Developer: Fitzrovia Real Estate Inc., AIMCo
Architect: bKL Architecture
Address: 412 Church St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Market-Rate Rental), Commercial (Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 369 ft / 112.46 mStoreys: 33 storeys
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Toronto 412 Church | 112.46m | 33s | Fitzrovia | bKL Architecture

11 trees are being removed and only 3 are being replaced. The local RA (Residents' Association), though otherwise supportive of the application, asked for more trees. Sadly, the City ignored this request. The 3 replacement trees are all on the Granby St frontage (north side), with none on the McGill St (south) or block-long Church St (west) frontages. This is grim and soulless. The many trees being removed from the McGill St frontage are not being replaced in order to make way for a bike-share station -- a measure approved by the City's Forestry office. Though they recognized the importance of bike-share, especially as there will be no parking here, the RA asked for trees instead and suggested the City may want to reconsider its environmental priorities. (Note: The proposal immediately to the south at 396 Church is putting trees on both its McGill St and Church St frontages, so it's obviously possible to plant trees along Church St.)

SPA resubmission with some further changes since the flight path MZO:
  • Minor height increase from 112.25 to 112.46
  • Storey count remains 33 due to the removal of indoor amenity in the mech level and the expansion of the mezzanine level coinciding with the second floor of the heritage structures
  • Total residential units increased from 310 to 311
  • Minor GFA & Unit Mix redistribution

Updated rendering:
PLN - Architectural Plans 1 of 3 - Architectural Drawings_412ChurchSt_Oct 18 2024_Part1-1.jpg
11 trees are being removed and only 3 are being replaced. The local RA (Residents' Association), though otherwise supportive of the application, asked for more trees. Sadly, the City ignored this request. The 3 replacement trees are all on the Granby St frontage (north side), with none on the McGill St (south) or block-long Church St (west) frontages. This is grim and soulless. The many trees being removed from the McGill St frontage are not being replaced in order to make way for a bike-share station -- a measure approved by the City's Forestry office. Though they recognized the importance of bike-share, especially as there will be no parking here, the RA asked for trees instead and suggested the City may want to reconsider its environmental priorities. (Note: The proposal immediately to the south at 396 Church is putting trees on both its McGill St and Church St frontages, so it's obviously possible to plant trees along Church St.)
The bike share station is a good shout - there is always a trade off.

It looks like there are a ton of telecom services running under the west curb of Church St. The tree cell detail for 396 Church looks tricky to say the least:


The bike share station is a good shout - there is always a trade off.

It looks like there are a ton of telecom services running under the west curb of Church St. The tree cell detail for 396 Church looks tricky to say the least:
Why can't one have both? Podium, the developer of 396 Church, consulted regularly and worked closely with neighbours and the local Residents' Association on the street-level aspects of their development. They were extremely responsive and collaborative, and have made a concerted effort to accommodate requests for more street trees (among other concerns). Neither Fitzrovia nor, for that matter, our local city councillor responded to local requests for more street trees at 412 Church.
