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Rob Ford's Toronto

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This may seem completely unrelated to Rob Ford but after you've watched this video, you'll be making the connection between the group of people being discussed here and Ford Nation


We need to recruit Penn & Teller to out all the bullshit the Ford's spew. It's obvious to most of us but not to Ford Nation. This kind of in your face WAKE THE FUCK UP form of communication may be the only way to get through to the type of people who believe everything Ford says.

I'm not making any sort of connection here. Not to mention that the anti-vax crowd are typically liberals, and not the crowd associated with Ford Nation.

Also, Penn & Teller spew out more bullshit than they ever out. Their show is one of the most anti-intellectual, biased, rhetoric-filled half-hours that ever was on TV.
Robyn Doolittle is too hot for the tabloid Star. She should be on FOX News or at any rate, Global. Bet that's her plan :)

Just shaking my head. ... She's a reporter, end of. Perhaps you might try focusing on her journalistic skills. There's an idea!
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I'm not making any sort of connection here. Not to mention that the anti-vax crowd are typically liberals, and not the crowd associated with Ford Nation.

Also, Penn & Teller spew out more bullshit than they ever out. Their show is one of the most anti-intellectual, biased, rhetoric-filled half-hours that ever was on TV.

The whole point of the show is to be over the top, much like a lot of their work. I've seen a few of them and, while I can understand some people finding the presentation annoying, all I've ever seen them do is slam conspiracy nuts, wackjob pseudoscience, or anyone lacking critical thinking. I don't recall hearing them claim anything that isn't a verifiable fact.
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Not to mention that the anti-vax crowd are typically liberals, and not the crowd associated with Ford Nation.

Personally, I thought anti-vaxxers were typically libertarians. So I decided to look it up:
What’s interesting here is that Pew also provided a political breakdown of the results, and there was simply no difference between Democrats and Republicans. 71 % of members of both parties said childhood vaccinations should be required, while 26 % of Republicans and 27 % of Democrats said parents should decide. (Independents were slightly worse: 67 % said vaccinations should be required, while 30 % favored parental choice.)

Funny how our respective assumptions probably betrayed our political biases, though.
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You are correct that recent immigrants (and subsequent generations) will likely not place the same value on history and context as those whose families have been here for many generations.

Well, if you want to be technical, "history and context" wouldn't have the same kind of immediacy to newcomers as it does to the multi-generational--or even in cases of racialized discrimination, it may carry, directly or indirectly, an "ugly old values" stigma. However, I do know from my experience (and observing that of others) that landing in a strange and unfamiliar place can actually stimulate a hit-the-ground-running curiosity as to the genius loci, to the point where a newcomer such as me can actually "out-local the locals"--but unfortunately, as I've inferred, such "out-localling" these days can all too easily be pigeonholed and segmented off as that ol' SimpsonsPortlandia/Lonely Planet yuppie-hipster patronizing presumptiousness. (Though in practice, I actually find that Scarborough's newer ethno-demos have practiced a different kind of "out-localling", which has less to do w/aesthetics than w/economics and public-space-usage--that is, those rubby old strip malls and bus-stop nucleii actually feel more pulsing with energy and activity today than they did in the Wayne's World white-trash 70s/80s.)

If you want to take a counter-example: I'm of Polish background, I was in the "old country" back in the days of Communism, and according to your logic I, as a market-economy Westerner, should be rejecting that which was so-called cold, concrete, and Communistic. Au contraire; I'm up with the "Ostalgists" re the Communist-era legacy, and would gladly tell the idiot locals (or idiot visitors) who want to mass-dynamite said legacy to shove it.

You obviously place a great deal of value on architecture, aesthetics and history. While I genuinely admire your passion (obviously all of those things are important to the city), I can't quite buy into the narrative that a lack of beautiful architecture and history is an impoverished existence. People who are living in real poverty (which I'd wager most of us are lucky to have never experienced) would be insulted by that idea.

It isn't a matter of "a lack of beautiful architecture and history"; rather, it's a matter of abject, untutored, unmotivated incuriosity. The sort of thing which can compound any existing "real poverty". (Indeed, these days even the "architecture of poverty", 50s/60s-style public housing and the sort, can be taken seriously from a heritage-esque standpoint.)
Personally, I thought anti-vaxxers were typically libertarians. So I decided to look it up:

Funny how our respective assumptions probably betrayed our political biases, though.

The question asked in that poll does not address the issue well enough, though. I'm a big supporter of vaccines and ideally most of us would get them, but I technically do not support making them a 'requirement'. They are not a requirement here in Canada, yet we reap the benefits of vaccination quite successfully as a society.
posters like ADMA and politicians who espouse those views are perfect examples of why the average citizen is led to vote for Ford.
keep it up and you will guarantee him another term.
posters like ADMA and politicians who espouse those views are perfect examples of why the average citizen is led to vote for Ford.
keep it up and you will guarantee him another term.

exaggerate much? that is an absolutely ludicrous thing to say.
posters like ADMA and politicians who espouse those views are perfect examples of why the average citizen is led to vote for Ford.
keep it up and you will guarantee him another term.

If you (or anyone) is voting for Ford because you deem some people with views annoying, I'm pretty sure you aren't mature enough to be voting... or at the very least, you're voting for the wrong reasons.
Fact is, lots of voters are immature, vote for questionable reasons, vote with little to no knowledge of the issues, vote because they like the candidate's photo ... the list of reasons why people vote the way they do is a long one. Sadly, there is no criteria beyond age and being out of jail that keeps people from voting.
It's one thing to say that EIFS is cheap and does not weather well -- those are objective, falsifiable facts. It's quite another to say that EIFS is unequivocally ugly, vulgar, tasteless, etc. Those are all matters of opinion, to a certain extent.

To a greater extent, the former (cheap and temporary) is the reason the latter (ugly, vulgar, tasteless) is largely true. In other words, please point me in the direction of some examples of EIFS that are non-ugly, vulgar, and tasteless.

(Sure, there are some scientific principles behind aesthetics, like symmetry and the golden ratio, but I doubt we'll ever be able to say something is unequivocally beautiful or ugly for all cultures, time periods and locations.) It's almost like saying that skinny jeans are unequivocally awesome/hideous. Just wait another 5-10 years and the fashion pendulum will swing the other way.

I very much doubt that in “5-10 years" the architectural fashion pendulum will be swinging in the direction of embracing spray-painted Styrofoam as the latest and greatest iteration of aesthetic value. In fact, I think we can safely assume that EIFS is almost certainly going to maintain its permanent status as unequivocally ugly, at least in the manifest form it has here in Toronto.
If you (or anyone) is voting for Ford because you deem some people with views annoying, I'm pretty sure you aren't mature enough to be voting... or at the very least, you're voting for the wrong reasons.

People with different views vs. Elitism(racism)

Different views:
Person a: I like blue
Person b: I like red
A+b= well I guess we can compromise with green

Person a: I like blue
Person b: I like red
Person a: you are stupid for not liking blue. You don't know any better you should like blue. Its OK well do blue and you'll understand.
To a greater extent, the former (cheap and temporary) is the reason the latter (ugly, vulgar, tasteless) is largely true. In other words, please point me in the direction of some examples of EIFS that are non-ugly, vulgar, and tasteless.

I very much doubt that in “5-10 years" the architectural fashion pendulum will be swinging in the direction of embracing spray-painted Styrofoam as the latest and greatest iteration of aesthetic value. In fact, I think we can safely assume that EIFS is almost certainly going to maintain its permanent status as unequivocally ugly, at least in the manifest form it has here in Toronto.

Okay, fair enough.
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