Admiral Beez
Andrea, I think we can both agree that you'll disregard and dispute pretty much everything I say or claim, and disregard any of my attempts to sincerely reply to your replies and clarify any commentary. I think that's sweet, and the attention is certainly nice, but since you're never satisfied with my responses to your querries and comments, why do you keep making the effort? If I make a comment you don't like, and you reply in kind, I always try to clarify and address your concerns, and each time you throw it back, and post another negative rebuttal. What do you want me to say or do? You could say finding a way to your happiness is my top concern on UTI'm sure your support for gun control is just as strong as your support for linguistic and racial minorities. You've made any number of posts here that show just how credible you are when you claim to support something.
What would also be nice would be your proposal to bring real gun control to Toronto and Canada. I support a complete and immediate ban of all legally registered hand-guns, do you? I support very strong sentences for criminals that use guns, do you? How do you propose that we stop the illegal import of guns from the USA? My bus trip certainly seems to be a possible entry method for handguns, how do we stop these guys? How about we work together to stop the trade in illegal guns altogether?