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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Between peepers' and freshcutgrass's bizarre sexist commentary and these gratuitous images this thread has really gone down hill.

People are grasping at straws. Ford's revelations have sent the thread into overdrive, and with a lull in new information, people are looking at every single thread they can find.
No, George himself grew up in the Junction/Symington area and raised his family there as well. The move must have taken place after his wife's death.

Actually, the connection goes earlier...

Chuvalo: Listen, the mayor is a good guy, and he just keep truckin' the way you usually do, that's all I can say to you, is I love the mayor, I've known his family since his older brother was a little guy, his older brother Randy used to hang around with my son Georgie Lee, so I knew the family way back when, I've seen Rob back then. Rob's always been a good person, he's always been a kind person. I admired him when he was coaching, first started coaching football at Don Bosco, where my stepdaughter went to school. And I know he's a good guy, I know he's got a good heart. I know he's taken a lickin' in the papers here and there, and I know it's a little tough to bear. But I see the Rob the way I see him: he's a good person, he's a kind person and he's a hell of a good mayor. And all the people I see in Rexdale love Rob Ford, everybody. I don't remember one person in Rexdale said one bad thing about Rob Ford, only positive stuff, only positive. People there love him, and I think he's gonna be our mayor for quite some time yet.
Assessing the financial affairs of ‘average guy’ Mayor Rob Ford

I find this part awfully, uh, "pregnant"...

Councillor Doug Ford Jr. has reacted angrily to inquiries about how much he has earned as a businessman and how much he was given. He has credited himself with pushing Deco into the United States, a move that he says his father resisted. This week, when he was asked by Globe city hall reporter Elizabeth Church about what he inherited, he replied: “You know something, I worked my ass off 18 hours a day for my money. I started a company that was a mom-and-pop shop, sacrificed my life. I’m an entrepreneur. That’s the country we live in. When you are an entrepreneur, you work your back off in a little printing company and you make it grow through hard work. That’s what this country’s all about.”

Can't help thinking of those situations where a feral full-of-itself next generation winds up wrecking the family business...

(plus the fact--*he* started the company?!?)
You do know that Ford has a DUI conviction too, right? As well as admitting to smoking crack cocaine, and smoking pot, and associating with murderous drug gang members, and misuse of public staff for private errands, and appearing at public functions intoxicated, etc. etc. etc. Do you really want to pit Bailao's behaviour against Ford's? Seriously?

Honestly, Peepers, turn around, because the exit from the rabbit hole you've gone down is way behind you.

Yes I am well aware (as everyone is) that Ford has a DUI conviction from Florida dating back to his youth. Here is the difference. When confronted with his Florida DUI Ford owned up to the mistake. In contrast - after Bailao was charged with a DUI she surrounded herself with council colleagues to proclaim that she was going to fight the charges - i.e. she proclaimed her innocence BEFORE finally admitting the truth that she was indeed way over the drunk driving limit that night. Another big difference is Bailao drunk driving arrest came after a night of being wined and dined by Casino lobbyists and yet somehow she is so virtuous that she can stand in judgement of Ford?

There is no question that what Rob Ford has admitted to and is alleged to have done are far worse than Bailao's offenses. What I hate is the hypocrisy of a Councillor who was convicted of drunk driving after a night being entertained by lobbyists piling on Rob Ford's because of his personal failings.
First article I've seen that takes a deeper look at the Ford's wealth. I know we don't like them, but I don't know why we should doubt that at least Doug and their father have worked hard and made difficult decisions to get where they are. If building and keeping afloat a multi-million dollar business was easy we'd all be doing it.
Oxys/opiates can make you sweat like you have never sweat before.

I am in no way trying to defend Ford, but some people actually just sweat a lot. I don't think its as easy to say someone is using substances because they are sweaty as it is to assume that they might just be sweaty...
Yes I am well aware (as everyone is) that Ford has a DUI conviction from Florida dating back to his youth. Here is the difference. When confronted with his Florida DUI Ford owned up to the mistake. In contrast - after Bailao was charged with a DUI she surrounded herself with council colleagues to proclaim that she was going to fight the charges - i.e. she proclaimed her innocence BEFORE finally admitting the truth that she was indeed way over the drunk driving limit that night. Another big difference is Bailao drunk driving arrest came after a night of being wined and dined by Casino lobbyists and yet somehow she is so virtuous that she can stand in judgement of Ford?

