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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Re: the pub sponsoring a pool on RoFo relapse

Being pretty low....Absolutely. He needs to brought down because his 'vision', if it can be called such, for Toronto, is so distorted and dystopian that voters dump him unequivocally. It is to descend to his and Doug's level to hope that a publically catatrophic relapse happens. Go there and it isn't far to hope he gets hit by a bus. Decent people don't go there.
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and can this be highlighted to those ties again as well?

why has that not gotten more traction? he was out for his birthday with his kids and leeanne!

so either his kids first met daddy's new girlfriend while daddy's in rehab... which is fucked... or, they already knew her... which really, is also kinda fucked.

Robbie's affairs and womanizing are not news, I for one brought the subject of the kids dealing with lies and such but it gathered no steam.
The "beer cans" in the photo could be stainless steel coffee traveling mugs. When I was at an all inclusive in Mexico, I used them to keep our "beverages" cold around the pool.

Although the beer can conspiracy theory is a lot more interesting!

Wrong tops... and who is allowed to have free beverages around a pool?
I think it's pretty clear that it is the pool at the robhab place, which also suggests that those aren't in fact beer cans.

The pool pics were analyzed when that photo first came out. Did I miss something? Why are people talking about it again?
Tin foil time! Jimmi T mysteriously disappears, and on his return brings along Kevin Donovan to the twiiterverse. Connect the pipes people, connect the pipes. My spidey senses are all tingly on this one.

Welcome back Timmi J :)

I'm inclined to agree with this. Jimmi T, are you really Kevin D????
From The Star's David Rider:
Rehab seems to have changed @tomayorford's signature. On left from Sept. 2013 proclamation, right from June 2 letter

Similar style, however, it would not the first time "initials" and "signatures" appear dissimilar. It could be Doggie who initialled, an then Robbie "signed"; not the first time for a second to sign for someone.
I'm not familiar with the psychology of signatures, but my gut instinct is that such a drastic change in signature is indicate of serious neuro- or psychopathology eg. stroke or dissociative state. Of course, it might also be related to substance use...
All three of them are quite different. Maybe he doesn't have a solid sense of self, and changes his signature like he changes his beer.


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U peeps r smokin' hot today

It's highly questionable though that he's so accommodating with the selfies. I suspect he's not really addressing his real problem, low self esteem, hence the need to be seen and photoed as if he were a celebrity rather than a pathetic drug addict/alcoholic.

I think you've nailed it, 'Fo! "Celebrity" is the next job description on his c.v.

I can only imagine FoFam thinking "Hey, if the Kardashians can do it .... " Keeping Up With The Fords will have a starring role for The Escalade.

Can hardly wait to see "Rob Ford" handbags, or other luggage suitable for carrying contraband and what-have-you. The "Doug Ford" legal brief carrier: suitable for legal-size litigation papers, with special side pockets for Pesola scales and hot knives...

Sure, but my point was that Ford's ego makes him incapable of low-key behavior even when it's genuinely in his best interests. Whether it's being conciliatory with an aggrieved colleague (or even just displaying the basic common politeness you'd expect from another adult human being), or laying low when he's supposed to be out of the public eye, and the latter for purely self-serving reasons, at that. We all know the whole rehab stunt is nothing but a sham, but it would have been better served if His Oafship had simply kept himself to himself as the plan (such as it is) required. The entire scam hinges on his so-called recovery, but he just can't resist making multiple public appearances, which makes the exercise look ridiculous. The stupid bastard couldn't be more painfully transparent.

Dead on the money, IMHO. Actually did LOL when I read this! Brilliant.

why has that not gotten more traction? he was out for his birthday with his kids and leeanne!

so either his kids first met daddy's new girlfriend while daddy's in rehab... which is fucked... or, they already knew her... which really, is also kinda fucked.

+1 !!!!! Anybody else wondering?
I'm not familiar with the psychology of signatures, but my gut instinct is that such a drastic change in signature is indicate of serious neuro- or psychopathology eg. stroke or dissociative state. Of course, it might also be related to substance use...

here's one from a year ago (saving the image from the website brought up the date, june 8 2013)...

Ford - June 8, 2013 - FB - 2.jpg,+2013+-+FB+-+2.jpg

and here's one from december...


it is weird. my signature has been more or less the same for over 20 years.


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