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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Would MSH really go as far as helping to fake an illness?


Doug sold drugs to a lot of rich kids that are now doctors, lawyers and cops.
When he shows up at their door to asks for a favour, they do it.

Why would they do it? Deep down, drug dealers are not very nice guys.
Example: Our friends son owed a dealer some money.
The dealer threatened to cut off his fingers.
Hi parents paid off the debt.
The kid was 12.
Y'know, I went to the Roncy Polish festival tonite, and thought to myself: there's a real "void" (if I may call it that) left by the absence of a selfie-swarmed Rob Ford. And given how a lot of the Polish community adores him (with an assist from Renata, of course), you can be sure he would have gone there at some point. And been swarmed. And caused conniptions among the anti-Fords: "aw, jeez, he's so popular, we'll *never* get him", that sort of thing.

And there's no. freaking. way. that except by way of tokenism, DoFo would have been swarmed thusly.

And with that in's elevating my skepticism of conspiracy theories; or else, if there *is* something afoot, it's been bungled badly. Because if Ford were faking it, he wouldn't have "betrayed the people" like this; and I doubt that the Fords have some kind of well-considered tantric-withholding strategy in place.

Behind the scenes, I get this feeling that everyone involved got caught up in a massive "oh, crap" circumstance, and had to act quickly. *Real* quickly. And in the process, losing track of what Rob Ford's magnetism was *really* all about...
If they continue to have consent to discuss patient condition with the media. Consent can be withdrawn at any time.

I love that meme!

As for whatever the results are, saying he has cancer would play right into their intentions of gaining sympathy. A benign tumor would have them telling people that he is really healthy now.

Y'know, I went to the Roncy Polish festival tonite, and thought to myself: there's a real "void" (if I may call it that) left by the absence of a selfie-swarmed Rob Ford. And given how a lot of the Polish community adores him (with an assist from Renata, of course), you can be sure he would have gone there at some point. And been swarmed. And caused conniptions among the anti-Fords: "aw, jeez, he's so popular, we'll *never* get him", that sort of thing.

And there's no. freaking. way. that except by way of tokenism, DoFo would have been swarmed thusly.

And with that in's elevating my skepticism of conspiracy theories; or else, if there *is* something afoot, it's been bungled badly. Because if Ford were faking it, he wouldn't have "betrayed the people" like this; and I doubt that the Fords have some kind of well-considered tantric-withholding strategy in place.

Behind the scenes, I get this feeling that everyone involved got caught up in a massive "oh, crap" circumstance, and had to act quickly. *Real* quickly. And in the process, losing track of what Rob Ford's magnetism was *really* all about...

Yes, Doug usually gets selfies only because Rob is there.
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Mount Sinai's hand are tied. They can't release anything a patient doesn't want released, but if said patient (or patient's family) starts spewing crap they can't say anything.

Ford still b.eing in hospital is fishy - my Dad had a diagnosis of cancer and was sent home. Unless Ford's detoxing/in extreme pain (in which case they would do surgery), he should be waiting at home (instead of taking up a real person's spot)

I am super curious what should happen if a patient/family comes out and says something that's totally against evidence. I am guessing the hospital is tied.
If they continue to have consent to discuss patient condition with the media. Consent can be withdrawn at any time.

I keep coming back to the doctor not saying how big the tumour is. Did the Fords instruct him not to give the size? Is it really small but they want to get sympathy with the biggest tumour ever?
If they continue to have consent to discuss patient condition with the media. Consent can be withdrawn at any time.

Hideous problem for the physicians if Rob (probably steered by Doug and Mom) starts saying "you can talk about X but you have to respect confidentiality about Y." I hope the response will be, Fuck that shit, we'll be totally transparent or utterly silent, tell us which one you want.

That is awesome. Awesomely funny, awesomely accurate.
"Soon the Doug Ford selfies will appear. But who will be in them?"

I remember when they were at Taste Of Lawrence that Doug and Rob would take pictures together with a few people. Most people just wanted to see Rob though.

More rambling by Wormington.

Chad Driscoll @ChaDriscoll
Rob Ford is Mario and Doug Ford is Luigi and no way in hell people wanna buy a Super Luigi Brothers game. #topoli
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I remembered an interesting detail about my wifes problems 10 years ago....

It took about 2 weeks for pathology to come back with a diagnosis a Sarcoma.
It was a bad one. We were looking at months!

About 5-6 weeks later we find out pathology made an error. Its not a sarcoma at all.
Its a rare inflammatory myofibroblastic pseudotumor. Benign!

So stuff like that does happen and could happen again...

Doug sold drugs to a lot of rich kids that are now doctors, lawyers and cops.
When he shows up at their door to asks for a favour, they do it.

No shortage of tinfoil out here on Saturday night, I see!

First, it is not plausible that the staff of MSH are wittingly conspiring with the Fords to perpetuate some sort of lie as to whether or not there is anything wrong with Rob. Beyond their original communication that there is a mass in the lower left quadrant of his abdomen, they have made exactly zero other claims. I have no doubt there is a mass in that area. What exactly it is, no one has said. So I think the notion that two separate hospitals are in on some grand scheme is super duper unlikely.

I personally think it's kind of unlikely a Rob would just leave a tumor inside him to grow just to try to pull ... whatever that was that we all witnessed on Friday. It's not like that switcheroo was some super-smooth move that left anyone in awe of their political savvy. I think it's plausible that Rob was sick and knew it, but might not have known it would knock him out like this. I could totally be wrong, of course.

Either way, I think talk that the hospitals/doctors are in on a fake tumor is quite ... Ludacris!
No shortage of tinfoil out here on Saturday night, I see!

Either way, I think talk that the hospitals/doctors are in on a fake tumor is quite ... Ludacris!

I don't think I actually read anyone who suggested that the Doctors or hospitals were actually deceiving the public in their statements regarding Rob's condition. (I could be wrong. I'm not perfect) What I did read was people questioning whether the Fords were aware of this "mass" earlier than last Wednesday.
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Some of the last known photos of the Ford-Kouvalis gang, taken about 2010, at the time of their heist of Toronto City Hall.

Ma Ford, pictured left, was thought to be the ringleader, while Alvin Kouvalis masterminded the gang’s strategy, which included being constantly on the run (ima ‘ide ‘ere, ima ‘ide dere), bait-and-switch, as well as public lying and failing to disclose important information to the police.

Ma Ford’s 3 sons and grandson were major figures in committing acts many would call criminal, with the key focus falling on the second eldest, “Thugâ€, before he became Public Enema #1 in 2014.

That passage in Crazytown describing the Tory dinner meeting with the Fofam brain trust certainly paints Ma Bak..I mean Ma Ford to be quite the formidable matriarch. In a completely and totally unrelated matter that has no connection whatsoever, this is one of my favorite Boney M song. ;)
I don't think I actually read anyone who suggested that the Doctors or hospitals were actually deceiving the public in their statements regarding Rob's condition. (I could be wrong. I'm not perfect) What I did read was people questioning whether the Fords were aware of this "mass" earlier than last Wednesday.

The reply I quoted seemed to suggest others were deceiving as well.
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