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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Hey here's a totally unrelated question. Take a look at this for a second:

View attachment 19849

Anyone care to speculate what "basement living room/REDACTED (Personal identifier) REDACTED (Personal identifier) area" means?

"Basement living room/Renata's sex swing area" ?
"Basement living room/children's dungeon area" ?
"Basement living room/Randy's grow room area" ?

How the hell does that sentence end in a way that implicates someone in something?

Didn't someone make a quote "he's going to need a bigger basement"?
Didn't someone make a quote "he's going to need a bigger basement"?

Don't her parents live in the house too? Am I imagining that? It could easily just be a guest room for her parents or the kids' playroom or something. I wouldn't get too carried away with speculation. we have enough to chew on already...
Doug is asking questions and he's taking the 'how much will this cost the taxpayers if it goes to court?' tack. He's such a smug prick. Apparently Ford's staff has indicated he will challenge the decision in court. He concludes his statement with "I look forward to challenging it." You're not the fucking mayor asshole.
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Doug is asking questions and he's taking the 'how much will this cost the taxpayers if it goes to court?' tack. He's such a smug prick. Apparently Ford's staff has indicated he will challenge the decision in court.

And the clerk said it will be in effect until overturned by a court.
I'm not a muni lawyer but I can't see anything illegal in what they are doing; it's all straight out of the City of Toronto Act, as is Monday's motion. I suspect they had lawyers look at the Act to determine what powers they did have before drafting the motions.
Apparently Ford's staff has indicated he will challenge the decision in court.

And THAT right there is where the Province will be compelled to step in... Ford challenging the Council's functionality and legality will be what is considered the "inability for council to function" - what Wynne was talking about.
And THAT right there is where the Province will be compelled to step in... Ford challenging the Council's functionality and legality will be what is considered the "inability for council to function" - what Wynne was talking about.

And it would be nice if the "new legislation" was worded in a way as to censure and remove not only the Mayor but those councilors actively involved in the ongoing sedition towards the legal authority of Council to operate"...

So Doug would be bounced too...
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That's not enough for Wynne to get involved. She said COUNCIL would have to indicate it's not functioning and ask for "tools."
Ford challenging a decision in court won't do it, IMHO.
Now rob is telling council that they are costing the taxpayers money by moving this motion because he will challenge it in court and that he understands why taxpayers are so frustrated with council for taking these measures.

Is he for real?
I get so sick of the attitude that Rob Ford should get a pass for using hurtful language - whether about Asians, women, or Pakistani cab drivers - because he's plainspoken and he means well. I do my best to choose my words carefully, not because I want to be "politically correct" but because I value inclusiveness and respect. When Ford makes comments like "Those Oriental people work like dogs", regardless of what his actual intent is, his words tell me that he doesn't care about how he makes other people feel. Yesterday's train wreck is just another illustration of that.

If I had more time this morning, I'd have more to say about your sentiments about gay people, HIV-AIDS, and suburbanites - suffice it to say, I grew up in the suburbs, and although prejudice was certainly widespread, it was also rapidly changing by the time I was in my teens.

Lots of people are well meaning, when selecting the person to be spokesperson for my city, I want someone who is well meaning AND can communicate properly. As for that AIDS comment, I haven't heard anything as stupid in years. I'm surprised to hear it here.
personally, the term Oriental is pretty innoculous IMO


"Oriental" is not exactly hate speech, but neither is it innocuous. It's a term used mostly by an older generation, who have generally not been exposed to much diversity; in terms of import and association, it's scarcely better than "coloured".

I know the derivation & meaning - and you can call me Occidental without offending me - but meanings & usage change over time. Based on the way I perceive it, I don't use "Oriental" to describe people.

Look at it this way: if the police asked you to describe someone you saw, would you be comfortable having your use of "Oriental" put down on paper and potentially entered into the public record?
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Bring on the legal challenge! I am dying for Rob and Doug Ford to spend as much time as possible in a courtroom from now on!
That's stretching it - if it was anyone else who used that term, it might have been admissible (and personally, the term Oriental is pretty innoculous IMO). Rob Ford on the other hand does not strike me as the type who is just ignorant.

He's not just ignorant, but he's definitely ignorant.
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