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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I am surprised that The Sun printed this.

Ford Nation is divided against itself
First posted: Sunday, April 13, 2014 06:45 PM EDT
Opinion Columnists

It is an easy thing to dismiss Ford Nation.

For the elite, Ford Nation is a mess of contradictions and political incorrectness.

You can hear the disdain, even in pollsters’ numbers: Ford Nation members earn in the lower regions of the 99% and almost half don’t graduate high school. They’re young (18-34) or old (over 55), and they live to the north and east in Toronto and here and there in rural Ontario.

Mike Harris, with his “Common Sense Revolution,†was the first conservative to court them. Stephen Harper has made a science of them. Rob Ford is them.

Ford Nation loves it when their guys do things that aren’t elite-like: smoking crack cocaine, or squabbling with the liberal press, or being in contempt of Parliament.

But what will happen when the Nation figures out they’re being used?

I can hear my friends from here: “Whoa there, buddy! You trying to tell us how to vote now?†“No,†I say, “The government has robo-calls for that.†“Aw, that’s just politics. You don’t have the sense God gave a hockey puck, do you? It’s business that creates jobs, not government. Government needs to get out of the way.†Well, my friend, that might have been true once. But the corporate fix is in. Reagan Republicans started getting government out of the way in the 1980s.

And in 2008, workers mired in right-to-work-poor states watched as Wall Street ran away with the economy of the Western world.

Meanwhile, in Canada, Harper doubled down on former Liberal finance minister Paul Martin’s massive corporate tax cuts.
Now we have the lowest corporate tax rate in the G7, most new jobs are part time and companies in Canada have a stash of cash worth $600 billion.

And do you know what business whispers into the perky ears of the federal finance minister? “We want more of the same and screw the workers.†Big oil and gas get almost $3 billion a year in subsidies from the federal government. That’s helped create more than 50,000 jobs out west, a good thing. Except our high petro-dollar has sent some 140,000 manufacturing jobs AWOL.

Harper was MIA when Caterpillar gave 500 Ontario workers the bum’s rush and made off like a bandit for right-to-work-poor Indiana.
Who did the government blame? The workers, for wanting to hold on to their middle-class wages.

And yet, for all their contrariness and willingness to vote for ideology over their own interests, we must not dismiss Ford Nation.
Its citizens carry the hard seed of those who came to Canada to fill this so-called “empty landâ€.
Righteous, rough and rebellious, a bloody-minded bunch they were, especially toward those who had a prior claim to the land.

Sure, Canadians are courteous: courtly, truthful, skilled in diplomacy and debate.
But we are also hockey-hardened SOBs who were first up the hill in two world wars and fought the Taliban in the hairiest parts of Afghanistan.

Please, come election day, take care where you mark your X.

— McLaren lives on the Bruce Peninsula. Links to facts and figures in this article are at Or watch ‘Poor No More’ on YouTube

And as an aside: I can't believe some people here supported Jim Flaherty, who started screwing people over with Mike Harris, in the 'Common Sense Revolution" and continued it with sociopath Harper. So you got the Tax Free Savings, or saved a few bucks in other ways. Just like Ford saved his minions $60 each ....but is really costing us millions. Canada is in much worse shape since these Cons took over.
I don't think anyone's specifically called it "misinformation" yet, but that seemed to be the gist of what Giroux's reaction to all the media furor was.


Giroux in regards to the OPP saying the investigation was stalled/over:

“I have seen some of those comments myself,” [Giroux] said. “What I am seeing on the news is not overly accurate. It’s my investigation, and my investigation is still going.”
I am surprised that The Sun printed this.

Umh-hmmm. As if they're starting to fear the monster they helped unleash. Reminds me of reading old news last night about Paul Godfrey reading RoFo the riot act. And...

I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.

