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Rob Ford's Toronto

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So, it's quite plain by now that the Fords behave like cornered rats whenever something surfaces that's a genuine threat to them, like the G&M story yesterday. And it's equally as plain that the people supposedly "opposing" them are no opposition at all whenever they act up.

What pisses me off is the organizers allowed them to get their way. They could have asked the cops to get involved but they didn't. There is absolutely no benefit to having 3 people, including a driver, in that room but as usual, the Fords are allowed to bully their way through.

Exactly. Why the hell was this allowed? Combined with the ridiculous tech problems at the debate, it all came off as Amatuer Hour. It was like some bullshit small town politics, with every other participant afraid of going up against the trouble-making bullyboy sons of the local Richie Rich. And Toronto's a major city, is it? This reflects badly on all of us.

They can't, because it would just descend into muck and make them look defensive - they need to ignore it and move on. What they do need is attack dogs to fight by proxy to take Rob out. In party politics that's a bit easier. And no, Kinsella and Kouvalis slapping at each other from the back seat of the station wagon doesn't count.

But it looks equally as bad when they stick their noses in the air, take the so-called "high road," and refuse to fight back. It looks like they expect electoral victory handed to them on a silver platter. They're not even using proxies to do the dirty work as you suggest. Gasp! Why that would be impolite! What would Miss Manners say? :rolleyes:

I have to say I find Chow extremely underwhelming. There was a point last night when she was responding to the time lines concerning her transit plan and whether it would take 10 years or 17 years. She muddled her way through an answer then slumped back and mumbled 'and the rest 17 years.' She just looked defeated.

Agreed. I want to sympathise with Chow (I'm probably going to vote for her), but this sort of hand-wringing "Oh, what can we do, what can we dooooo?" response to the Fords just makes me want to slap someone. It was clear well before now what kind of creature Rob Ford was, so this pathetically genteel reaction to him and his goon squad is nothing less than insane.
Anti-Forders were giving him a very hard time about pretending to be gay, seeming narcissistic, and telling off a black woman who had brought her children to see Ford. He posted something sarcastic to his Twitter account to the effect of "yeah, you got me, I'm just an asshole who was trying to get attention for myself" and flounced.

I mean there MAY be more to it, but I think he just got tired of the criticism.
I did catch a whiff of that vibe on Twitter; if so that's a real shame. Those people used energy to bully and browbeat one of their own. We don't always agree on how we should protest, and it's fine to simply state for the record "I don't agree with that method" or "here's what I think we should do," -- but ultimately we're all on the same team and, really, DW did nothing wrong.
Possibly the best antiFord commercial that is available was recorded last night by Sun TV...seeing that my linking capabilities nil (I'm beginning to revel in that fact) go to the newspaper on on GTA...clicck on Fords in heated on the video...The Ford's at their ***est (you pick the word)
Possibly the best antiFord commercial that is available was recorded last night by Sun TV...seeing that my linking capabilities nil (I'm beginning to revel in that fact) go to the newspaper on on GTA...clicck on Fords in heated on the video...The Ford's at their ***est (you pick the word)

Remember that this is the guy who can't even go to the bathroom on his own.
Exactly. Why the hell was this allowed? Combined with the ridiculous tech problems at the debate, it all came off as Amatuer Hour. It was like some bullshit small town politics, with every other participant afraid of going up against the trouble-making bullyboy sons of the local Richie Rich. And Toronto's a major city, is it? This reflects badly on all of us.

It was a bullshit small-town debate; remember that you had to prove that you lived in the community to even get in! If this were the only mayoral debate (or one of only 10 in total for the whole election cycle) I would agree with you. But Daniel Dale posted a list of another 40 or so (which I happen to think is way too much). So this was a small-timey community-level shindig.

But it looks equally as bad when they stick their noses in the air, take the so-called "high road," and refuse to fight back. It looks like they expect electoral victory handed to them on a silver platter. They're not even using proxies to do the dirty work as you suggest. Gasp! Why that would be impolite! What would Miss Manners say? :rolleyes:
I don't think it's just "manners." Remember how badly "attack mode" went for the PCs regarding the "Chretien's face" ads, or that "McGuinty eats kittens" gaffe. Attacking is a delicate business and it can be turn-off for voters. Or they can just say "do you have something to contribute besides attacking your opponent? what are you actually going to do as mayor?" etc.
It was a bullshit small-town debate; remember that you had to prove that you lived in the community to even get in! If this were the only mayoral debate (or one of only 10 in total for the whole election cycle) I would agree with you. But Daniel Dale posted a list of another 40 or so (which I happen to think is way too much). So this was a small-timey community-level shindig.

I don't think it's just "manners." Remember how badly "attack mode" went for the PCs regarding the "Chretien's face" ads, or that "McGuinty eats kittens" gaffe. Attacking is a delicate business and it can be turn-off for voters. Or they can just say "do you have something to contribute besides attacking your opponent? what are you actually going to do as mayor?" etc.

The amount of the debates are ridiculous. That's the result of a ten month campaign.
The organizer of the debate is a Tory guy, can anyone confirm this?

Yes. He said so himself. Watch the CP24 coverage. People that organize debates are usually interested in politics. Everybody in the room probably is probably biased towards some candidate. However, he did not pick the questions and was not a guest of Tory's. Doug's reasoning was bullshit.
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