There is no question that what Rob Ford has admitted to and is alleged to have done are far worse than Bailao's offenses. What I hate is the hypocrisy of a Councillor who was convicted of drunk driving after a night being entertained by lobbyists piling on Rob Ford's because of his personal failings.

Did she fire a joint onto the road when she was asked to get out of the car?
AND His being a stand up guy about it? ....HAHAHA How soon we forget. Hell, I'd forgotten the whole train wreck thing was a thing since before he was elected...
Yes I am well aware (as everyone is) that Ford has a DUI conviction from Florida dating back to his youth. Here is the difference. When confronted with his Florida DUI Ford owned up to the mistake. In contrast - after Bailao was charged with a DUI she surrounded herself with council colleagues to proclaim that she was going to fight the charges - i.e. she proclaimed her innocence BEFORE finally admitting the truth that she was indeed way over the drunk driving limit that night. Another big difference is Bailao drunk driving arrest came after a night of being wined and dined by Casino lobbyists and yet somehow she is so virtuous that she can stand in judgement of Ford?

There is no question that what Rob Ford has admitted to and is alleged to have done are far worse than Bailao's offenses. What I hate is the hypocrisy of a Councillor who was convicted of drunk driving after a night being entertained by lobbyists piling on Rob Ford's because of his personal failings.

IIRC Ford denied the DUI charge and then claimed to have forgotten about it. Billao at least eventually plead guilty. Ford's never admitted that he had/has a problem despite the overwhelming evidence. Billao isn't the only councillor with dui issues, there are two or three others. None of them seem to have had longstanding train-wreck worthy problems like Ford, however.
from my linked article...
"I went for Valentine's with my wife, we had a couple of bottles of wine. I wasn't drunk, but maybe I shouldn't have been driving," Mr. Ford said.

That is not a rookie drinker there... how did this not get more traction at the time? Seriously.
Yes I am well aware (as everyone is) that Ford has a DUI conviction from Florida dating back to his youth. Here is the difference. When confronted with his Florida DUI Ford owned up to the mistake.

Since when is 30 "youth"? Within a year of that conviction he was a councillor. And when he was confronted with the DUI and pot poss. during his mayoral election campaign he did the opposite of own up to it...he lied and denied it (said it was only failing to provide a breathalizer). When confronted with the evidence, he admitted to the DUI but didn't admit to the pot poss. When confronted with that evidence, he said it "completely, totally slipped my mind". O in other words...yet another lie.

What I hate is the hypocrisy of a Councillor who was convicted of drunk driving after a night being entertained by lobbyists piling on Rob Ford's because of his personal failings.

That would only be hypocrisy if the guy with only a single DUI history was piling on the other guy for only a single DUI charge. But as we both know, you could care less about drinking & driving. The only thing that bothers you is the perceived indiscretions taking place with so-called lobbyists. So what do you call it when Fords meet with the same types or have backroom deals?
Another thing that doesn't get enough attention about the Florida arrest is that Ford also basically tried to bribe the cop.

"The def[endant]approached me and took all of his money and threw it to the ground. The def was acting nervous. When the defendant spoke to me I could smell a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on his breath. His eyes were bloodshot."
Yes I am well aware (as everyone is) that Ford has a DUI conviction from Florida dating back to his youth.

As others have noted, Mr. Ford initially denied this when first confronted with it, and only admitted it later. This type of response may sound familiar.

Also, "in this youth" is a somewhat questionable caveat given that the man was THIRTY when this happened.

I understand and respect that you have a higher opinion of the Mayor than most in this thread, but I feel like you actually weaken your position when you use half-truths to support it.

That said, keep fightin', Peeps!
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