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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I'm thinking Doug doesn't know/care how much people hate/distrust him, but he figures there should be a Ford on the mayoral ballot. If he loses, he won't care - he's not interested in politics (not anymore).

Rob is running in Ward 2 to save face by running on a ballot, somewhere, for something. He may be counting on name recognition or sympathy, but he hasn't done any of the groundwork that Andray Domise has. Even if Rob does win, how long could he really be in office?

As for Mikey, well, they had to find something for him to do. Who better to be a school trustee than someone whose high school years are not so far behind him?
Iff it is a malignant tumour that is. After today's event, I think the probability should be viewed through a cynical lens.

Sorry if this is a dumb question (I am new here), but if the doctors do find out this cancer is real and quite serious, are the Ward 2 residents really going to vote for someone who could be dead soon or at least unable to even show up at city hall?
Wow! This day has been a whirlwind of activity. It has taken me this long just to get caught up from last night. I have only one thing to say: In this game of maniacal musical chairs being played so brazenly by the entire Ford clan and their demonic minions I sincerely hope that when the clown music stops the chairs are all occupied by the sane.
Well, now Doug is running on the same strategy as Tory and Stintz - Rob Ford's concern for the taxpayer wallet, but without the Skandal. He does seem a lot less likeable than clumsy goof Rob, but then we thought (now and four years ago) that it was evident to everyone that Rob was an idiot. Still they voted for him. We might be viewing things from the echo chamber. Maybe Doug will remain not so likeable, but then I don't know if Tory and Chow are particularly likeable. The dominant impression lately is that Chow has been uninspiring and that people would be holding their nose voting for Tory. Maybe those who voted for Rob four years ago but can't now due to his personal behaviour could be convinced to vote for Doug. Both Tory and Chow are capable of imploding, and the Fords dance over everything. Nothing here is predictable.
"The Babe Ruth Story". Sometimes referred to as the sports version of "Plan 9 from Outer Space."

I am thinking of the scene on the street outside the hospital as the kids sing "Take me out to the ball game" as The Babe valiantly battles The Big C.

I prefer the SCTV version.

"Gee Babe, can you eat fifty hot dogs? It sure would make me laugh".

"What? Fifty hot dogs? Where am I gonna get fifty hot dogs, kid?"

"Right here Mr. Ruth".
I don't know about hydrating. Sure, it's mostly liquid but I think it's the salt and fat that are restorative. Certainly feels that way even without a hangover.

Most of a hangover is dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Plenty of water and sodium in ramen. It's made with dashi (a Japanese stock) and thus kombu, which is high in mono sodium glutamate, in addition there's soy sauce, miso, and other ingredients high in salts. And if you want the fats, Tonkotsu (pork) ramen has plenty of pork bone marrow fat in the broth, and pieces of charsiu (pork belly).

As a former fine dining line cook, I can tell you that many rely on Ramen to be able to get through hard drinking (amongst other, more Rob-friendly substances).

My wife, a 4-year resident of Japan also tells me that ramen is the go-to for hangovers there. Ramen is their cure-all meal.
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Sorry if this is a dumb question (I am new here), but if the doctors do find out this cancer is real and quite serious, are the Ward 2 residents really going to vote for someone who could be dead soon or at least unable to even show up at city hall?

Yes. I know it's been said by me and others on this thread (and people on Twitter) already but it needs to keep getting hammered home:
-If Rob has cancer, he shouldn't be committing to any job like this right now
-If he does not, he is admitting he couldn't handle the workload of his current job; the one he loves so much and thinks he's so great at

There is just no logic to him saying he can't handle the workload of mayor when he has no clue what his diagnosis is.

Unless, of course, he does....but I still choose to believe they haven't sunk that low.
On the other hand, the previous prediction by Kouvalis (and by MetroMan a few days ago) certainly make it seem like the plan was in place and they were waiting for the right excuse to put it into play.

If he's fine, he can totally still be mayor and if he's not, well, then there's bigger fish to fry than saving the taxpayers of Ward 2 from the evils of Mayor Tory, aren't there? What is there that Mikey can't handle? And if Doug is mayor, you have even less reason to worry about Ward 2, right? How far out of wack are his priorities that he realized he couldn't stay in the mayoral race but couldn't let Ward 2 go?

It's VERY strange.
Does anyone know the German translation for this new clusterfuck? I can't wait to see that headline.

(my German is rusty, it's been a while, but I know they can get an awesome compound noun out of this)
Yes. I know it's been said by me and others on this thread (and people on Twitter) already but it needs to keep getting hammered home:
-If Rob has cancer, he shouldn't be committing to any job like this right now
-If he does not, he is admitting he couldn't handle the workload of his current job; the one he loves so much and thinks he's so great at

There is just no logic to him saying he can't handle the workload of mayor when he has no clue what his diagnosis is.

Unless, of course, he does....but I still choose to believe they haven't sunk that low.
On the other hand, the previous prediction by Kouvalis (and by MetroMan a few days ago) certainly make it seem like the plan was in place and they were waiting for the right excuse to put it into play.

If he's fine, he can totally still be mayor and if he's not, well, then there's bigger fish to fry than saving the taxpayers of Ward 2 from the evils of Mayor Tory, aren't there? What is there that Mikey can't handle? And if Doug is mayor, you have even less reason to worry about Ward 2, right? How far out of wack are his priorities that he realized he couldn't stay in the mayoral race but couldn't let Ward 2 go?

It's VERY strange.

Domise has made huge strides in Ward 2 and I hope that momentum isn't dead now that Rob is running again.
Someone posted this on FB:

This is what we'll learn... Rob was diagnosed 3 months ago in the first week of rehab, when he was checked into hospital with a benign growth in his abdomen but didn't say anything. Now with a tell-all book being released, tanking in the polls, and the deadline to switch candidacies with Doug and nephew Mike looming, the Fords, in a calculated manner, decided to check Rob into hospital and perpetrate yet another massive lie on the people of Toronto.

I think Doug's polling numbers will be the same or close to Rob's. There's less dirt on Doug, but he's less "likeable". Sympathy votes for Rob go to Doug as well. The absolute worst thing would be if those against Rob's shenanigans feel Doug has a better moral character and move over to him.
I just hope that this election is being watched under a microscope for any corruption and/or attempts to fix it.

the "Sideshow Bob Roberts" episode of the Simpsons comes to mind.

(my German is rusty, it's been a while, but I know they can get an awesome compound noun out of this)

I tried google translate for councillor and it gave me "Rätin"

Krackskandalrätin just doesn't do it for me.:(
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