Developer: Goband Investment
Architect: SvN
Address: 23 Toronto St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 848 ft / 258.60 mStoreys: 80 storeys
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Toronto 23 Toronto Street | 258.6m | 80s | Goband Investment | SvN

Wow this parcel of land is right next door to 15 Toronto development which will stand at almost 202m. If this development becomes that tall or more along with it's proposed niebour. It will likely obscure some of the view of the Scotia Tower going south from the DVP into the downtown core lol!
Very good and important buildings here. The courthouse (now Terroni) dates back to 1851 and was designed by Frederic Cumberland. 19 Toronto is David Dick, 1876-1899. The best of Toronto’s 19th-century architects.

55 Adelaide was originally the west wing of the courthouse and was redesigned around 1900 as an appliance showroom for Consumers Gas.

(At one point the Consumers Gas HQ encompassed all these buildings.)
Northern Lights speculation from back in Nov seem rather apt. I hope the Terroni doesn't have to move, it's an institution. A pencil tower this is not though, I wish it was planned to be a bit skinnier...
According to Jack's piece, the application has been filed.

As yet, it is not public on the AIC.

I'll choose to bring this render forward, because it shows a material change at-grade, and it's one where we can easily do a 'now' and 'proposed'


Though, as was also mentioned in that thread, Madison and execution can be questionable, I'd far prefer their proposed treatment at grade than this proposal. Both Toronto Street and Court House Square deserve more than unadorned sheets of glass.

I'd also prefer nothing be built on top of the Consumer's Gas Bldg; it seems inevitable that most buildings in Toronto will eventually be reduced to facades so it'd be nice if we fully protected some of our best examples. I imagine a compromise could be made here that satisfies the density ask, but leaves 17 Toronto Street untouched.
File this under the same header as the fictitious Niagara Falls proposals. Unproven group won't be able to syndicate financing for this and get it through to construction. I just don't see it happening, sorry.
I assume this is only a massing as part of a plan to sell with the property with rezoning in place. Really ugly thrown together design by SvN for the purpose though, to my eye.