I think pud99 won tonight's thread with insight. But I'm having a great deal of difficulty imagining RoFo re-elected. jml's posted tweets seem to be a ray of hope, but Goldsbie in that podcast sounded skeptical that TPS has anything of substance. I really want some stones overturned, and to see the creepy-crawlies fleeing some strong, antiseptic light.
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I've was watched 'Poor No More'. It stars Marg Delahunty in her civvies. Decent documentary, with a touch of Michael Moore-ish awkward confrontational journalism. Decent viewing.

This is a good piece, although as ever, one should never, ever read the Sun comment thread without access to some powerful good hard liquor.
Umh-hmmm. As if they're starting to fear the monster they helped unleash. And...

I think pud99 won tonight's thread with insight. But I'm having a great deal of difficulty imagining RoFo re-elected. jml's posted tweets seem to be a ray of hope, but Goldsbie in that podcast sounded skeptical that TPS has anything of substance. I really want some stones overturned, and to see the creepy-crawlies fleeing some strong, antiseptic light.

Goldsbie doesn't know as much as reporters at The Star would know. I will hold onto the ray of hope from Giroux's comments.
What did they mean the first thousand people? Is it a rally of some sort?

It occurs to me that if "we" could flood his events with people who would never vote for him, it would leave less room for new converts. No reason to heckle - just take up seats so that others cannot.

No reason to heckle??!!!?? The sane, reasonable people of Toronto have no reason to heckle??!!!

I propose that everyone anti-Ford who possibly can should show up at this event, heckle like crazy, chant, "RESIGN NOW, RESIGN NOW" and generally turn it into the most embarrassing media event any politician has ever experienced. DROWN FROD NATION OUT!


"Hi, this is Rob Ford,
My family and I want to invite you to the Official Rob-Ford-for-Mayor Campaign Kick-off Party. Come out with your family, friends, and neighbours. The event is on Thursday, April 17th, starting at 6:30. It's taking place at the Toronto Congress Centre, located on 650 Dixon Road. There will be live music, free admission, free parking, and the first one thousand people to arrive will receive a Rob-Ford-for-Mayor T-shirt and flag. For more information, visit I hope to see you there."

Come on, raccoon nation! Get ourselves out to Dixon Road on Turdsdayand overwhelm the bastard! Don't forget your Rob Ford Masks

Rob Ford Weasel in Headlights.jpg

glued to popsicle sticks or tongue-depressors, which you can hold up in front of your face when Jerry turns the video cam on you -- "That better not be on! That better not be on!"

Rally to Save Toronto: Toronto Congress Centre, Thursday April 17, 6:30 p.m. See you there!


  • Rob Ford Weasel in Headlights.jpg
    Rob Ford Weasel in Headlights.jpg
    30.3 KB · Views: 1,727
I think pud99 won tonight's thread with insight. But I'm having a great deal of difficulty imagining RoFo re-elected. jml's posted tweets seem to be a ray of hope, but Goldsbie in that podcast sounded skeptical that TPS has anything of substance. I really want some stones overturned, and to see the creepy-crawlies fleeing some strong, antiseptic light.

My personal opinion, and I could be wrong, is that "folks" are shocked and appalled by Ford's behavior. But, if he promises to save them a dollar on their taxes - and they are gullible enough to believe him - he'll get their vote.

Likewise, I doubt that taking a pass on the gay pride parade will cost him many votes, and may even get him a few.

If and when TPS ever charges him, I doubt that will cost him many votes either. Unless the charge is something like this:

Like I said, that's just my opinion, and I could be wrong.
No reason to heckle??!!!?? The sane, reasonable people of Toronto have no reason to heckle??!!!

I propose that everyone anti-Ford who possibly can should show up at this event, heckle like crazy, chant, "RESIGN NOW, RESIGN NOW" and generally turn it into the most embarrassing media event any politician has ever experienced. DROWN FROD NATION OUT!


"Hi, this is Rob Ford,
My family and I want to invite you to the Official Rob-Ford-for-Mayor Campaign Kick-off Party. Come out with your family, friends, and neighbours. The event is on Thursday, April 17th, starting at 6:30. It's taking place at the Toronto Congress Centre, located on 650 Dixon Road. There will be live music, free admission, free parking, and the first one thousand people to arrive will receive a Rob-Ford-for-Mayor T-shirt and flag. For more information, visit I hope to see you there."

