All I know is that if I were Canadian in this election, I'd definitely be voting Liberal. Stephen Harper is not a politician to deserve power in my opinion and the Canadian Liberals, while not perfect, would bring Canada back to a respectable position in the world with more moderate policies at home.
While I don't know how I am going to vote yet, I would never give the Liberals a blank check again. The scandals made me cancel my membership and now I will question every one of their policies before they earn my vote. I am sick of sheep braying "conservatives baaaad, liberals good". I think its good for democracy to have some change once in a while. I was worried that Harper would bring in some extreme right wing social policies. He hasn't done that. And he hasn't done anything fiscally right wing either....his tax cuts are way smaller than those of Chretien/Martin.
You suggest that Canada's position is weak in the world. Where was it under the Liberals, with reduced foreign aid and no effort to participate in anything with an emaciated military. Martin had started reversing some of that to his credit....but the job passed onto Harper. Is he a little too close to the US? Sure. But I like the principled stands he takes on countries like China. Somehow the Liberals talked a big game on human rights and then through them under the bus for the sake of trade. Canada's reputation will be maintained by actually living by our principles not by lecturing others and then not doing something.
I feel Harper's alienation of the pro-Kyoto government policy before him has eroded Canada's standing abroad, and his domestic policies of getting the Federal government closer to deficit than any budget in the last 10 years are just bad all around.
I had a politics prof who worked as Kyoto negotiator for the province of Ontario. He has some interesting stories about the federal negotiating. They were advised that 2% was all Ontario could do. They promised 6% just so Canada could look better than the States. Where is the independence in that policy? This is why Kyoto failed. It was unattainable from the start. And every province knew it. The Liberals had a decade in power. What's their record on Kyoto?
As for the deficit issue. I completely agree that the tax cuts were necessary. Why should the feds be allowed to run huge surpluses and bribe us with our own money annually? In Ottawa, all the government offices have a tradition called March Madness, where we try to spend all our unallocated funds as fast as possible to avoid them being retracted. All the cuts really did was remove surplus funds from most government ministries. Everybody in this town knows that. The federal government was running 10 billion dollar surpluses while the provinces and cities were running on fumes. The feds have now made room for the provinces to raise taxes.
Personally, during a downturn, I want the government to run a deficit, instead of raising taxes or cutting spending that would reduce stimulus to the economy. Running billion dollar surpluses and paying off debt during a downturn does not make good economic sense. Canada still has sound fiscal policies, the only change was the budget is closer to 0...and that's where it should be. Any finance minister worth his salt would avoid large surpluses (which take money out of the economy) just as he should large deficits.
The NDP stands up for civil rights in areas the Liberals seem weak, so I admire that.
The NDP stands for policies that benefit only big labour and a belief in taxing the middle class out of existence. Their union friendly policies in Toronto show where a future NDP government would take us. On a national scale, those policies would be disastrous.
For example, the Liberals seemed to roll over and take it when Harper shoved the immigration bill through earlier this year.
The immigration bill that proposed offering permanent residency to every student (a Liberal idea) and the one that proposed increasing some powers for the minister of immigration (also a Liberal idea). They codified practices that were already in place so that you can challenge them in court. I call that honourable. You can call that whatever you want. Perhaps you like the system before where entry could be denied for no reason.
Now that an election has been called only a few months later at the end of summer, the Liberals are in no better position today to have an election than before. Dion needs to grow some leadership skill.
I think he needs political skills. Policy wonks make good leaders in my opinion. Not personable leaders but good leaders.
What bothers me the most is how little was done for Ontario and Toronto specifically by the Liberals. One would have thought that a party that was elected with half to two thirds of its seats from Ontario, they would have done more for us. Yes, the Conservatives haven't been forthcoming either. But at least they have an excuse....few seats in Ontario, none in the 416. What was the Liberals excuse for doing nothing for Ontario while in power for over a decade?