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Rob Ford's Toronto

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the Crown presses charges. technically, as i understand criminal law in Canada, a crime is committed against Her Majesty The Queen in Right of Canada's Criminal Code. the Crown does not need the victim's consent to press charges - it differs from how the American system operates because they are a republic. lay person's understanding, btw. i just happen to read court rulings for fun sometimes and try to stay somewhat informed how it works (also, i worked in victims services for a couple years).

as much as i think that the Mayor and his brother are exagerrating the assault for political purposes, nonetheless i think the police acted appropriately laying charges. assaulting elected officials, even if it does not result in an injury (although, the Mayor could have sustained psychological damage like PTSD and now be afraid of being in public, have disrupted sleep, re-experience the trauma when triggered by drinks in cups being dropped in his presence, etc.), is a serious offense in a democracy. it does not mean an elected official is worth more than a citizen, but the ramifications are more serious.

Thanks for clarifying that, ahm.

The suggestion on here by some has been that Ford was personally pressing charges against Everett, and that just doesn't seem to be the case. Its possible that he did give consent to press charges, but there's nothing so far that suggests that.
actually, it seems quite clear from his brother's comments in the press that he has consented, or at the least, endorsed the laying of charges.
There's a big difference between someone accidentally spitting on you or spilling their drink on you and someone purposefully tossing a drink at you...

...This kind of reminds me of how some people, men mostly, say slapping someone on the ass isn't sexual assault. No, its not the end of the world (and it has happened to me), but its still abuse, ...

Speaking of assault: yeah there are drinks that are thrown. Yes, sadly there are asses that are patted. And then there are the activities at 15 Windsor Road:

“Days after we published that photo—along with an account of having watched a video of Ford smoking crack cocaine—a resident of that home and his girlfriend were attacked by a man wielding a metal pipe, who had come looking for the video, Gawker has learned. We have also learned that the video of Ford smoking crack cocaine was recorded inside that home on the same day the photo was taken.â€

Just sayin’
For minor offenses, though, often the police will ask the victim whether they wish to press charges. Not necessarily in this case, but possibly, as they'll need the victim's cooperation. They also aren't going investigate beyond a file of a police report if there isn't a confirmed or identifable offender for such a minor crime. I imagine Ford would, if only because it works to his short-term advantage.

I was assaulted once on a TTC bus by a young, loud woman who gave me a nasty kick after screaming at me because I was trying to get past her to move towards the back and my shoulder bag made contact with her wide body. The driver, hearing the yelling going on, pulled the bus over and eventually police showed up. I was asked if I was hurt, and if I wanted to pursue it. I declined - I was sore for a few hours, but no real harm done. She was forced off the bus, I don't know what happened to her since.
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assaulting elected officials, even if it does not result in an injury [...] is a serious offense in a democracy. it does not mean an elected official is worth more than a citizen, but the ramifications are more serious.
I think Ford is an embarrassing buffoon, but I completely agree. This wasn't just an assault against Ford, but against the office of mayor. There are far better ways to express one's displeasure with how Ford has sullied that office than by attacking the person who currently holds it, as that also lessens the dignity of the position.
Maybe she can start by defending her back room newsstand deal without proper consultation and contract deal that could have cost the city millions. She only changed her stance once she figured out she was over her head. The lady has no clue.

You're so predictable. What ever opinion your leader tells you to have, you gladly follow, like a trained monkey. So has Ford ever voted in favour of sole sourcing contracts? Of course he has, but only when it involved a friend of his, who has the contract to sell food in the West Waterfront. Ford had no problem continuing that contract with the Grenadier Group, without forcing a bidding war. Why is that?

It's blatant hypocrisy but I bet Malvern2 has no issues with Ford's actions on that front.

And what about the sole-sourcing Ford did for the Ferris Wheel architectural contracts, when he wanted to put that in the Old Port? Did you conveniently forget that? Need a reminder?
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actually, it seems quite clear from his brother's comments in the press that he has consented, or at the least, endorsed the laying of charges.

If that is the case, then that's the case. I'm not saying Ford didn't press charges, but I was just wondering if there was anything which suggested he did. It just seemed like a lot of people were immediately jumping to the conclusion that Ford was pressing charges, when that isn't necessairly the case.

Speaking of assault: yeah there are drinks that are thrown. Yes, sadly there are asses that are patted. And then there are the activities at 15 Windsor Road:

“Days after we published that photo—along with an account of having watched a video of Ford smoking crack cocaine—a resident of that home and his girlfriend were attacked by a man wielding a metal pipe, who had come looking for the video, Gawker has learned. We have also learned that the video of Ford smoking crack cocaine was recorded inside that home on the same day the photo was taken.”

