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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Ford is such a fucking entitled elitist he doesn't think he needs to respond to an RSVP invitation and can just show up on the night of the event. Then gets upset when he isn't treated like someone as special as he believes he is.
He's the classic example of "Do you know who I think I am?!"

Doug is putting together the greatest political campaign in the history of the universe for the greatest mayor of all time. Just ask him.

if you were properly invited to an event in November would you ever consider showing up with the actual invite in January? This is why they print out guest lists and stuff and have people at the desk giving out "Hi, my name is.." stickers. No one BRINGS AN INVITE with them. It seems obvious to me that Ford KNEW he was not invited and brought the letter, which he knew was withdrawn, just to stick it in their craw and do this little circus. The tweet he sent reads like a little child throwing a tantrum, "But mommmmmy, dadddy said I could goooooo!" "Well, son, that was before we asked you to clean your room and you threw a tantrum." "But mooooooom, dad saaaaaaaid!" It's really mostly sad.

And as for Doug, yeah, I thought we learned a a lot about his campaign management when he 100% denied Ford had been at Steak Queen (most amusingly, saying the video was clearly old since Rob looked fatter than he does now!) and then got immediately contradicted. He went dark the next day and has been largely quiet since. In the meantime, his brother shows up at a serious press conference wearing a bright orange football jersey and is being as childish as ever with what is apparently a key policy plank ("I'm not going to tell you about my $50 million in savings because you're mean and you'll pick on me!")

There's no campaign, there's just Rob doing the same thing as ever. I know some people think he can still win but, call me crazy, I don't see it. What I see is that the man who has been going on and on and on about how the people are going to decide on Oct. 27 is going to have to face some real serious demons when those same people he so loves and trusts leave him unemployed, cutting the last thread he has to his dignity on that very night. (And, on a serious note, I hope he has some people looking out for him when that happens because they're killing him right now...)
Katie Simpson ‏@KatieSimpson24 33s

#Toronto Region Board of Trade also says there was no RSVP from the Mayor. When he showed up he was placed at an open seat (table 130)

Rob left after finding no crayons for him to use.
Does anyone know who's working on Rob's campaign? He's got Doug (more or less, it seems) but I haven't heard any other names yet, as we have for other registered or presumed candidates.
Well this is interesting...

Ann Hui ‏@annhui 3m
Mohamed's lawyer said charges dropped bc no reasonable prospect of conviction. He was charged w murder then dropped to accessory after fact

Ann Hui ‏@annhui 5m
Full story: Charges stayed against man linked to Anthony Smith shooting #topoli

The optimist in me wants to believe that he decided to provide some incriminating information against someone, but the charges were only stayed because he flipped at the last minute, and they want to ensure that his information will actually get them somewhere within the next year.

Obviously I watch a lot of television.
Take it for what it's worth, as third hand information, but I had a conversation with someone who knows the station manager at the NewsTalkRadio that shall not named. :) .
The station manager is good friends with the Fords, and said that just after the whole crack thing broke last summer, Doug came in and talked to him. Doug apparently tried to talk some sense into Rob, tried to get him to realize that the scandal wasn't just going to go away, told him to take a break and get help.
But Rob wouldn't listen to him.

If this info is true, then Doug is enabling Rob to a great degree. But he also must realize now that being the loyal brother is destroying his own ambitions as well.
The optimist in me wants to believe that he decided to provide some incriminating information against someone, but the charges were only stayed because he flipped at the last minute, and they want to ensure that his information will actually get them somewhere within the next year.

Obviously I watch a lot of television.

Well, the whole "no reasonable prospect of conviction" thing doesn't seem to add up---didn't both Hashimi and Mohamed already cop to their roles? Sounds like an official line so as not to discuss some other arrangement.
I think we all know that the whole family has been enabling him for years. Doug also likes to look like the supportive brother, but I wouldn't believe a word that comes out of his mouth. I just don't see him patting Robbie on the head and encouraging him to go get help. It's more likely that he's screaming and ranting about how Rob is screwing things up for everyone. Lots of unpleasant family dynamics going on there.
I used to work for a woman whose ex was on trial for various criminal offences against her and more than once she was told to show up for criminal court, showed up and found out that the date had been postponed, no warning, no explanation. Granted this wasn't in Ontario but it doesn't seem criminal courts in general are reliable or forthcoming about these things.

I'm not worried about if/why it was postponed. I get that this is a common occurrence. The complete media silence is what piques my curiosity.
The dynamics between Rob and Doug will be interesting tomorrow. Will they be working as closely together to cause chaos as they did in November? It could be very telling as to the state of their relationship right now.
Did Perruzza followed his ward mate, who is a former NDP MPP who became a McCarthyist and had brain surgery?

IIRC, Perruzza was one of those NDPers who broke ranks to vote against "civil unions" under the Rae government. Idiot-boy was too, I think. I gather that a number of NDPers from those days weren't exactly dyed-in-the-wool progressives.
The dynamics between Rob and Doug will be interesting tomorrow. Will they be working as closely together to cause chaos as they did in November? It could be very telling as to the state of their relationship right now.

I would bet anything it's no accident that Doug has been completely MIA since the Steak Queen fiasco. IF he's capable of reflection (big if), he's probably asking himself if he really wants to sign up for 9 more months of this.
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