Developer: Goband Investment
Architect: SvN
Address: 23 Toronto St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Office, Retail)
Status: Pre-ConstructionCompletion: TBD
Height: 848 ft / 258.60 mStoreys: 80 storeys
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Toronto 23 Toronto Street | 258.6m | 80s | Goband Investment | SvN

The Consumers Gas Building is a beautiful heritage building that dates back to before Confederation, though the Toronto Street facade is from 1876. It would be a travesty to demolish the building on account of its history and architecture, even if the facade were preserved.
It used to belong to the Prince of Liechtenstein - or the Grand Duke of Luxembourg - I always get them mixed up.
It used to belong to the Prince of Liechtenstein - or the Grand Duke of Luxembourg - I always get them mixed up.

re: Liechtenstein vs Luxembourg...Ever so different...and yet genealogically identical (pretty well)

Walking through this neighbourhood, I'm often amazed by how much remains. Toronto St. is really still quite a treasure, even with all of the -'90s-'00s interventions. This addition should be respectful...not sure I'm holding out hope for it though.

As for reconstruction of the Grand Opera...I think the controversy of it all has my vote.
This is the saddest news. I walk down the street on a weekly basis and have always enjoyed how quaint and fine-grained it is. I also had no idea how much more beautiful it was in the past, let alone that its future is in jeopardy with this new condo development :
At the very least they should keep the facades. It’d really be sad and a waste to have them go completely.
Please lord, let no one ever touch this site for a tower redevelopment.

Sadly, I think redevelopment will be upon us in a few years. I confronted a drone operator that was flying it high above Adelaide, between Church and Toronto Streets, a few months back. I was annoyed because it was perhaps no more than 15 - 20 metres from my balcony.
Sadly, I think redevelopment will be upon us in a few years. I confronted a drone operator that was flying it high above Adelaide, between Church and Toronto Streets, a few months back. I was annoyed because it was perhaps no more than 15 - 20 metres from my balcony.
Doubt there’s any worry of peepers with drones some just like to fly them
These three addresses were all once part of the consumers gas HQ. Also the one around the corner on Adelaide where Nami restaurant is today (which was originally part of the courthouse); after 1904 it was a showroom for gas appliances.

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SvN has registered to lobby starting next week on the above noted properties........

Red Flag on the play, this is a gorgeous heritage block, and nothing is likely to be done here w/o tearing down a couple of buildings outright. (give or take a facade)

Currently, 17-19 Toronto Street are fully designated, as is 57 Adelaide (old Courthouse, current Terroni); the remaining properties are only 'listed'.

This Assembly backs on to Court House Square and the associated park.


The total area of the above is just over 25,000ft2

I would only be guessing, but I'm suspecting that the proposal will retain the designated buildings in full and anything else of value will get a 'facadectomy'.

The 'listed-only' portion of the site (seen below) is still ~14,000ft2


Streetview: (Adelaide frontage - eastern portion)


Adelaide frontage (western portion) + Toronto street (northern portion)


Toronto Street, southern portion:


Obviously there's one single-storey non-sequitur that doesn't read as being any great loss................

But the rest I would prefer to keep thanks............

55 Adelaide is obviously in rough shape, but I think should be restore-able.
