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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I hate Deadmau5. Our politics are not a joke or entertainment.
Seriously? We elected Rob Ford as Mayor of Toronto! He was so far from being a reasonable person, much less candidate, and we elected him. Quite frankly, our politics were and are a joke until he's beaten in October.

To the point of 'why do some of us believe Ford's support is much lower than the polls' -- It's because his negatives are so absurdly high. He literally CANNOT go up, as those who don't already identify as Ford supporters will never move to him.

Tory is looking better in the debates. I'm still not a fan of his transit silliness, but he has a jovial manner when he is off camera that might get him more votes than I originally thought.

IMHO, Chow is still the frontrunner by miles, because Tory doesn't crossover well to her core lefty vote. I'm betting, though, that there will be a big swing to either Tory or Chow in the last three weeks, depending on which is considered 'most likely to beat Ford'. Because defeating Ford is the goal of well over 50% of the electorate -- all those who say, clearly, in every poll, that they would never vote for him. And that is SUCH a good thing.
If this happened, I worry it could start a riot—a literal rodney-king-like riot.

Oh for sure. And if rodofo wins a 2nd term, and gets shut out in council chamber and becomes MINO again. He will likely kick up an even bigger tantrum and fecal storm. I have no doubt of his malice and huge sense of entitlement when it comes to things like that. If Rofo can't have it, no one else can.
And if the Fords are trying to boost Stintz in order to pull from Tory's numbers, they are doing a piss poor job of it. Being buddy-buddy with Ford is only a positive in the eyes of Ford's own supporters. She needs to differentiate herself from and directly pull votes from Tory. Her Ford-lite schtick isn't going to to pull that off in the substantive manner that the Fords need.
Gee, RRR, that is suprising to me being called a Ford booster...I would suggest I'm far from it (and that goes as back as far as the mid '70's) ...and yes I have experience, that does not make me infallible, it makes me cautious, I learn from my errors.....I'm not sure what I did to get a bee in your bonnet, I was under the impression our conversations were for the most part pragmatic and lighthearted....
I have stated many times David Soknacki is my preferred candidate....
I find this thread sometimes borders on "fairy tale" with speculation, innuendo and less than informed views however it is fun to read even when imagination takes flight...I have the same view of the IHTWOMRF site however they seem more venal and spiteful harder to take and somewhat more jaundiced...
I`ll add that a number of polls have shown that 70% of us consistently have wanted Ford to resign throughout the last year.
There is no way Ford has more than 20% of the vote come election day. That's being generous. And there is no way that he gains an appreciable number of supporters between now and then.

I gotta agree with that. His numbers aren't as big as he and some want to believe. There's a whole lotta confirmation bias and cherry picking going on regards to the media these days. In order to show a "balanced" report, they take one opinion from the pro-Ford side and one from the anti-Ford side and it ends up looking like it's a 50/50 split. Proportionally speaking however, it's just wrong. If Ford has a generous 20% support, the media will not show four anti-Ford opinions/commentators/etc for every one pro-Ford, because it doesn't seem "balanced"; the same as the news media always hauling out a single climate change denier to debate a single scientist (despite an astounding 97% consensus amongst scientists that climate change is real). Essentially, arming the nut jobs with media attention has made things look bigger than they are. And that's been working to the detriment of both Anti-Forders and Pro-Forders. We think they're more numerous than they are, and it depresses us. They think they're more numerous than they are and it emboldens them. It's gonna be a world of emotional distress when Ford loses the election.

I always take IHTWOMRF as the test of what Ford's numbers really are. The page likes have been stuck below 4000 for almost a year. It's not moving, and at times has been declining, only to rise back up to the same number. It's stagnant, and depressingly low. And it is the biggest pro-Ford site on Facebook.

NOTE: The Facebook page for St-Pierre & Miquelon (the french-as-in-territory-of-France islands off the coast of Newfoundland) has over 4800 likes. The islands have a population of just under 6000. That is true support. But I digress.

The biggest ANTI-Ford Facebook page (500,000 Voters for a Rob Ford Free Toronto; started during the 2010 election) has almost 25000 likes, and seems to have some steady growth. Even just comparing that with IHTWOMRF, it puts Ford at below the 20% mark.
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7. I want him in charge when public sector contracts with bloated pensions and benefits come up for renewal.

