Europe is largely conservative by nature
Eastern europe and rising segments of western Europe have been trending towards conservatism and see immigrations and multiculturalism as failures.
'Conservative' is largely meaningless in a European context. The dichotomy there, as it is increasingly becoming here, is between authoritarianism and liberal democracy. And that authoritarianism is largely corporatist in form. Look at Ukraine, Those in the street are anti-Putin, pro-Europe. And, likely, more northern-oriented than otherwise. Look at France. They booted Sarkozy largely because of his efforts to implement austerity against all good economic sense. The French are 'conservative' inasmuch as they would prefer to 'conserve' their cultural traditions, which, Catholicism excepted, are largely liberal. LEF and all that. Amongst EU states, we could go on. But won't.
Then there's Norway. Wealthy social democracy. Not a member of the EU, but still trading within. But not willing to give up its social covenant for the sake of 'belonging'.
Assuming you are speaking of the rising tides of resentment in 'The West', those may be slotted into 1) fascistic (Golden Dawn, Jobbik in Hungary, even UKIP in Britain, etc.), They are the worst of the 'trending towards conservatism'; 2) anti-Immigrant (Some Dutch, various Scandinavians, UKIP again); and 3) various and sundry wacko nationalists. And yes, the resentment of which you speak is largely Eastern European - those who have to play catch-up because of the years of backwards tyranny under which they were basically Bonsai-ed.
So, yeah, let's take 'Conservative' with a grain of salt.
Rob Ford is not conservative. He's an ignorant, talking point regurgitating, Bircher. Amongst principled conservatives he doesn't stand a chance.