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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Back in May, someone told me they heard a journalist on the radio say that they had proof of the Ford sex tape with a minor, and that they were holding on to it, until the time was right to, you know, kapow! Now personally I feel the whole sex tape thingy is a tired subject, at this point. I also tried to find something on the internet that backed up this "radio conversation", but could find absolutely nothing. It also doesn't make sense to hold on to a story like that, since doing so would just drag out Ford's presence in the election campaign.

So... I'm basically just passing on an unsubstantiated rumour about another unsubstantiated rumour. It's always bothered me that the person who relayed the info said he heard it from a journalist on, I believe, CBC. I was too busy trying to pick my jaw up off the floor (first time hearing about the "minor") and failed to absorb important details. The fact that I could find nothing to back this up led me to believe that it wasn't true.

Do you mean a month ago, or May 2013 when crackgate broke?
Well said!

Might I add that Slob has a pattern of being rejected, from camp counseling (?), to coaching (twice), his radio show, Sun News Network, Toronto Region Board of Trade, the Garrison Ball, Iceberg Vodka, the Santa Clause parade, World Pride, the U.S., being the Mayor. Did I miss anything? Whatever he does get involved in, guaranteed, bar none, 100%, hands down, folks, he will FU and out stay his welcome.

also... ford motor and the argos
Back in May, someone told me they heard a journalist on the radio say that they had proof of the Ford sex tape with a minor, and that they were holding on to it, until the time was right to, you know, kapow! Now personally I feel the whole sex tape thingy is a tired subject, at this point. I also tried to find something on the internet that backed up this "radio conversation", but could find absolutely nothing. It also doesn't make sense to hold on to a story like that, since doing so would just drag out Ford's presence in the election campaign.

So... I'm basically just passing on an unsubstantiated rumour about another unsubstantiated rumour. It's always bothered me that the person who relayed the info said he heard it from a journalist on, I believe, CBC. I was too busy trying to pick my jaw up off the floor (first time hearing about the "minor") and failed to absorb important details. The fact that I could find nothing to back this up led me to believe that it wasn't true.

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Anybody bother to look at the TMMIS contibutors list from 2006? Corporate donations were allowed...Two of R Ford's were kinda interesting... Gazzola Paving...House of Lancaster...

2 gazzola's (the president and vice president) also donated in 2010...

as did 2 koumoudouros' (one of which is the owner of the house of lancaster) / or

were corporations allowed to donate in 2010? if so, did these guys donate corporately again in 2010 as well?

i wonder which candidate these donations will go to now.
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From the tinfoilhatdept:

Toronto Police Supt. Jane Wilcox ruled that McCormack -- a former executive member of the Toronto Police Association and middle son of retired chief Bill McCormack -- had no official reason to seek information about ex-Toronto Star reporter John Duncanson.

However, in May, Jim Cassells, an officer who worked on the 25-member task force set up by Fantino, went to the media with accusations that police supervisors never followed up on a long list of additional cases the task force unearthed.

Another member of the task force, Neal Ward, came forward in support of Cassells's statements. Police Chief Bill Blair responded to his statements by agreeing to meet with Cassells to discuss the unresolved cases.

Sources have told the CBC that the list of 14 cases includes that officers in one team were suspected of running a drug ring, another downtown drug team allegedly stole $2.5 million from suspects' safety deposit boxes and a supervisor of drug investigations was not removed from his job after allegedly admitting to a decade-long cocaine addiction.

how's this for some weird synchronicity / timing? further down that same thread...

In early January 2008, reporter John Duncanson made several calls to the corrupt Mike McCormack. Needless to say he was soliciting information about his corrupt activities. According to Mccormack, Duncanson had requested a meeting with him because he was worried about an upcoming court appearance over a second conviction for drunk driving likely to result in a 10-day jail sentence that he was living on the street and trying to get in a rehabilitation program and that he was requesting help on account of Mike Mccormack's big heart.

What a load of freaking crap! Was the very same John Duncanson who made mincemeat out of corrupt cops, asking Mike McCormack to corrupt the process for him? Needless to say, if Mike Mccormack told us about the criminal reportage that John Doncanson solicited, he would implicate himself, so he fabricated a story that proves the old adage -it's not the crime, it's the cover up stupid.

Mike McCormack's big heart smothered John Duncanson to death and he should be held accountable.

Since Mike McCormack had secretely tape-recorded conversations with Duncanson while the vulnerable and distraught man was held in a cell at 51 Division for public drunkenness, it is clear that this reporter was a target of McCormack's wrath because Duncanson was deeply involved in covering a story about wrongdoing by the Toronto police force and McCormack likes to silence his critics.

The charges were serious. Extortion, obstruction of justice, falsifying notes, links to organized crime and the death of McCormack's contact who was allegedly linked to organized crime, placed McCormack int he eye of the storm.


Duncanson's widow does not buy McCormack's BULLSHIT !

Her comments are absolutely clear !
"I was astounded by the spin McCormack and his lawyer put on this. McCormack was preying on John. That's waht he was doing."

McCormack preyed on John Duncanson until he was dead, and he should be held, criminally accountable.

Anything less is a TOTAL DISGRACE.
Rob Ford Lookalike for Music Video

Looking for an actor who resembles Rob Ford to play a lead role in a music video. Perfect resemblance isn't necessary, and in fact it is better if you look like a "caricatured" version of Rob Ford.

