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Rob Ford's Toronto

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In thestar today Rosie Dimanno mentions that the police have given Rob the option to pirvately view the video if he would like.

A dare flung at Police Chief Bill Blair: Show me, show everybody, the crack video. Even though Blair’s top investigator has already publicly invited Mayor Rob Ford to come and have a look.

Has anybody else seen that documented anywhere else? If it's true then Blair should fire back by publicly making that offer to Rob.
You're all more or less right and wrong from my perspective (in terms of what/how of addiction). I was an addiction counselor for about 15 years. In terms of the recovery process, there is very little (which is not to say *no*, but really, very little) practical difference between being addicted to alocohol vs. cocaine vs. heroin, etc.

(there is obvious difference in the detoxification process, but in terms of true recovery, no)

Most addicts, if their drug of choice is not available, will substitute. Some have no drug of choice, as oblivion is oblivion. Clinically we would call this cross-addiction. Non clinically, we call this being a garbage can. Everything goes in. Can't score powder blow? Smoke crack, just once, 'til you can get what you like. Can't get that? Get drunk to forget you're not getting high the way you like. Anything to escape reality.

From the beginning, I've been pretty sure Rob Ford isn't a crack-addict specifically, or a regular/habitual (read: daily) crack user. I've been pretty sure he's a garbage can. Err, I mean Cross-Addicted.

I'll take that bet. Someone who, from the surveillance report, never seems to leave the house without two bottles of cheap vodka has a problem, and a heavy one. I think he also does hard drugs but the booze is absolutely concerning as well.
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So it seems that Chief Blair doesn't have the power to release the crack video. What about the lawyers? Is there a legal procedure that can be initiated to have it released or do we have to wait until the trial, if there is one, to begin?

Lisi's lawyer will be getting a copy of the video if he hasn't yet. I believe there's nothing preventing him from releasing it. Ford is the only person in frame and he's already made repeated statements that he wants the video made public.

I think the strategy is to get all the dirty laundry out as soon as possible to avoid the water drip torture dominating the months into the election. He's evidently trying to put it all behind him so that he has a clean slate to spend the year campaigning. But given that Ford was again drunk last night slurring his words when speaking on the phone, it'll be no time before another episode of public drunkeness hits. If he is indeed addicted to crack, then he's going to start getting desperate soon. I wouldn't be surprised if Doug puts his foot in a trap to straight out Rob's withdrawals and starts pulling old connections and to score crack for his brother who can't take a step outside without being in the media spotlight. More likely somebody like David Price would serve that role so reporters should be following his steps closely too. Maybe David Price will be his new driver making $130K/yr.
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You're all more or less right and wrong from my perspective (in terms of what/how of addiction). I was an addiction counselor for about 15 years. In terms of the recovery process, there is very little (which is not to say *no*, but really, very little) practical difference between being addicted to alocohol vs. cocaine vs. heroin, etc.

(there is obvious difference in the detoxification process, but in terms of true recovery, no)

Most addicts, if their drug of choice is not available, will substitute. Some have no drug of choice, as oblivion is oblivion. Clinically we would call this cross-addiction. Non clinically, we call this being a garbage can. Everything goes in. Can't score powder blow? Smoke crack, just once, 'til you can get what you like. Can't get that? Get drunk to forget you're not getting high the way you like. Anything to escape reality.

From the beginning, I've been pretty sure Rob Ford isn't a crack-addict specifically, or a regular/habitual (read: daily) crack user. I've been pretty sure he's a garbage can. Err, I mean Cross-Addicted.

Excellent post. I've long-assumed that he's a hardcore alcoholic, occasional/frequent recreational coke user, and "Sure, why the hell not" once in a while crak user when it's around.
Lisi's lawyer will be getting a copy of the video if he hasn't yet. I believe there's nothing preventing him from releasing it. Ford is the only person in frame and he's already made repeated statements that he wants the video made public.

I think the strategy is to get all the dirty laundry out as soon as possible to avoid the water drip torture dominating the months into the election. He's evidently trying to put it all behind him so that he has a clean slate to spend the year campaigning. But given that Ford was again drunk last night slurring his words when speaking on the phone, it'll be no time before another episode of public drunkeness hits. If he is indeed addicted to crack, then he's going to start getting desperate soon. I wouldn't be surprised if Doug puts his foot in a trap to straight out Rob's withdrawals and starts pulling old connections and to score crack for his brother who can't take a step outside without being in the media spotlight. More likely somebody like David Price would serve that role so reporters should be following his steps closely too. Maybe David Price will be his new driver making $130K/yr.

Wouldn't the publication ban prevent them from releasing any evidence?
If he is indeed addicted to crack, then he's going to start getting desperate soon.

Does everybody think he is addicted to crack? I think he has a drinking problem and likely uses all sorts of drugs, but I don't know if I would say that he is flat-out addicted to crack. Does it even matter though? Is this an important distinction to make?

Who knows.
You're all more or less right and wrong from my perspective (in terms of what/how of addiction). I was an addiction counselor for about 15 years. In terms of the recovery process, there is very little (which is not to say *no*, but really, very little) practical difference between being addicted to alocohol vs. cocaine vs. heroin, etc.

(there is obvious difference in the detoxification process, but in terms of true recovery, no)

Most addicts, if their drug of choice is not available, will substitute. Some have no drug of choice, as oblivion is oblivion. Clinically we would call this cross-addiction. Non clinically, we call this being a garbage can. Everything goes in. Can't score powder blow? Smoke crack, just once, 'til you can get what you like. Can't get that? Get drunk to forget you're not getting high the way you like. Anything to escape reality.

From the beginning, I've been pretty sure Rob Ford isn't a crack-addict specifically, or a regular/habitual (read: daily) crack user. I've been pretty sure he's a garbage can. Err, I mean Cross-Addicted.

This. He is addicted to something/a host of things. The way he's trying to minimize his behaviour is also familiar to me (being all too familiar with dealing with alcoholics). For some reason I think the booze is his biggest problem, but he's likely doing a combo of things. I'm quite surprised he hasn't had any real medical issues.

I'd expect nothing more...
I wish the media would focus more on the possibility that Ford drinks and drives and confront him about that. He was found wasted at Taste Of The Danforth and he was with his car. How did he get there? In what state was he in while he was getting there? Are we really going to look the other way while Ford potentially gets away with a serious crime?
It's my understanding that a judge may permit the videos to be released if it's in the public interest. However that is unlikely since it may compromise the trial. In the meantime we will likely have those wiretaps released to the public.

I wonder if someone who is lawyer-ly could comment on how having the public view the object of extortion, could jeopardize an extortion case regarding said object. On the face of it, I don't see how it could. But IANAL :)
I wish the media would focus more on the possibility that Ford drinks and drives and confront him about that. He was found wasted at Taste Of The Danforth and he was with his car. How did he get there? In what state was he in while he was getting there? Are we really going to look the other way while Ford potentially gets away with a serious crime?

Right - both regarding that incident and the incidents documented in the ITO.
> But given that Ford was again drunk last night slurring his words when speaking on the phone, it'll be no time before another episode of public drunkeness hits

When was this?
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