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Rob Ford's Toronto

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What does that mean? 53 percent didn't elect him. Do we also deserve him?
Yep. Maybe we deserve him even more. Do we have a coherent idea of what we want? Or will we split the vote again between those who want Toronto to be NDP Fantasy Island and those who want someone who will be attentive to the fiscal and management concerns that helped elect Ford? After three years of this guy, with all his stupid (unethical, possibly illegal) acts and decisions that should have buried him, he's still a threat to be re-elected, and the best we can find to get our hopes behind are Olivia Chow and John Tory? Outside of the political wonks who would be starting to prepare for any election, have any of us been roused to do anything about Ford besides post on Twitter?
Re Ford's cognitive impairment/borderline retardation/etc: remember what I've raised once and again--don't be surprised if his lifetime devotion to football has given him traumatic brain injury of some sort. (Though we may not know until an autopsy unveils tell-tale cavities and lesions "up there".)

And to revisit the unfortunate "hotties" thing: not only is Jennifer Keesmat married, her husband and Rob Ford were fellow high school football players. So given the apparent "football nepotism" there, it's almost pure providential happenstance that she's actually "qualified" for her job...

This was around the point when I was, frankly, angry watching Ford when I went to batsh*t, out-of-my-head, salivating at the mouth. He was asked over and over again by several Councillors if this would pull funding from the Sheppard LRT and he danced around the subject without giving an answer, all the Councillors wanted was a "yes" or a "no", though he finally did concede "you know I don't support LRT's" without any further explanation. Later, when Flaherty's office issued the statement about the 330M, another Councillor suggested they get clarity on this issue before the votes happen (on the subway vs. LRT plus amendments) until tomorrow so that they know exactly what they are voting on. And so it was, the vote will be sometime tomorrow morning, or perhaps early afternoon. As this funding is clearly being moved from the Sheppard LRT (despite Ford's office issuing the statement early evening “[the subway extension] will be contingent on securing new Federal funding", he pulled a complete 180 from what he was saying in Council so he either lied in Council or he's lying through that statement, both cannot be true. In the end, the subway from Kennedy to STC is dead, as I expected it would be anyway. The SRT will become an LRT and many Councillors are going to be very angry tomorrow morning at Ford for not only misleading them all this time but for dancing around the issue trying score political points in Scarborough with a three-stop subway extension. Of course his soundbite to Fraud Nation will be that the lefties on Council killed the subway and offer no explanation beyond that, which is how he operates.
I don't think Ford played enough first string football to seriously impair his cognitive functioning.

But, it's easy to forget, as our families are generally like us and we gravitate toward friendly circles who are similar, take up professions or courses of study which attract people of comparable intellectual resources, that there really are millions of stupid people out there. Not terribly nice but that's the truth, and in a democracy those of them who have been inflated with confidence for whatever reason are going to run and get elected.
Thanks very much for this response, ahm. I appreciate that you've taken the time to go over my claims and respond to them.

Reviewing CowboyLogic's posts - btw, a handy feature - this seems to be where the discussion regarding the Star began. These are the examples you refer to later

1 the magnet issue - was this when the mayor ran out of the meeting to plaster magnets on people's cars? i don't recall the star making exceptionally egregious hay out of it - i remember reading one reporter who was somewhat amused but also actually kind of concerned about the mayor (was that dale? it's weird how dale seems to actually care about the man he has to report on) - but my mileage probably varies from yours somewhat. i do remember twitter getting bent out of shape about it, but that wasn't the star, that was twitter

Granted, this wasn't egregiously unethical or anything like that, but, at the time, it was being made into a fairly big deal by the Star. However, it happened immediately before the crack allegations, which essentially snuffed the magnet controversy out.

I'm not sure if Dale was the one who wrote about it, but he was the one who initially followed the Mayor and filmed the encounter. As well, the Star was the one that broke this story to begin with, publishing several follow-ups, the attention culminating in an investigation (which has since been cancelled).

This wasn't a huge deal, but considering Ford was placing magnets on cars, making any deal out of it seems like making a mountain out of a molehill in my eyes.

2 i'll give you this one, because i just don't recall any article where that was the majority of it; sure, the star hasn't been the best in reigning in their inner editorial voice in some of their reporting, but they leave the objectionable stuff to their columnists. their reporting is far far more cut and dry. i'd love to see a link to an article in ye olde toronto star that is a reporter and not a columnist or editorial that mocks his worship's weight.

You're right, cracks about the Mayor's weight and appearance have appeared in columnist pieces and editorial cartoons, not reporters' pieces. I was thinking of Mallick, among others, when I mentioned this, so I apologize if I gave the wrong impression. It is an important distinction.

4 wait, so the star has published fiction, passed it off as reportage, and their ombudsman has yet to call them to task for it? hmmm, i may try to google this tonight because that is a serious accusation. i wonder how many major dailies in canada manage to get away with this kind of behaviour.

Yes, I do believe they have. The initial front-page story they published, which included allegations of Ford physically assaulting a kid from an unnamed source, was later dismissed by the alleged victim as not being true. At this point, the Star should have published a front-page apology, retraction or clarification. They didn't, and that was the beginning of Ford's long-lasting feud with the Star.

This report was also published during the mayoral campaign as Ford was gaining steam, which makes it really suspicious in my eyes. I think, at the least, considering that the implications of the article turned out not to be true, that a follow-up from the Star would have been the ethical thing to do.

5 i don't quite know how to address your point about the poll being 3 weeks late and the star reporting about's so anecdotal. can you try to firm up your case regarding this point? maybe link to the story, because the reporter might have had a good reason to refer to a 3 week old poll.

