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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I have no doubt that's exactly what Stintz had in mind: Her "plan," ever since she flip-flopped on the Scarborough subway boondoggle, appears to be that she come across as a more 'reasonable' Rob Ford. Which is lunacy. Ford's hardcore troglodyte fan base simply are not interested in a more tepid, centrist version of Ford; they want the real thing.

Given the amount of misogyny I've seen on IHTWOMRF, I'm pretty sure the whole having-a-vagina-thing is a black mark against her anyhow. Some of the most vile, hateful stuff they spew has a sexist lean to it.

On twitter, Notorious Fordite nutjob EJB attacks the physical looks of every woman she deems an enemy of Ford.

A lot of self-hating women and women-hating men in their ranks, lemmetellya.
Given the amount of misogyny I've seen on IHTWOMRF, I'm pretty sure the whole having-a-vagina-thing is a black mark against her anyhow. Some of the most vile, hateful stuff they spew has a sexist lean to it.

On twitter, Notorious Fordite nutjob EJB attacks the physical looks of every woman she deems an enemy of Ford.

A lot of self-hating women and women-hating men in their ranks, lemmetellya.

Which is odd, because the Ford boys always treat women with respect. Why, you should see how many $20s Doug hands out at the Rail.
There really should be a pilgrimage / meet and greet at Steak Queen or Sully Gorman's.

A friend has been organizing an event to follow the election night results in Steak Queen, with the blessing of the restaurant itself.
This Scout Leader from my neighbourhood brings up a good point. What are the rules about flags, banners and such for a park event?
Tracy Forsyth
@TorontoCouncil when i get a permit for parks we cant have flags,tents,bouceycastles or signs, banners why were these allowed at fordfest??
Ford's base seems to have a good number of immigrants (just my assumption, I have no valid statistics to back this up).

That assumption has been bandied around since the election, based only on the fact that his big numbers come from areas with high numbers of immigrants.

I tend to believe this is more correlation than anything. It doesn't jibe with the fact that immigrants tend to vote *less* than lifelong citizens.

Ford voters tend to be from lower-income areas for sure. But I think Ford's racist tendencies were well known before the election, and his blatant disregard for "political correctness" motivated the angry, undereducated, white bigot vote, and it's merely coincidence that the areas where they can afford to live are the same ones where immigrants live.

I seem to remember there was a video put out by The New Socialist where a professor essentially extrapolated the same from the data.

The whole "it's because he saves me money" is just an excuse to cover the racism they're too socially scared to (generally—FordFest not withstanding) show in public.
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Funny thing is, I don't know whether the Fords even comprehend the metaphor behind "blackshirts". Or, they don't care: forget the not-knowing-history talk, history is for elitists...

The irony being that Neil Flagg (@LetFordBe himself) has called the left "brownshirts" on several occasions.
That assumption has been bandied around since the election, based only on the fact that his big numbers come from areas with high numbers of immigrants.

I tend to believe this is more correlation than anything. It doesn't jibe with the fact that immigrants tend to vote *less* than lifelong citizens.

Ford voters tend to be from lower-income areas for sure. But I think Ford's racist tendencies were well known before the election, and his blatant disregard for "political correctness" motivated the angry, undereducated, white bigot vote, and it's merely coincidence that the areas where they can afford to live are the same ones where immigrants live.

I seem to remember there was a video put out by The New Socialist where a professor essentially extrapolated the same from the data.

The whole "it's because he saves me money" is just an excuse to cover the racism they're too socially scared to (generally—FordFest not withstanding) show in public.

But you can't just look at all immigrants as a unified group. A Kenyan may not care if you say bad things against Pakistanis, Pakistanis may not care if you disparage Chinese etc... some of the immigrant groups are historically far more antagonistic to each other than established Canadians are to them.

So you end up with confirmation bias - if Ford insults gays/some ethnic group you don't care about then he's just speaking the truth. If he insults you then he was just screwing around or drunk. But that's ok because he hates queers. And so on.

If one half of the equation is division, and the other is playing up the few common immigrant themes. Gays are an easy target because new immigrants are more likely to be devoutly religious, and it speaks to Muslims, evangelicals and Catholics. Government corruption is also an easy sell because of the poor quality if governance that many immigrants have left behind. They know that Indian bureaucrats are corrupt, so makes sense that Canadian ones are as well.

As long as Ford sticks to the social conservative lightning rods and pretends he cares at the individual cultural level, he will continue to command a significant share of the new canadian vote. Even though his policies are the last thing those groups need.
Guns and Black Shirts

Or, what would have happened if this were the States, lenient gun laws and all (presuming that the Fords are too lackadaisical to frisk the guests)

Too bad Harper is trying to loosen gun laws in Canada. NRA anyone? A picnic for the Ford Nation and their Black Shirts.
Too bad Harper is trying to loosen gun laws in Canada. NRA anyone? A picnic for the Ford Nation and their Black Shirts.

That's hardly a loosening of gun laws - just cutting out some of the hoops legal gun owners need to jump through. Won't cause more crime, but will encourage gun owners to stay current and compliant on their permits.
I just got home from the Ford Freak Fest and I cannot believe the shit I heard and the f-ed up conversations I had. It was so depressing, it's hard not to lose faith in humanity. I decided to go once I read here that there were going to be gay protesters, I figured that might make some interesting video footage but I never saw any protesters at all. I had intended not to get in any debates with anybody. I figured I'd just film a bit, try one of the hamburgers (which I did not get to taste because there is no way am I standing in line for 90 minutes for a crap burger) and then head home but after about 30 minutes of pure bull-sit, I couldn't take it anymore. I ended up getting into about 10 conversations, that escalated to heated debates. It's interesting what Ford Nationals do when they lose a debate. lol They just turn around and walk away in disgust, still hollering.

