You need to get out more. First of all, there are dozens of subway extension of that length and that ridership (or lower) being built around the world. I lived in Munich for a bit, so the Messestadt and OEZ extensions come instantly to mind. Berlin is building the U5/U55 extension. As I've mentioned, the L train in New York had a lower ridership than Sheppard when Sheppard opened. It's also three times the length.
What other cities do is no justification for extending a poorly planned line. And the L line was built when? 1924?
Berlin built 1km of the U55, and it probably won't be extended anytime soon due to financial issues. You need to use better examples to prove your point.
Secondly, you remember incorrectly. Network 2011 studied subway, BRT, and LRT in detail. They recommended BRT with provisions for upgrade to LRT on Eglinton, and subway on Sheppard.
Actually, you're incorrect. The original 2011 plan never included any LRT lines. It was a subway plan, with a busway to Mississauga from Eg. West which would have been converted to subway eventually. This plan was conceived when subway construction was still in vogue. The TTC tried to change some of the lines to LRT, due to the rising costs of subway construction(sound familiar?) but the province wanted a fancy project instead. Enter the ICTS. Anyways, you wrong. The original plan had no LRT lines in it. The plan you're talking about is the plan the Liberals came up with, after killing the 2011 plan due to the cost.
This is one of the most blatant logical fallacies of the LRT planning (along with, of course, the inelastic demand numbers). What does "reaching" mean? It's all well and good if the purpose of these lines is to be able to look out your window and see an LRT line (or to put a streetcar in every ward, as Councillor de Baeremaeker said), but if you're actually trying to move people places, the most important thing is for the line to actually serve real travel patterns.
So.. Local medium and short distance are not real travel patterns? No wonder you support subway lines with pitiful ridership. Newsflash. Not everyone wants to go downtown, or to STC, and we should not be wasting billions to get them there as quickly as possible when a cheaper option can do the job just fine. The LRT is expected to interline with the SRT(converted), so rider will have a transit option to STC.
The blatant logical fallacy is this asinine assumption that people only want to go to downtown, or STC.
How many people in Morningside Heights actually want to go down to Kingston Road? How many people by Rouge Park actually want to go to Fairview Mall? How many people at Jane and Finch actually want to go to Jane and Eglinton? Most of these lines deliberately bypass established hubs like Scarborough Centre because it's a mall (ew! ick!) despite the fact that it's by far the biggest destination in Scarborough. Trips can also include more than one mode. For example, a person riding from Malvern to Downtown will now have two Transit City routes in their neighbourhood. They're not likely to ride either of them. As Adam Giambrone said, the Sheppard LRT will be too slow for people going all the way downtown. The same is certainly true for the Morningside line. The best way to give people all over north, northeast, and east Scarborough a faster, more reliable, and more comfortable ride is to replace the RT with a subway. Yes, the subway might not be in front of their door, but it will benefit far more people.
Just like how the Sheppard Subway is benefit North York residents.
And Mr. Giambrone is correct. If you want to go downtown, you should be taking GO. Of course we need to convince GO to provide better 416 service. Makes me wonder why no one is advocating that.
Again, spending billions to build one subway line so people can get to downtown faster is stupid. It's still not faster than the car. And yes, building subway between nodes is a bad idea too.
And no, I would not advocate cancelling subway lines. Unlike most members on this board, I do not place one mode above another. I think the Spadina extension is a waste, but I am not going to call for it's cancellation. It's paid for, build it, and make the best of it.
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