shows a 26-storey approximately 350-unit apartment building with approximately 1,150 m2 (12,379 ft2) of commercial space. The proposal would retain portions of the existing heritage building along Mill Street and Railroad Street.
The subject property has a site area of 0.7166 hectares (1.77 Acres).
Official Plan/Secondary Plan Status:
The subject lands are designated “Central Area†on Schedule ‘A’: General Land Use Designations in the 1993 Official Plan. An amendment to this plan is not required.
The subject lands are designated Residential: Medium High/High Density in the Downtown Brampton Secondary Plan (SP 7A).
A site-specific policy permits the development of the lands for residential purposes with a maximum building height of 17 storeys, a maximum density of 247 units per hectare and a minimum landscaped open space of 60% of the lot area.
The subject site is zoned “Residential Apartment B-Section 3384†(R4B-Section 3384) according to By-law 270-2004. An amendment to the Zoning By-law would be required to allow the proposed development.
1. An Application by KORSIAK & COMPANY LIMITED - STONE MANOR DEVELOPMENTS – (File: C1W6.70 - Ward 5) to Amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit High-Density Residential and Commercial Uses.
The subject property is located on the southwest corner of Railroad Street and Mill Street and has a municipal address of 45 Railroad Street.
The applicant is proposing to develop a high rise condominium apartment building with some ground floor retail. The current proposal shows a 26-storey approximately 350-unit apartment building with approximately 1,150 m2 (12,379 ft2) of commercial space. The proposal would retain portions of the existing heritage building along Mill Street and Railroad Street.
The subject property has a site area of 0.7166 hectares (1.77 Acres).
Official Plan/Secondary Plan Status:
The subject lands are designated “Central Area†on Schedule ‘A’: General Land Use Designations in the 1993 Official Plan. An amendment to this plan is not required.
The subject lands are designated Residential: Medium High/High Density in the Downtown Brampton Secondary Plan (SP 7A).
A site-specific policy permits the development of the lands for residential purposes with a maximum building height of 17 storeys, a maximum density of 247 units per hectare and a minimum landscaped open space of 60% of the lot area.
The subject site is zoned “Residential Apartment B-Section 3384†(R4B-Section 3384) according to By-law 270-2004. An amendment to the Zoning By-law would be required to allow the proposed development.