My assessment of Ford Nation after spending 3 hours with them is a combination of mental illness, mental retardation, delusion, hopelessness, very badly informed and very, very angry at the world. It seems everyone is taking what should belong to them. In other words, everyone's a thief or a cheater. The rich are bad and the poor are, well, there is no poor, just well off people who go on welfare to get money.

Here are some strange facts I learned from Ford Nationals.

1 - 50% of rich people get free food at food banks every month.

2 - Most of the people waiting 1.5 hours in line to get a hamburger, are actually wealthy or at least well off.

3 - If you have any allergy, you can get approval from your doctor to receive 1.000 dollars a month from the government. (not sure which level of government) You don't need to get on disability or anything, you just get a report from your doctor.

4 - David Miller stole millions of dollars from tax payers money. Nobody explained how he did it or why he was not charged but he did it.

5 - Rich people like Kraft Dinner and Spam. See, they really are just like you and me!

6 - Bill Clinton did more hard drugs than Ford and nobody cared.

7 - Rob Ford never did drugs or drank alcohol while on the job and whatever he does on his own time, is his own business and does not effect his job.

8 - Canada and ALL Canadian politicians are corrupt and stealing our money, except for Rob Ford, who is an "honest" man. Seriously, people said that with a straight face and I just couldn't help but want to bang my head against a wall. Actually, I felt like I was doing just that.

These people are truly hopeless and helpless. I just don't think they have the reasoning skills to understand how things work. Not one of them even knew what the population of Toronto was. I asked a few simple questions about Toronto, that the average person should know but not a single one of them knew simple things like who was the first mayor of the Megga-City or who was the last mayor of Scarborough, North York or Etobicoke. Nobody could name the 5 cities/boroughs that used to make up Metropolitan Toronto. (before amalgamation) Not one person I spoke to could answer any question I asked them, yet they said they now more about Toronto than I did. lol People kept saying things like "you don't know what you're talking about " or "You don't understand how Toronto is". Almost all these people were not born in Toronto, yet they are telling me I don't know what's really happening in my own city.

If you point out they're wrong, you are in for a fight. I'm lucky I didn't get my ass kicked because a few times I felt things might go that way. Thank god the police were close by.

This is just some of the stupid shit I had people tell me, at Ford Fest.

Another thing I learned is that NOBODY at Ford Fest wants to debate on camera or even be filmed. I had more people ask me not to film them, than I have at the last 50 events I've filmed put together. Nobody would allow me to film our debates, probably because they said some really stupid things. This whole experience just left me feeling sick. The way people were screaming and cheering for him, as if he was Brad Pitt, just turned my stomach.

It was quite an eye-opening but disheartening, experience. It makes me nervous about the coming election.

I will be making a video of the event and I'll post it here, when I can stomach editing it.

Just some confusion on their part...that can be forgiven can't it?
1) Didn't you see the expose on the fraudulent use of food banks on Global? As an example, the woman in a high end fur driving an Audi 5000 availing herself of the cornucopia of food banks in North York...if there is one there must be 10,000...
2) All rich people are penny wise that is why the Ford family is where they are...Why spend your own money when you get a free hamburger?
3) You mean the $650. food supplement handed by social services for those with dietary issues? Well, shucks the were doctors in Chinatown handing out authorizations to any who came...thousands and thousands ripping off the system...
4) David Miller ripping off the system pocketing bucks..well what about his London enviroment office...what about the 800M+ for street cars...what about MFP (he was there)...what about the Toronto operating budget rising from 6.4B in 2003 to 9.2 in 2010 what did Miller do with that increase if not alledgedly line his pockets
5) Don't you watch current social discourse...KD says it all 'Let your fun out'....enviromentally friendly rich folk on bicycles craving kraft dinner....shucks you never ate fried spam?
6) They're mixing Clinton and GWB again...Clinton is sex...GWB is hard drugs...speaking of that why haven't they used GWB as an icon to what R Ford could achieve?
7)Well they maybe right, when your sound deaf your sound deaf it doesn't make any difference what is in your system at any given time...
8)Fontana, Fennell, Duffy, Harb, DelMastro, Wallin, Brazeau, McCallion, Clement, Alberta Conservatives, Ontario Liberals, Federal NDP, Montreal many more examples do you need...
At least that is the rationelle of a Ford National.....
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Reporting back from the GTBTLMNOP protest at FordFest. I was one of the six protesters.
i really admire your courage

also, pleased to meetcha... i was the old guy with the bike, you talked to me and then sat down to make your signs



  • preparing-a-sign.jpg
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You can get large not eating meat, by eating crap food. And there might just be a gene in there somewhere...

His wife and daughters appear to be super healthy eaters - veggies, salmon, egg whites, squash, etc. No crap allowed. What the heck does Doug eat, and where? <Insert obligatory "more than enough" joke here>:rolleyes:
Meaty Correction

European Meats is also on Jutland in Etobicoke.

European Meats moved out of Kensington in June 2012. That location is now run by Sanagans Meat Locker:

By: Corey Mintz Food, Published on Mon Jun 11 2012

Kensington market will soon have a new big store with a familiar face.

The former site of European Quality Meats and Sausages at 176 Baldwin St. is to be the new location of Sanagan’s Meat Locker.

For more than 50 years European Meats had been a staple of the historic Kensington market. Having expanded to Etobicoke and Brampton, the downtown location was no longer essential to the business. Earlier this year, Larry Leider, son of founder Morris Leider, listed the building for sale.
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