We are NOT shooting a "Rob Ford smokes crack" video.

You will be needed on Thursday, June 26 from 10am to 6pm in the Yonge/Sheppard area.
The pay is $300.

Please reply with a headshot, height, weight and any relevant acting experience.
THE CITY: Rob Ford hoping to begin ‘redemption’ story next week

As many other twitter feeds have pointed out over the weekend, the mayor’s return will also be the beginning of a redemption narrative that, if the Toronto newsmedia don’t change their game, could give the scandal-battered Ford campaign enough of an edge to turn that re-election bid into an actual re-election.


Rob Ford, contrite after journeying to the Muskoka wilderness and there wrestling his own personal demons, seeks the ultimate (well, perhaps the penultimate) redemption: if not of body and soul, then of mandate. And Toronto voters, having just forgiven Kathleen Wynne and her Liberals their manifold sins at Queen’s Park, will bestow the same blessing upon the brow of our repentant magistrate.

It’s a pretty hopeful narrative — and it might be an effective one, so long as Toronto voters maintain a certain obliviousness to certain matters of, well, fact.

For instance, there is the matter of the casual structure of the mayor’s rehab, for what he would only describe as alcohol problems, in which he was able to conduct interviews, return telephone calls and travel the highways and byways of cottage country.

There is the matter of his Escalade, after a fellow rehab patient, Lee Ann McRobb, was charged with impaired driving while behind its wheel. How intense was Mayor Ford’s work in rehab? Was it sufficient?

There is the matter of the mayor and his brother’s reported apparent intervention on behalf of an American printing company that the Ford family’s Deco Labels was friendly with in an unsuccessful attempt to garner a city contract.

And the matter of the extent to which the Ford brothers reportedly intervened on behalf of a Deco client in unsuccessful pursuit of property tax grant.

Doug Ford has insisted that he and his brother and Deco are blameless. But the question remains: how much interest does the mayor have in looking after the taxpayers dollars?

And those matters don’t even go near the questions still arising from the police surveillance, Ford’s friend Sandro Lisi, or the vile stream of racist and sexist and homophobic slurs that flowed from Ford’s mouth in the last slew of videos, that ultimately led to the mayor’s leave of absence.

I suspect that more Torontonians than just a few of those speaking up on twitter are worried that the mayor won’t be made to address these points satisfactorily between now and the election.

And they are right to worry. Toronto’s news media is well-equipped and diligent, but it lacks the apparatus to compel Rob Ford or Doug Ford to answer straightforward questions in a straightforward way. Even had we the power of subpoena, the only thing we might compel is a longer interview, with more follow-up questions.


The Toronto media is not going to go silent.

We’ll be outside the mayor’s office seven days from now, waiting for his speech, and when it’s done we’ll try to ask questions that are important and relevant. If the answers that we get don’t seem truthful, we’ll dig deeper to try and get the truth another way.

And the story of Mayor Rob Ford’s 2010-2014 term of office will continue to unfold. As best as we can, we’ll try and make sure that story is strictly non-fiction.

The fact that crack and a crack-selling street gang were involved, the words "crack ho'" come inexplicably to mind. The possible scenarios are (1) where a crack addict, perhaps underage, was at the same, erm, venue, as RoFo when gettin his crack on. Money-for-drugs. (2) In the same location, the young lady in question was an accomplice of the gang filming RoFo for purposes of extortion, porn video sales, get-out-of-jail-free card, etc

Then again, references and rumours circulate about the BroFos enjoying the professional charms of strippers and sex workers, aka "getting St Clairized".

Finally, there's this thing that's been buggin' me slightly from 300 pages ago that doesn't feel as random as it sounds ...

for some reason my gut tells me the sex tape could have been surreptitiously recorded on the muzik bus...
just gotta highlight this...

Diane Ford walked out of the courthouse carrying a copy of Michael Palmer's "Political Suicide."


The book description
, according to the author's website, is a "medical thriller" about Dr. Gary McHugh, a society doctor "who has been very cavalier about his recovery, barely attending AA and refusing a sponsor."

McHugh finds himself in an alcoholic blackout in his wrecked car after visiting a patient of his – the powerful chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, who is discovered by his wife to be shot to death in their home. The wife said she broke off an affair with McHugh, who claims he's innocent.


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2 gazzola's (the president and vice president) also donated in 2010...

as did 2 koumoudouros' (one of which is the owner of the house of lancaster) / or

were corporations allowed to donate in 2010? if so, did these guys donate corporately again in 2010 as well?

i wonder which candidate these donations will go to now.
Corporate, Institutional and Union contributions were banned after the 2006 election...I think that is why there was a large increase of contibutions from individual and extended family outside the "M" postal prefix starting in 2010...
...You know what is really interesting go to TMMIS...look up Toronto Election Services...go to 2010 or 2006 Muncipal Election...go to view Financial Statements pdf...and you view any candidate's financial statements from either election along with all contributors, contributions and their addresses....
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As for the time Doug burnt Worms on the rehab story when he gave it to Seglins at the CBC. Worms prolly has forgiven and forgotten by now. It's all in the past folks, time to move on ...

He had and has no choice - his only reason to exist at all @ The Sun is to be the person (a/k/a stenographer of falsehoods) that the Fords will talk to.
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