building babel
Johnny Boy doesn't talk of a "fear of heights" movement stalking our fair city like the Grim Reaper. He merely points out that our elected representatives acted on our behalf to ensure that we benefit from maximum sunlight when we stroll or sit in Nathan Phillips Square on sunny days, which is right and proper.
Toronto has no fear of being "showy" when it is appropriate to be showy: The CN Tower, the Crystal, OCAD, the City Room where Babel was gloriously showy last night in his mammoth wooly, etc. Perhaps we are shy of ostentatiously doing the inappropriate thing, and therefore default to the modest and the contextual when in doubt? Perhaps Toronto Style is as much a state of mind, an approach to doing things that represents our values, as an actual style of buildings that some people might search for in glossy foreign archiporn journals in order to accrue some sense of self worth ... and be disappointed when they don't find?
Toronto has no fear of being "showy" when it is appropriate to be showy: The CN Tower, the Crystal, OCAD, the City Room where Babel was gloriously showy last night in his mammoth wooly, etc. Perhaps we are shy of ostentatiously doing the inappropriate thing, and therefore default to the modest and the contextual when in doubt? Perhaps Toronto Style is as much a state of mind, an approach to doing things that represents our values, as an actual style of buildings that some people might search for in glossy foreign archiporn journals in order to accrue some sense of self worth ... and be disappointed when they don't find?