I had the Star delivered at the time, so I know this from my own anecdotal experience of looking at the paper this morning. I'll try to see if I can find an archive or past issue to verify this, as part of what made it so unethical in my eyes is that it was front-page on the GTA section and seemed to imply that Ford was losing steam, which was just not true. I'll try to verify that on here.

6 nothing, in your opinion, matches or parallels the viciousness of the star's cartoons about ford? ever? anywhere? or just in toronto? or just in canada's major dailies? perhaps you could be a little clearer. i'll admit i don't like most political cartoons (too much berkley breathed in my early years has ruined me for what passes for humour and delight these days)

In Canadian dailies. I posted the Ford Follies earlier as examples. I even find them funny, but I do think a line has been crossed with them. They were a specially commissioned for the Star and depicted, among other things, Ford talking about "survival of the fattest," about to eat Margaret Atwood's stuffed body and sending a bunch of protestors (?) into a gladitorial ring to be killed. Also, doing a strip dance on a pole. They're all here:

the thing i find frustrating (jeez i've lost my will to capitalize, again) is that i can accept that all of this signifies to ford supporters that the star cannot be trusted; but no paper or media organization is free from these kinds of mistakes, if not these ones specifically. none of them are perfect. some are worse than others. some are better. there's a general aggregate of news that is more or less trustworthy, i think. i try to read across the spectrum to achieve that. the star is part of that. that it is singled out for these faults, i think, is political spin just as the general latte-sipper's disdain for the toronto sun tends to malign them. because if the paper you dislike because it supports your opponent can be painted as not trustworthy then you reduce the spectrum and shift it in your direction. it's also a handy way of edging out your competition - "don't read the star because they lie, instead read us and let us sell ads to you". although, in the case of the sun, today's news is a little sad because if that was a tactic of theirs, it didn't work.

I actually agree with everything you said here. I not only read the Star when I get the chance, but also the Globe, Post and Sun, not to mention that I read The Grid and NOW Magazine every week. I really do think its important to read from a diversity of sources and across the spectrum: all the papers have their own strengths and weaknesses.

My point wasn't that the Star should be boycotted or ignored, just that I do think they have behaved unethically in some instances and that they have lost a lot of credibility as a result. I'd disagree that other papers are equally as culpable. I think the viciousness the Star has gone after Ford with is completely alien to the Globe, Post or even The Grid, although the Sun behaves in much the same manner often (and, as a result, don't have as much credibility as the Globe or Post command).

However, its the two incidents where I feel the Star attempted to mislead the public - the Ford roughing up a kid story and the three-week old poll being published - that are the most jarring, troublesome and offensive. In my eyes, the Star either did not attempt to accurately present the truth or actually attempted to mislead the public. That's really troubling behavior for a major daily. While the latter incident is my own anecdotal experience and wasn't publicized much to my knowledge, the former probably did go a long way to making people distrust the Star. It was reported on quite a bit and ultimately sparked the feud between Ford and the Star. In combination with some of their subsequent behavior, I do think they have lost credibility. When 50% of the public doesn't believe what a newspaper reports, that's not an outlier or fringe's indicative of something much bigger.
Watching in person at his laboured attempts at thinking, and going by his utterly illogical rationing, I'm now thoroughly convinced that he's borderline mentally retarded. I'm not kidding or mean that as an insult: I genuinely believe that his IQ is below 70, the threshold below which one could be diagnosed with mental retardation.

I've said that a few times. People always think I'm kidding, but I'm absolutely not. There's something wrong there.
Re CowboyLogic's claims on behalf left-leaning friends so-called turning against the Star: ever consider the possibility that, knowing where CowboyLogic stands, they might be "playing to the crowd"? I mean, sometimes it's safer to say "I get your point, Doc", than to be confrontational with an opponent...
Watching in person at his laboured attempts at thinking, and going by his utterly illogical rationing, I'm now thoroughly convinced that he's borderline mentally retarded. I'm not kidding or mean that as an insult: I genuinely believe that his IQ is below 70, the threshold below which one could be diagnosed with mental retardation.

I've had the same thoughts, but I was thinking more of the electors than RF. At the very least, though, RF is incompetent.

And Royson James has said it best, today, Ford is "toxic" even to his own causes.
What I don't get is this - here is a person who is totally not on top of his ball - he is utterly incapable of due diligence, and relies on the competence of others to such an extent that it is disturbing. I wouldn't trust him to balance his own bank statements, much less handle a budget of 9B.

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The sad thing is, that Ford Nation will continue to believe that an LRT will rip up roads and cause traffic havoc because Rob said so
So either robbie really is that stupid and doesn't have a clue about LRT's or he's deliberately lying to intentionally mislead the people of Scarborough.

Even more troubling with that video is the way he comports himself. He was interrupting, obfuscating and avoiding the question and Matlow was justifiably frustrated. Then somehow Matlow gets lectured and there is the threat of calling a recess to protect the idiot mayor from further embarrassment.

Just asinine.
So either robbie really is that stupid and doesn't have a clue about LRT's or he's deliberately lying to intentionally mislead the people of Scarborough.

Even more troubling with that video is the way he comports himself. He was interrupting, obfuscating and avoiding the question and Matlow was justifiably frustrated. Then somehow Matlow gets lectured and there is the threat of calling a recess to protect the idiot mayor from further embarrassment.

Just asinine.

And that was when John Parker was presiding (perhaps so Frances could get another smoke). Imagine how much worse it'd be if Nunziata's nasty screeches were part of that video?

Matlow did a fine job, and could I feel his fustration as Ford crudely dodged, dipped, dived, ducked and dodged and when unable to get an answer, got his mike cut.
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