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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Is that headline for real?

Torontos Skandalbürgermeister mit Tumor in Klinik

It sounds like the "German" Benny Hill used to speak on his old show.

lol Skandalbürgermeister translates to "mayor scandal" using Google Translate.
But that effort will be overshadowed by 4 years of a Tory led council sitting around campfires singing "Kumbaya", eating Smores and building Subways. Nobody will want to return to what we just came through...

Besides - the highlight real of Rob Ford's court-side testimony has yet to be previewed. Lisi, Brazen 2, Conflict of Interests.... it will be Tory's own Zapruder film.

One would hope. I definitely wasn't trying to predict the future, just speculating on what Kanada's Kennedy Klan might be thinking. But people have a short memory so in a future three candidate race he'd only need a relative handful to be sucked in by the four years of BS. Please let it not happen though.
Is that headline for real?

Torontos Skandalbürgermeister mit Tumor in Klinik

It sounds like the "German" Benny Hill used to speak on his old show.

It's absolutely for real - why wouldn't it be? It's no different from headlines in English that omit articles and most forms of the verb 'to be'.

It quotes a 'visibly affected brother Doug' as saying Rob is 'in good spirits/optimistic', FWIW
What ever happened with the investigation into the city hall bomb threat?

Nobody's got time for that! MINO has a tumor! Lisi? Tumor! Anthony Smith, what is the connecti- Tumor! Allegations of continuing DUI, TUMOR! Conflict of intere- Gimme a T! Gimme a U! Gimme a, ah let's just go straight to it. Tumor!
No matter what health problems Ford has, he is the same person that he was yesterday morning, before the news broke. I don't wish cancer on anyone, but he was still a bad mayor and of questionable character.
Hopefully this will see him withdraw and finally go away, but if not and I have further reason to comment in this thread, I will henceforth use the term SkandalBurgermeister Ford rather than Mayor Ford. It just fits the man.
Strongly against the idea of delaying the election - the date is chosen because of the length of the term, not whether one of the whether one of the candidate is physically fit enough to run. To make an exception would open it to abuse.

Pure speculation of course, but consider that the tumour was discovered some months ago, and the strategy was to wait and see how the chances for re-election developed. If it looks good, they stay quiet and deal with the health thing after. If it looks bad, as it does now, they use the issue to bail at the last second, not as a way to parachute anyone else in, but just a way to exit the race with no chance of stigma as a "quitter" for pulling out or as a "loser" for when Tory wins, which looks increasingly likely.

This sets RoFo up for the next election without the taint of said failures, gives him four years of complete freedom to criticize, whine, bluster and feed the trolls like Warmington to keep his name well known. Plenty of disgraced politicians have pulled off such come backs and perhaps this seems to FoFam like a good tactical retrenchment.

While this is entirely possible, it would be an example of baaaaaddd short-sighted judgment on the Fords' part. Worrying about 2018 is delusional. If he drops out, he will no longer have the position of mayor as a 'shield' for his criminal behavior. As an every day citizen, TPS would no longer have the stigma of dealing with 'political' undertones if they arrest him. Even if he is never arrested, the Lisi trial is pretty sure to generate enormous negative publicity for him. Then there is the McIntyre lawsuit and a cadre of journalists digging up everything they can on him. On top of that, what are the odds that he even makes it to 2018? Ignoring the tumour, 4 years a LONG time for him to behave without a carrot being dangled in front of him. He could go completely off the rails if he doesn't have the responsibility of being the mayor and having to work 2-3 hours a day. Cue catastrophic meltdown.
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lol Skandalbürgermeister translates to "mayor scandal" using Google Translate.

GT getting it wrong again: as you might guess from the order of the words, it's actually 'scandal mayor'.

The first paragraph describes him as 'skandalumwittert', which is approximately 'scandal-plagued'.

I was about to say something about how refreshingly candid (compared to the Toronto and English-Canadian media) the description in the last paragraph was:

Im vergangenen November gestand Ford nach hartnäckigem Leugnen, Crack geraucht und jahrelang illegale Drogen konsumiert zu haben
(Last November, Ford admitted, after persistent denial, having smoked crack and taken illegal drugs for years)

but then I realized I had mixed up Leugnen (denying) with Lügen (lies). For a moment I thought a media outlet was finally calling Ford what he is.
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