I fail to see how a handgun ban would help at all. When was the last time you heard of anyone being shot with a legal handgun (those police officers in London, but you're going to have a hard time getting guns away from the police)? It's next to impossible to get a license for a handgun in Canada. For the most part, you have to be in law enforcement, the military, or in some cases private security. Even amongst these people, if you are found with a handgun on your person and you are not on your way to a gun club or work (you're found somewhere not between your house and where you're going to legally use the gun) you can be charged with a criminal offense. If the guns are not locked away in a gun safe, and the ammunition locked away in a separate place, you again will be charged, this is also true of rifles and shotguns.
Any of the people who have recently commited murders with handguns would have been arrested and put away if they had been caught with the gun before they'd shot anyone, so how would a ban help? It's already illegal, and there's stiff sentences attached.
I am glad we have such restrictive gun laws, but instituting a "ban" is just political posturing. They're plenty illegal to have already.