Our only advice is to buy freehold! Condos come with too many rules and regulations and can be tough to sell when you need to upsize or downsize.
Mattamy Homes caters to first-time buyers with their great "Village Homes" and "Rear-Lane Townhomes". They are freehold so no condo fees and they are really easy to sell. If you were planning on buying a condo, you must take into account the monthly condo fees. You may be able to afford more if you bought freehold and don't have these fees, is what we are saying.
Check out some new home builders. We love Mattamy because they are awesome at customer service. They require reasonable $20,000 deposit and they actually build you a home within the year. A new condo could take years and years to build and they require substantial deposits that they tie up for years.
Mattamy's Mount Pleasant development in northwest Brampton will have several homes in your price range. This is a very smart move. Even if you don't love your place, it will help you to build equity and it will be relatively easy to sell. You will NOT have the same luck with a condo.
Go check them out and try and avoid condos. You will thank us later.