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Rob Ford's Toronto

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^Very true. While it would still be illegal, it wouldn't be DUI-level illegal.

It's pitiful that "the argument about Rob Ford" is about the degree to which he breaks the law with impunity on any given day.

I disagree, any distractive driving can cost property damage, personal injury, or death.

Just ask professional drivers of the dangers.
The kid who took the video is in conversation with a couple regulars on Twitter. Says he didn't see Ford arrive, but thinks he wasn't there for long. Parked across the street from the kid's house, on Greenwood at the northern end of the TTC yard. This, he says, is about 2km from the Taste of the Danforth. In the video where Robbie Three-Times repeats, "I'm not driving, I'm not driving, I'm not driving," he is about 20 feet away from his vehicle. Ford had a crowd of ten people around him 30 feet from his car, and it had doubled by the time they reached the Danforth. At the Danforth the crowd stopped at Tim's for the coffee. Apparently there is also a beer store and an LCBO on that corner.
Anyone know his Twitter handle?
I disagree, any distractive driving can cost property damage, personal injury, or death.

Just ask professional drivers of the dangers.

But we weren't talking about Ford driving distractedly. We were talking about the possibility that he was stone cold sober until he put his Escalade in "P" and then, while parked, pounded down however many ounces of vodka it takes for him to turn into a spitting, stumbling wreck, and ONLY THEN got out of his car to immediately exclaim to curious onlookers, "I'm not driving. I'm not driving. I'm not driving."

I know the Tommy Shanks references have already been made many hundreds of pages ago, but I can't help but recall the "Just lookin' for a contact lens, officer" line. Lemme see if I can find it on youtube.

EDIT: Couldn't find the Tommy Shanks clip, but I did stumble onto a bunch videos chronicling Johnny LaRue's run for Melonville Council, which IMO is a much better representation of Rob Ford than Tommy Shanks. LaRue's campaign slogan was "Legalize LaRue", and his commercials consisted of LaRue sitting in his office drinking and being anti-intellectual ("You'd need a college degree to read some of this stuff!"). Ahhhhh, the good old days...
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When will enough be enough? When will something finally stick to this guy? This is all such an embarrassment to the city.

His supporters love this stuff. All they care about is that Ford pisses off liberals, commies, and hippies, and he's doing a great job of that. Ford benefits from the 30-or-so% of the population that always supports the most conservative politician, no matter what. I think literally the only thing he could do that would alienate his base is something creepy involving children. Anything else is fair game for him.
But we weren't talking about Ford driving distractedly. We were talking about the possibility that he was stone cold sober until he put his Escalade in "P" and then, while parked, pounded down however many ounces of vodka it takes for him to turn into a spitting, stumbling wreck, and ONLY THEN got out of his car to immediately exclaim to curious onlookers, "I'm not driving. I'm not driving. I'm not driving."

I know the Tommy Shanks references have already been made many hundreds of pages ago, but I can't help but recall the "Just lookin' for a contact lens, officer" line. Lemme see if I can find it on youtube.

EDIT: Couldn't find the Tommy Shanks clip, but I did stumble onto a bunch videos chronicling Johnny LaRue's run for Melonville Council, which IMO is a much better representation of Rob Ford than Tommy Shanks. LaRue's campaign slogan was "Legalize LaRue", and his commercials consisted of LaRue sitting in his office drinking and being anti-intellectual ("You'd need a college degree to read some of this stuff!"). Ahhhhh, the good old days...

My apologies, I got lost in the conversation.

Legalize weed or legalize idiocy & stupidity... we know how this one has and always will end.

