That is absolute bullshit and you know it.
I live in this area. I am as pro-development as you'll get in Mimico. However, there is a line that is drawn and will not be crossed. This area will grow by about 20-30 thousand residents once all is said and done (this is based on currently completed/uc/proposed buildings, not including the Kraft lands). There has been basically no infrastructure or community improvements to handle the increased population. It is starting to be felt as Lake Shore can get quite backed up and Park Lawn is always a mess (due to drivers exiting to take Lake Shore since the Gardiner is perpetually clogged). On top of all of this you want to add another 10k residents? Are you out of your mind?
People keep bringing up Liberty Village, but that is not an accurate comparison. LV is less dense, will have less residents upon full build out and contains many more ways of moving people (multiple transit lines and a GO station in the actual neighbourhood). Not to mention an actual road network versus one east/west street and one north/south. This area simply cannot handle the increased population without some sort of massive infrastructure program to allow it.
Let Concord/whomever build 20 condo towers. I'm all for it! IF this is done in tandem with a GO station on the lands, the WWLRT and massive community perks.