Just sayin’

OK, so you basically just don't want to discuss an issue bereft of partisan bias. Duly noted.

For minor offenses, though, often the police will ask the victim whether they wish to press charges. Not necessarily in this case, but possibly, as they'll need the victim's cooperation. They also aren't going investigate beyond a file of a police report if there isn't a confirmed or identifable offender for such a minor crime. I imagine Ford would, if only because it works to his short-term advantage.

I was assaulted once on a TTC bus by a young, loud woman who gave me a nasty kick after screaming at me because I was trying to get past her to move towards the back and my shoulder bag made contact with her wide body. The driver, hearing the yelling going on, pulled the bus over and eventually police showed up. I was asked if I was hurt, and if I wanted to pursue it. I declined - I was sore for a few hours, but no real harm done. She was forced off the bus, I don't know what happened to her since.

Interesting. I have been on the wrong end of a crime once, and I wasn't asked if I wanted to press charges - they just were, and I was legally required to attend the trial whether I wanted to or not. I do know that there are cases where people are asked if they want to press charges. What you said in relation to minor charges makes a lot of sense.
Ford is doing a good enough job at beating himself up at the polls. The man doesn't have the support of Toronto. Period. Not Old Toronto, North York, East York, Etobicoke. Heck, even in Scarborough most people don't support him.

Don't live in a bubble TigerMaster, Ford has significant support out there and not just the 'Ford Nation' types. If he survives until January it's going to take a strong opponent with an excellent team behind him/her to beat Ford and if several candidates stay in the race until August or September a split vote could very likely see him get a second term.
...assaulting elected officials, even if it does not result in an injury (although, the Mayor could have sustained psychological damage like PTSD and now be afraid of being in public, have disrupted sleep, re-experience the trauma when triggered by drinks in cups being dropped in his presence, etc.), is a serious offense in a democracy. it does not mean an elected official is worth more than a citizen, but the ramifications are more serious.

By that same measure then, when high ranking elected officials break the law the ramifications are also much greater; when such cases arise, appropriate charges should be laid without exception or delay. Funny how that never seems to be the case in the real world and especially with Ford.
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By that same measure then, when high ranking elected officials break the law the ramifications are also much greater; when such cases arise, appropriate charges should be laid without exception or delay. Funny how that never seems to be the case in the real world and especially with Ford.

It's more important to do it right than to do it fast.
that's complicated, though, irishmonk. you don't want the armed agents of the state able to investigate, arrest, and charge elected officials with impunity because then the real power lies with said armed agents of the state. there needs to be a finely tuned balance in these matters.
Stinz has no chance in Scarborough, voters never cared for her transit plan and see her as a "downtown first" councilor, I never understood why a journalism major thought she was an expert on transit matters anyways. Chow has a better chance of getting voter support, my parents ward voted in an NDP candidate in the last federal election, so it wouldn't be a stretch to see her get some traction. Although I hope it doesn’t happen.
Stinz doesn't poll well in Scarborough now, but the reality is that OneCity would do exponentially more for Scarborough than anything Robbie has ever proposed. If she can convince residents of that over a campaign, she will have plenty of room to grow.

Don't count out Chow in the 'burbs yet. Despite being a lefty, as others have already pointed out, she's a populist candidate like Ford and she has high support with the immigrant communities. Also, given Miller's terms in office the suburbs do not automatically vote for the right-wing candidate. I actually think Chow has a better chance with certain suburban communities than Stintz does.
All polling has shown her to do quite well in the burbs, particularly ethnic-rich Scarborough.

80% of Torontonians supported Stintz OneCity transit plan. And that includes the property tax increase I can't recall a time when 80% of Toronto agreed on anything. This gives her a huge amount of credibility on the transit file. If she campaigns on a promise to build OneCity, she has a very good shot at wining.
I agree. Even though she's a bit to the right for my liking, I'd probably consider voting for whomever ran on OneCity and had a legitimate plan to get it funded and built, including Stintz.

At the heart of all this is a simple truth, which the Fords have never understood: You don’t taunt serious journalists. You don’t accuse them of making stuff up.
Indeed and really the fact that almost half the city thinks that serious journalists would "make up seeing things" bothers me more than the fact that Rob Ford allegedly smoked crack (which doesn't surprise me an iota).
Don't live in a bubble TigerMaster, Ford has significant support out there and not just the 'Ford Nation' types. If he survives until January it's going to take a strong opponent with an excellent team behind him/her to beat Ford and if several candidates stay in the race until August or September a split vote could very likely see him get a second term.

Not living in a bubble. I am most definitely aware of where Ford has his support. I'm just pointing out that Ford doesn't have the support of the majority of people.
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