Developer: Fitzrovia Real Estate Inc., AIMCo
Architect: bKL Architecture
Address: 412 Church St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Market-Rate Rental), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 369 ft / 112.46 mStoreys: 33 storeys
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Toronto 412 Church | 112.46m | 33s | Fitzrovia | bKL Architecture

Looks like a slab. I couldn't access the full text of the LPAT decision from 2015, but I wonder how this is any different, other than incorporating and modifying the heritage structure. It's actually bigger and taller.
It's fine I guess
The heritage components getting preserved
So that's the most important
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I'm really curious to see what happens with that one old house immediately west of this, on Granby. It's got a noticeable lean to it, and I've always wondered how it hasn't fallen down yet. I can't imagine how they're going to do any kind of excavation next to it without the whole house coming down.
That's not coming back no matter what. Anyways, the project holds potential - especially if it can keep to using quality materials. Definitely helps to distract from some neighbourhood uglies.

Only if they brick clad it in hot sunset colours with a prominent mural of 2 cowboys holding hands looking onwards...
Looks like a slab. I couldn't access the full text of the LPAT decision from 2015, but I wonder how this is any different, other than incorporating and modifying the heritage structure. It's actually bigger and taller.
The planning docs show the floorplate being only 689 sq metres, so smaller than most! The long north-south axis is more than made up for in its relatively short east-west axis.

Nice setback from the heritage. The 3 grey tones of brick panel could work. The renderings make the building's LxW dimensions appear to be at least 50Mx20M when compared to the people so if it's a 689 square meter floor plate they are using images of very small people.
??any reason why this has. been mentioned recently[BLOG TO , March 23 , 2021] , it a go , has it been approved ??? , ....I do love the brutalist -textural attempt and thank god , no balconies
??any reason why this has. been mentioned recently[BLOG TO , March 23 , 2021] , it a go , has it been approved ??? , ....I do love the brutalist -textural attempt and thank god , no balconies
As per the posts above, it's just been resubmitted to the City, so no, it's not approved. The resubmission would be why it's in BlogTO, but seriously who cares about their building coverage?

Wow. The base looks good, but are they serious with that tower? If looks like 3 towers glued together...a massive slab that feels way too big for the site.
