Southcore Financial Ctr: PricewaterhouseCoopers Tower (18 York St, bcIMC, 26s, KPMB)

I prefer Toronto's version. Buildings like the one in London are reasons I agree with Prince Charles--disgusting and wrecking the old historic city.

Except that Foster's More London buildings - whatever you think of them as design objects - aren't wrecking the old historic city, since they're built on land that lay undeveloped for decades. Think of the West Don Lands or East Bayfront as a local comparison - George Brown+Corus+Pier 27+Sherbourne Park Pavilion for instance - buildings that are also as distinctively ours as Foster's More London cluster is distinctively theirs ( a point of comparison that maestro and yyzhyd have both alluded to ).

I agree that large architectural firms have a different dynamic from small firms. Beyond a certain size it can be difficult to maintain control and consistency and a sense of common creative purpose. I've heard that from a Foster architect, too, and nobody should be offended by the idea.
Took this pic when I was biking by on Thursday. Cement mixers waiting to come onto site:
When I drove by on Friday it looked an awful lot like they had skids of curtainwall loaded up on the second or third floor (hard to see, I was on the Gardiner). I think we might see some wall up next week
Taken yesterday evening from York street in front of the Royal York. This view will be changed significantly once 18 York is a bit higher.

Excited to see the glazing used on this tower.

Looking at those pics above-- the podium on Infinity is actually of a very nice scale-- the only issue is the overhang above the retail which stifles the openness of the first level.
