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September 11th: Real or Fraud?

Was 9/11 an inside job?

  • Yes

    Votes: 46 33.8%
  • No

    Votes: 90 66.2%

  • Total voters
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I don't believe that 9/11 was an "inside job" but I have no doubt that U.S. intelligence and Bush himself had PRIOR KNOWLEDGE of the attacks (lots of evidence of this exists) and let it happen as it would provide a pretext to wage war against Iraq. While I believe that they knew the U.S. was going to get hit they probably had no idea the attack would be so successful. I also think that all the crazy theories out there such as a missile struck the Pentagon or the Trade Center Towers were brought down by explosives were fabricated and spread by U.S. Intelligence agencies as part of a disinformation campaign. This is standard operating procedure for CIA "spooks". In order to cover their tracks, they spread all kinds of crazy theories that can be easily discredited. Eventually anyone who questions the "official story" is discredited as a "tin foil hat" wearing "conspiracy theorist". This has worked well for them - genuine questions such as "what did Bush know and when did he know it" have all been drowned out by talk about silly theories.
We'll never know what Bush (or Cheney) knew and when they knew it. They were allowed to testify, together, in secret, and without any recording of the proceedings before the 9/11 commission.
It’s really sad to see that almost 70% of respondents to this poll have “little to no common senseâ€. My guess is that those 70% are the same ones who believe the United States (AKA -World Super Power) was caught off guard…..

It all depends on what you mean by “an inside job.†Did the United States plan this whole geo-political drama? I don’t think they did but then again nothing surprises me anymore. I have no doubt that someone somewhere at the top knew something was going to happen!

You know if this event happened in a developing country, it would not be quite as shocking, but we are talking about the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. For a country that spends 607 Billion (approx 41% of world share) on their defence budget you would think their fighter jets would be able to intercept the four hijacked planes that day…

I remember when I was gullible and believed everything our Southern neighbours said. ;)

I remember the day 9/11 happened; I was cheering Bush on and hoped he would go after the bastards!! :cool:

On October 7, 2001 I watched as “Operation Enduring Freedom†began in Afghanistan and there I was cheering them on, let’s get Osama and teach him a lesson to not mess with the West. Then as the months went by, it seemed the job was harder than expected and all of a sudden on March 20, 2003, the military invasion of Iraq began…what happened? Did Osama relocate to Iraq or did I miss something? Oh well, that Saddam is also a bastard, might as well clean up the region while you are there. Slowly the US focused on Iraq (let’s not forget the WMD) and forgot about Afghanistan. As the war(s) continued, so did the contradictions, news of corporate profiteering, news of connections with top U.S. officials, and the list goes on.

And to add insult to injury, how about the Air pollution at ground zero? On September 18th 2001, Christine Todd Whitman infamously announced on behalf of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that "The air is safe to breathe". With 40,000 responders who were directly exposed to the fallout at Ground Zero, they now face the very real prospect that more people will die from the effects of the aftermath, than were killed in the actual attacks themselves.

How can a developed country lie to its Citizens? I am hoping you can shed some light. :confused:

I used to love the US, now I wouldn’t even touch it with a 10’ pole. :rolleyes:

All in all, it comes down to money and power. Governments don’t care about a few getting hurt as long as the right people make a good profit!

Here are some reads for those 70% of you: :p

Academic Paper on the collapse of the WTC buildings – with evidence and videos;

Is the war profitable? Well, I don’t know; why don’t you tell me?

Air Pollution at Ground Zero:
I think it was an inside job. Never before in the history of the world has an iron skyscraper collapsed because it had fire on two of its floors (WTC7).

actually I learnt this in one of my urban design courses, the world trade centre was built so that the weight of the building was handled by the outside walls. Normally the a skyscraper's weight is handled within the inner core of the building, but the world trade centre bore it all on the outside. It is due to this that the building was so vulnerable to the attacks.
actually I learnt this in one of my urban design courses, the world trade centre was built so that the weight of the building was handled by the outside walls. Normally the a skyscraper's weight is handled within the inner core of the building, but the world trade centre bore it all on the outside. It is due to this that the building was so vulnerable to the attacks.

He was talking about WTC7, a building that was not directly involved in the attacks. Although there's many great pictures online showing the WTC under construction, the idea that the outer walls was supporting the bulk of the weight seems to be nonsense, they had unusually large cores even for such tall buildings.
WTC7 was BushCo's masterstroke. Certainly, the complete destruction of WTC1 & 2 would be spectacular, but would only be sufficient to mildly annoy most Americans. To really get them riled up, a building nearer and dearer to the hearts of all Americans had to go, and what better candidate than that most beloved of buildings, WTC7? ;)
I never heard of WTC7 before this thread. Clearly it's a conspiracy since there were actually 7, not 2 towers.
After watching Governor Jesse Ventura's investigation, I am convinced that the U.S. government is covering up information and evidence because it had some complicity in the events of September 11th.
The funny thing is in Jesse's show only covered some important things that suggest that it was an inside job. I don't understand how anyone can look at all the evidence and still think that it wasn't planned by our government.

GenerationW why? honestly why? I just don't understand why? why would you say something like that? why continue to be brainwashed while the evidence sits in front of your face?
Kamuix said:
I don't understand how anyone can look at all the evidence and still think that it wasn't planned by our government.

I just can't see BushCo trusting Jean Chrétien to pull it off.
GenerationW why? honestly why? I just don't understand why? why would you say something like that? why continue to be brainwashed while the evidence sits in front of your face?
You don't understand why I would call a guy a huckster who was schooled in the biggest huckster business there is -- pro wrestling? Seriously??
Fair enough but it sounds like you're using that as an excuse to reject his investigation he did. Like.. oh alex is a rambling idiot so i'm going to let a small insult convince me that everything he says is bullshit so that i can continue to believe what i'm too narrow minded to look past

Dodging every good point and generalizing. What about Pretzels post? no reply to that! *Looks a gristle who wanted a valid source*
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