Developer: Fitzrovia Real Estate Inc., AIMCo
Architect: bKL Architecture
Address: 412 Church St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Market-Rate Rental), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 369 ft / 112.46 mStoreys: 33 storeys
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Toronto 412 Church | 112.46m | 33s | Fitzrovia | bKL Architecture

My feeling is that this will be reduced in size. I think the two southern ‘columns ‘ will be reduced in height in a stepped fashion to reduce the hulking slab look and further reduce shadows. Reduce is the key word.😀
Wow. The base looks good, but are they serious with that tower? If looks like 3 towers glued together...a massive slab that feels way too big for the site.
Only a few posts up, I explained that in fact this is not a massive slab, but actually smaller than the standard Toronto point tower floor plate of 750 sq m, at 689 sq m: sure it's longer on the north-south axis than a square 750 sq m floorplate would be, but the building is really thin. Because it's already under 750 sq m, there's no way the floor plate will be reduced further.

Only a few posts up, I explained that in fact this is not a massive slab, but actually smaller than the standard Toronto point tower floor plate of 750 sq m, at 689 sq m: sure it's longer on the north-south axis than a square 750 sq m floorplate would be, but the building is really thin. Because it's already under 750 sq m, there's no way the floor plate will be reduced further.

Got it. So perhaps it means the site is too small to support a tower then? I haven't look into the plans at all, so I'm mostly just playing devil's advocate here...
Got it. So perhaps it means the site is too small to support a tower then? I haven't look into the plans at all, so I'm mostly just playing devil's advocate here...
…well, it means the site is too small for a 750 sq m tower floorplate, but no reason that the developers can't ask to put something smaller. If they can make it work financially, why not apply? I don't think there's any doubt that something will go up here, the only question is whether or not the City will agree on this height. They might.


Inclusion on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register- 79 and 81 Granby Street

This report recommends that City Council include the properties at 79 and 81 Granby Street on the City of Toronto’s Heritage Register for their cultural heritage value.

Located on the south side of Granby Street, between Church and Yonge Streets, the two, semi-detached residential properties at 79 and 81 Granby Street were built in 1891. The pair is a representative example of semi-detached Victorian-era dwellings designed in the Toronto Bay-and-Gable architectural style.

The recommendation contained in this report is in response to a request by Toronto East York Community Council (TEYCC) at its meeting on October 10, 2019, that the Cultural Heritage Evaluation June 4, 2019 report – 79 and 81 Granby Street, item TE9.13, be referred back to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services for a review of the McGill-Granby Village Residents' Association's independent heritage consultant's study of the subject properties. The original June 4, 2019 report was in response to City Council's request on December 4, 2018 (Motion MM1.7) that the Senior Manager of Heritage Preservation Services “initiate a study of the formally nominated properties at 79 and 81 Granby Street and to report back regarding designation within the first quarter of 2019."

Following review of the original heritage evaluation, the Residents' Association's independent heritage study, and further research and evaluation undertaken according to Ontario Regulation 9/06 (the provincial criteria to determine cultural heritage value or interest and prescribed for municipal designation that the City also applies to properties being assessed for its Heritage Register), staff have determined that the properties at 79 and 81 Granby Street have cultural heritage value under all three categories of design, association and context.

Properties on the Heritage Register will be conserved and maintained in accordance with the Official Plan Heritage Policies.​
Handsome building. This stretch of Church sorely needs this with that lemon across the street.

Event Information: Virtual Community Consultation Meeting 412-418 Church St & 79-81 Granby St, Tuesday February 15, 2022

Date and time:Tuesday, February 15, 2022 6:00 pm
Eastern Standard Time (Toronto, GMT-05:00)
Change time zone
Duration:3 hours
The meeting will begin at 6:30 PM.
Images from tonight's public-consultation meeting...




...more images from tonight's public-consultation meeting...


Fitzrovia Real Estate Inc = "currently the largest Purpose-Built Rental Developer in Canada"..?


Lots of projects... 20-ish Towers in Total (approx. ~6,000 total units).



...bias towards larger suites and 2-3 bedroom units...


Big units (average ~900 sq ft) - but only 9 units per floor because of the TOWER GUIDELINES (750 m2 floorplate)...
