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Toronto 2015 Pan American Games

While I applaud Bob Young for coming along to help save the Ti-cats a number of years ago, I hope he gets his wish only to see it fail. The Ticats have been doing just fine in a more restrictive urban format and other teams have done the same. "cough, Montreal, cough" This is a stupid idea and only goes to show he's doesn't give a damn about the city of Hamilton. Putting a stadium at the edge of downtown would only help turn the city around. Glad to see they haven't learned anything in the past 20 years.
Thanks for posting the article but it is hilarious that the Post still has a typo in the first word of the headline...
Hume: Hamilton stadium should be downtown

Published On Thu Jul 15 2010
By Christopher Hume
Urban Issues, Architecture

On this the rules are clear; stadiums are about more than sports and entertainment. Done well, these facilities can be a means of civic revitalization.

But of course, they aren’t all done well. Just down the QEW, Hamilton seems increasingly determined to do the wrong thing and build its new stadium in a suburban site accessible only by car.

Despite approved plans to proceed with a new facility in the middle of a city that could use all the help it can get, Steeltown is now considering a location on the East Mountain, far from transit, and not walkable.

What makes the switch disturbing is that it comes not just because of pressure from would-be tenants, the Hamilton Tiger-Cats, but more worryingly, from the province. This even though it flies in the face of the Premier Dalton McGuinty’ own smart growth legislation.

The Ticats and their owner, Bob Young, insist fans want a “driveway to driveway” experience. The problem downtown, Young explains, is lack of parking.

Ticat fans apparently don’t walk, ride or take transit. If true, that would make them as antediluvian as Young, who has yet to put aside his club.

The thing is that as part of Ontario’s Pan-American Games bid, Hamilton promised a new stadium at a downtown site serviced by transit — GO trains and LRT. The subtext, of course, was that it would help trigger much-needed downtown renewal. Given Hamilton’s decline, it was an idea that made a whole lot of sense, with or without the Games.


New proposal for harbour stadium
Plan includes developer's condo dream

July 21, 2010
Emma Reilly
The Hamilton Spectator
(Jul 21, 2010)

A landowner with property interests in the west harbour has come forward with an expanded proposal for the Pan Am stadium site that includes condos, luxury hotels and a stadium with a retractable roof.

Marino Rakovac, who owns property near Bay and Barton streets, has created a website that provides extensive details about the proposal.

The plans, detailed at, include hotel and condo towers, a bayfront village with restaurants and shops, and a retractable roof on the stadium that "consists of four arch truss frames covered in synthetic fabric or solid panels." The proposal also includes walkways connecting the stadium to Liuna Station on James Street.

Rakovac's website proposes the new stadium should be managed by the City of Hamilton, the Katz group -- the company of Edmonton Oilers owner Daryl Katz, which has expressed interest in operating the Pan Am stadium -- the Tiger-Cats and "perhaps others."

Rakovac could not be reached for comment about his proposal.

David Adames, the city's Pan Am point person, said he has met with Rakovac and the man brought "lots of enthusiasm" along with his ideas.

"We welcome creative ideas and get a lot of proposals and concepts about the stadium. This one is a little more developed than others."

Adames said there was no conversation about financing when he met Rakovac.

Rakovac bought the White Star property -- home to the former White Star Auto Wreckers -- 13 years ago and had hoped to build a 150- to 200-unit condo complex on the site. However, as the area is zoned for heavy industrial uses, the property needs a rezoning to residential before those condos can go ahead. While the city supports the rezoning, CN says there should be no new homes within 300 metres of its tracks.

According to downtown Councillor Bob Bratina, the city told Rakovac he needed approval from CN before they rezoned the area. Now, Bratina argues the city should rezone the land regardless of CN's position.

"He's trying to combine his residential part with a grander vision that may be so big it may interest the Tiger-Cats, so we'll see," Bratina said.

"It doesn't mean it's a slam dunk, but we would be crazy not to evaluate the situation."

Ticats president Scott Mitchell said he hadn't heard of the proposal before today.

"This is the first we've heard about it, and any business that has any credibility whatsoever would have contacted us previous to this."

Mitchell said the new plans don't change the football club's stance on the west harbour.

"I think it begs the question, after these shenanigans continue to go on, of 'Who is benefiting from these developments in the west harbour?,'" he said.

"The deadline is upon us to find a compromise solution. And if we don't find a solution, the stadium and everything that goes with the stadium is in jeopardy, including the Tiger-Cats."

The city and the football club have until Aug. 31 to reach an agreement on a stadium site. The Ticats are backing a location on the east Mountain.
West Harbour (Downtown) Support!

Hey guys! We really need your help convincing City Council to choose the West Harbour, Downtown location over the East Mountain, Suburban location...

Please sign the online petition:

There is a whole other thread developing about the Hamilton stadium.....don't feel like posting my comments on this proposal in two places but here is a link to the other thread.

Maybe the mods can decide if the Hamilton stadium thread has to be merged into this Pan Am games thread or if the comments in the Pan Am games thread about the Hamilton stadium need to be moved to the Hamilton stadium thread?
^it is a well produced little piece that tugs at heartstrings.

I guess, the debate comes down to whether Bob Young is correct in his belief that if it is built there you will be adding another clip in a couple of years that says "You See It......sitting empty reminding us of 2015"

I dunno, but that seems to be the issue.
^it is a well produced little piece that tugs at heartstrings.

I guess, the debate comes down to whether Bob Young is correct in his belief that if it is built there you will be adding another clip in a couple of years that says "You See It......sitting empty reminding us of 2015"

I dunno, but that seems to be the issue.

Or we locate it on the mountain, where we see a clip that says .... Tiger Cat Stadium... full of action 20 days a year... empty the other 345.
Or we locate it on the mountain, where we see a clip that says .... Tiger Cat Stadium... full of action 20 days a year... empty the other 345.

Perhaps you misinterpreted my comment as being in favour of the mountain....I don't know enough about either site to really comment.....but I do know that the owner of the Ti-Cats has said no to the West Harbour the mountain site, beyond the games, at least has a potential football tenant and a financial partner for the expansion......are there events that could/will take place if the stadium is at WH that would not take place at the mountain site? Is there a financial partner stepping up for the stadium expansion (post Pan Ams) to take it beyond the 15k proposed for the games?
45 million has been offered for the West Harbour site; Bob Young has offered 15 million. Plus the Hamilton Future Fund has refused to add any funding to an East Mountain stadium.
