Toronto 1 Yorkville | 183.18m | 58s | Bazis | Rosario Varacalli

If the building is almost ready to be occupied, when will the heritage facades be uncovered? I'm interested to see the restoration!
I think it's safe to say that this building is a dud in overcast conditions- it becomes a mishmash of grey-on-grey-on-grey.

Ground level is a disaster and a spandrel-fest easily seen from Townhall Square across the street- what a shame!
The City can only regulate insulated wall vs window (60 % to 40 if you're using window wall system) but they don't tell them what kind of solid surfacing they will allow or how many mullions they can have. Proponents can slap whatever they want to use on there as long as it meets various codes that are all determined by performance standards, not looks.