North America seems the only place in the world where workers look at someone with better job benefits than them and say "if I don't have that, neither should they", instead of demanding that their employers bring them up to par. ETA: I might add that setting a positive example is part of the reason public sector jobs *are* paid and benefitted well.
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Seriously? We elected Rob Ford as Mayor of Toronto! He was so far from being a reasonable person, much less candidate, and we elected him. Quite frankly, our politics were and are a joke until he's beaten in October.

To the point of 'why do some of us believe Ford's support is much lower than the polls' -- It's because his negatives are so absurdly high. He literally CANNOT go up, as those who don't already identify as Ford supporters will never move to him.

Tory is looking better in the debates. I'm still not a fan of his transit silliness, but he has a jovial manner when he is off camera that might get him more votes than I originally thought.

IMHO, Chow is still the frontrunner by miles, because Tory doesn't crossover well to her core lefty vote. I'm betting, though, that there will be a big swing to either Tory or Chow in the last three weeks, depending on which is considered 'most likely to beat Ford'. Because defeating Ford is the goal of well over 50% of the electorate -- all those who say, clearly, in every poll, that they would never vote for him. And that is SUCH a good thing.

The question is where was this fire from the people 4 years ago. The fact is like you said electorate voted him in, and it reflects on the electorate. Right now, they look short sighted and greedy.
The question is where was this fire from the people 4 years ago. The fact is like you said electorate voted him in, and it reflects on the electorate. Right now, they look short sighted and greedy.

I think a lot of people who voted for Ford didn't really look beyond the image of him as a guy who appeared to save money by watching every penny. Aspects such as his honesty or reasonableness weren't really on their radar.
... I'm beginning to admire their scheming abilities.

This is the new facet for me. I have guilty pleasuringly followed damn near every post since join date, since join. Folks, I tell ya, tell ya, that I thought RoFo was an imbecile at my first exposure (bike lane bleed rant). I had no idea about anything political (most political ever!) in TO, or DoFo, MoFo and the entire FoFam (TM).

This surreal 201 lesson in "retail politics" (thanks for this, among the many other gems in this thread) has actually shifted my feelings on Toronto from disdain to something more complicated. I feel for people that just want to live well, but am awed at how FoFam can be so thoroughly repugnant, yet seemingly smarter than the system.
The question is where was this fire from the people 4 years ago. The fact is like you said electorate voted him in, and it reflects on the electorate. Right now, they look short sighted and greedy.

There was an "Anyone But Ford" movement during the last election, and the 500,000 Voters for a Rob Ford Free Toronto Facebook page was started when his polls started to go up. There was fire then, but to the mass public, he wasn't as egregiously repulsive as he appears now. At worst, he was seen as a bit of a loser with some addiction issues and not the full-out crackhead who hangs out with gangs and stinks of corruption that he is now.
I gotta agree with that. His numbers aren't as big as he and some want to believe. There's a whole lotta confirmation bias and cherry picking going on regards to the media these days. In order to show a "balanced" report, they take one opinion from the pro-Ford side and one from the anti-Ford side and it ends up looking like it's a 50/50 split. Proportionally speaking however, it's just wrong. If Ford has a generous 20% support, the media will not show four anti-Ford opinions/commentators/etc for every one pro-Ford, because it doesn't seem "balanced"; the same as the news media always hauling out a single climate change denier to debate a single scientist (despite an astounding 97% consensus amongst scientists that climate change is real). Essentially, arming the nut jobs with media attention has made things look bigger than they are. And that's been working to the detriment of both Anti-Forders and Pro-Forders. We think they're more numerous than they are, and it depresses us. They think they're more numerous than they are and it emboldens them. It's gonna be a world of emotional distress when Ford loses the election.

I always take IHTWOMRF as the test of what Ford's numbers really are. The page likes have been stuck below 4000 for almost a year. It's not moving, and at times has been declining, only to rise back up to the same number. It's stagnant, and depressingly low. And it is the biggest pro-Ford site on Facebook.

NOTE: The Facebook page for St-Pierre & Miquelon (the french-as-in-territory-of-France islands off the coast of Newfoundland) has over 4800 likes. The islands have a population of just under 6000. That is true support. But I digress.

The biggest ANTI-Ford Facebook page (500,000 Voters for a Rob Ford Free Toronto; started during the 2010 election) has almost 25000 likes, and seems to have some steady growth. Even just comparing that with IHTWOMRF, it puts Ford at below the 20% mark.

Additionally, if you take the time to examine the members of IHTWOMRF many are not from TO. I'd estimate about ~25% are not Torontonians. That being said, is there a similar in the %age of ANTI Ford group that are not eligible to vote? Dunno
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