Toronto The Bayview Terraced Condominium Residences | ?m | 10s | Daniels | Kirkor Architects COMPLETE


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Apr 23, 2007
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by the Humber
...translated for you from the French: (Click for the laugh, stay for the soundtrack.)

In North York's 'Little Paris" neighbourhood, at Bayview & Sheppard.

Wow the schlocky marketing folk are really scraping the bottom of the barrel with this one... It'll probably sell out by tomorrow.
Lord have Mercy..

I couldn't have done a better job at a spoof ad then what they actually did for real..
I believe there are condos in Quebec city with a name like Les Jardins Merci. There has been a few non-english names going up on buildings so I guess thank you was bound to pop up sooner than later.
The condo in Quebec City is called Les Jardins Merici, which is something less idiotic entirely. Daniels are also responsible for 'The Woods of Eggplant' - I mean Aubergine - in Oakville right now, so they are on a bit of a French bender. How long 'til they put up 'Le SuperSexe'?

They started building this one last year.

I can't wait for The Residences of Croque-Monsieur, or Zut (near Zip condos).
I can't wait to see Liberte, Egalite and Fraternite...barring that, le Mort, la Petite Mort and Merde will do nicely. What about German inspired condo names? I can think Schadenfreude would befit a few examples in Toronto...

^ Alvin:

I'm surprised very few condo developers have used Chinese names for condos. Condos in Toronto would sell really well if buildings are named "prosperity" or "fortune" like half of all the buildings in Hong Kong are.
I think the people are buying the condo unit, not the marketing shtick.