Come on, raccoon nation! Get ourselves out to Dixon Road on Turdsdayand overwhelm the bastard! Don't forget your Rob Ford Masks

View attachment 25017

glued to popsicle sticks or tongue-depressors, which you can hold up in front of your face when Jerry turns the video cam on you -- "That better not be on! That better not be on!"

Rally to Save Toronto: Toronto Congress Centre, Thursday April 17, 6:30 p.m. See you there!

thankfully its held out in the etobicoke. good luck riding your bike out there.
I don't think anyone's specifically called it "misinformation" yet, but that seemed to be the gist of what Giroux's reaction to all the media furor was.

It's a new step to call the OPP comments from the other week "misinformation." He could have used a more diplomatic term like "miscommunication" or "misunderstanding." Saying "misinformation" has a more negative connotation attached to it. Is he implying the leak from the OPP was a deliberate attempt to distract or mislead the public? It's interesting in light of Jimmi T's comment from a day or so ago where he said there are rumours that dirty cops might be trying to sully the Ford investigation, whether they be in the TPS, or OPP.
I am surprised that The Sun printed this [...]

And as an aside: I can't believe some people here supported Jim Flaherty, who started screwing people over with Mike Harris, in the 'Common Sense Revolution" and continued it with sociopath Harper. So you got the Tax Free Savings, or saved a few bucks in other ways. Just like Ford saved his minions $60 each ....but is really costing us millions. Canada is in much worse shape since these Cons took over.

I'm surprised too! "But what will happen when the Nation figures out they’re being used?" How the hell did that find its way into a Sun paper opinion piece?

I'm sympathetic to your aside about Flaherty. The guy either explicitly or tacitly endorsed a lot of Harris and Harper policies that did no significant good for anybody except Canada's 1%. But the not-at-all-fake respect for Flaherty that came from Bob Rae, Justin Trudeau, Thomas Mulcair, Elizabeth May and many other Harper foes makes me think Flaherty did some serious good despite misguided loyalty. I seriously doubt that RoFo will get the same level of respect from anybody ever no matter how long his misbegotten political career persists; all he'll get is fake allegiance for precisely as long as it's expedient for the allegiants.
Who’s gonna crack first?
Latest police wiretaps may reveal connection between the mayor, “dirty cops” and efforts to retrieve the crack video
By Enzo DiMatteo

Mayor Rob Ford should know better than anyone that he’s not exactly in the clear. In fact, the latest release of court documents in the never-ending crack scandal – which coincided with the OPP’s announcement last week that it was stepping back from the Project Brazen 2 investigation – suggests Ford has a few “dirty cops” in his pocket who may have been involved in efforts to retrieve the crack video.

This thing is not over by a long shot. It’s only grown bigger and badder. If anything, the OPP’s pulling the plug provides more clarity for Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair. It’s up to him and the provincial Crown’s office attorneys now to charge Ford.

Whether the Crown will pursue charges remains in question. In that regard nothing’s changed. In the public mind, the dark cloud hanging over Ford’s head may have lifted a little, but there’s no vindication.

More here:
It's interesting in light of Jimmi T's comment from a day or so ago where he said there are rumours that dirty cops might be trying to sully the Ford investigation, whether they be in the TPS, or OPP.

Why not both? Perhaps Lisi habitually talks out of his ass when threatening people, or perhaps he had limited insight into the heat about to descend on the community, and wanted it to appear to be his leverage. When the wiretaps caught references to RoFo knowing a couple of dirty cops, and others, presumably the suited guys with both muscle and briefcases full of cash, I find that plausible.
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I would love to get one of those 1000 'Rob Ford for mayor' t- shirts just so I could personalize it with a Sharpie.
Something like DO NOT VOTE for Rob Ford for mayor
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