There is a quick test to find out if Robbie is on something, just hold up some snacks, and see how fast he moves.
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Look at the picture heading up the Now article. The whole family is gathered around him in front of the Tim Horton's, with big grins on their faces. One younger man on the right is lifting his hand above Ford's head to make that V sign, like people do when they want to goof on someone in a photo. He's treating Ford like a joke. It's not that he's a rock star for them, like Doug claims, it's that he's a clown. They feel free to make fun of the mayor of the biggest city in Canada. Wouldn't be more obvious if they had a big sign that said, "WE'RE WITH DUMBASS". And, even this, evidence that the man in the street actually takes him for a fool, won't break the dynamic. Because no one has ever cared. It's true, people support him because Rob Ford is a big middle finger in the culture wars. Kouvalis probably always knew he was a clown, Towhey certainly knew he was a clown, Batra knew he was a clown, she says half the time they didn't even know where he was. And still they pushed to get him elected. Matt Gurney, who wrote the article this morning saying none of this matters, that Ford will still go on, surely knows he's a clown, but keeps writing articles in support. There seems something dangerous about this. We expect some kind of integrity, some civic responsibility, some kind of quality control from those who have influential positions, but for these people all that seems to matter is pushing the buttons, scoring the win, pissing off the liberals.


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His supporters love this stuff. All they care about is that Ford pisses off liberals, commies, and hippies, and he's doing a great job of that.

This is very true... Ford benefits from the politics of spite.

The consensus from Ford supporters on Friday night's antics is "He was just drinking some beers on his time off, let him relax." They're willing to overlook that he drove himself there, was likely drunk when he arrived and that appearing at these events is part of his job. It's a fascinating look at people who are too stubborn to admit when they're wrong. That said, I do think most of his vocal supporters online are retired or unemployed trolls who quite literally, have nothing better to do.

I worked at Corus when they opened Corus Quay in late 2010. I remember seeing David Miller at the black tie opening of that event because I had never seen him before and I was impressed he rode his bike here in late October at night. (To be fair, he did lock his bike to a sign and not a ring and post, so I guess he is a leftard/commie/etc/misc... I digress). Even as an un-popular mayor with just days left at his job, he polite, friendly and sober at an open bar event. Yes, that's what he expect from our elected officials when they attend events. I really don't think that's too much to ask.
Residents want Toronto to build a better city: poll

"Toronto residents want their municipal leaders to focus on building a better city, not on keeping taxes low, according a recent poll.

The survey, conducted by Forum Research Inc., found that 65 per cent of respondents – nearly two-thirds – chose a better city when asked, “As far as you know, what is the most important duty of a mayor and city council, building a better city or keeping taxes low?’

“Keeping taxes low” was favoured by just 27 per cent of those polled."
Legalize weed or legalize idiocy & stupidity... we know how this one has and always will end.
Idiocy and stupidity are already legal as witnessed by most of the content of this thread.
The 15 or so people who contribute here are no longer funny enough to follow daily, just increasingly desperate to topple the mayor.

People, he is here and he is dear (if I may borrow a phrase) to many more people than populate this thread. It is called democracy. Mayor Ford is mayor because he is not you, think about it.

I voted for Ford last time and may do so again, it depends on the choices offered. What I do know is that I will never vote for a clone of Miller, Smitherman or Pantalone.

Please don't set your hair on fire over his short comings, remember his vote is only 1 of 45.
"Ford isn’t the first politician whose private life has come under scrutiny.

The late Alberta premier Ralph Klein made headlines in 2001 after making degrading comments at a homeless shelter while allegedly drunk.

Although his staff denied Klein was drunk, the premier later admitted he had a drinking problem and promised to cut back, in stark contrast to the problems surrounding Ford.

“Klein owned up to what he did. He didn’t deny it,” Loewen said. “In this case you’ve got Rob Ford denying stuff all the way down the line.

“Any leeway that most citizens would have given to other politicians is now gone for Mayor Ford.”"
Idiocy and stupidity are already legal as witnessed by most of the content of this thread.
The 15 or so people who contribute here are no longer funny enough to follow daily, just increasingly desperate to topple the mayor.

People, he is here and he is dear (if I may borrow a phrase) to many more people than populate this thread. It is called democracy. Mayor Ford is mayor because he is not you, think about it.

I voted for Ford last time and may do so again, it depends on the choices offered. What I do know is that I will never vote for a clone of Miller, Smitherman or Pantalone.

Please don't set your hair on fire over his short comings, remember his vote is only 1 of 45.

So... you are saying that you are not voting for someone, but rather against someone? Put simply, you would vote reactively?
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