Toronto 309 Cherry Street | 162.2m | 49s | Castlepoint Numa | SvN

Thanks! I was optimistic but wanted further info. I was planning to take a little stroll on the new bridge this morning as I am having breakfast nearby so will see what Drum118 is describing. They may be getting ready to start a more visible advertising push with stylized hoarding/sales centre as that wouldn’t require permits and people seem to be gearing up for interest rates to fall.
I am cross-posting this from Drum118’s update in the main Portlands thread. If I am reading it correctly this is much, much sooner than I expected!

‘The 2 stop light west of Commissioner bridge are for the first development site block, new roads as well the plan QQE LRT loop if it every get built.

The is no connection for Munition St to connect to Commissioner St and it looks like it will not happen anytime soon.

Hording and tree protection going up for 309 Cherry St site. Using scaffolding framing on both sides of the trees that I haven't seen being used anywhere for site to date and it looks to be 10-15 feet tall.

Due Time restriction, visit my site to see updated photos of projects shot the last few weeks since I don't have the time to post them to various threads.
See my videos on YouTube
@drum118 (inaccurate) post is actually in the Lower Don thread. As noted above by @NorthernLight, the 309 Cherry project - though it will certainly happen, is not going to move forward for a while yet.
Just to clarify, is this proposal (up to 47s) located where the ghosted buildings in the centre are ... from the 3 Approaches for Intensification presentation slides?

I recall speakers mentioning this was the only privately owned parcel.


It'll be weird until it's not. I recently found this grainy old photograph taken of the railway lands by my late brother, sometime in the late 70s or very early 80s. At one point this too was a pretty unremarkable slice of Toronto. All living cities are, to a degree, in a natural state of flux; the new normal of the Portlands is on its way.
A report to next week's Council meeting has all the hallmarks of a Settlement Offer, but remains confidential at this time.

This is still confidential..........but I think we get some hint of what's in it by way of a report to the next meeting of Preservation Board, which endorses a heritage retention concept. We don't get any renders, but we do get a text description of the proposal as is; along with some massing.

From the above:









This is still confidential..........but I think we get some hint of what's in it by way of a report to the next meeting of Preservation Board, which endorses a heritage retention concept. We don't get any renders, but we do get a text description of the proposal as is; along with some massing.

From the above:

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Would this be the tallest parcel on Villiers Island if approved?
Would this be the tallest parcel on Villiers Island if approved?

Probably? The current Villiers Plan (public lands) has the peak height at 48s. But those plans are conceptual, not real, specific proposals, yet.
Heads-Up that there is a City Council item about 309 CHERRY STREET (*Private lands on Villiers Island) at this week’s meeting on WED -

CC19.9 - 309 Cherry Street - Ontario Land Tribunal Hearing - Request for Directions

“On April 23, 2024, the applicant circulated further updated development plans to the Tribunal and other parties consisting of three residential towers of 27, 49 and 39 storeys, on podiums of various configurations ranging from 3 to 10 storeys.

They also advised of their intention to provide 5 percent of the proposed residential units as affordable housing for a period of 25 YEARS
Not sure how I didn't see this until now but I'm thoroughly disappointed that they are bringing the mindless copy-paste Toronto podium-tower typology to Villiers Island.
Yeah there's some kind of mid-block connection... yawn. Regardless of what wrapper they put on this, it's already uninteresting.

Villiers is an opportunity to create a new type of context but it's starting with the exact same typology that's spreading across the rest of the city like a virus.
Not sure how I didn't see this until now but I'm thoroughly disappointed that they are bringing the mindless copy-paste Toronto podium-tower typology to Villiers Island.
Yeah there's some kind of mid-block connection... yawn. Regardless of what wrapper they put on this, it's already uninteresting.

Villiers is an opportunity to create a new type of context but it's starting with the exact same typology that's spreading across the rest of the city like a virus.
For the record - "the mindless copy-paste Toronto podium-tower typology" = the City of Toronto planning department's mandated Tall-Building Urban Design Guidelines (2013)...

