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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Mark this on your calendar, folks. Panem et circenses.

The Fords did not address the allegations directly on Sunday. But they repeatedly criticized the “mainstream” media – Doug Ford said the media would rather stake out his family rather than look at where the “real waste” is at Queen’s Park, referring to the governing Liberals’ deficit. He thanked the brothers’ supporters for their words of encouragement.

“You know folks, when you wake up and you get the you-know-what kicked out of you every day,” he said, “you go in and you talk to the hardworking common folk in this city [who] say, ‘keep going.’ That just recharges my battery.”

The brothers announced that they plan to hold a “Ford fest” for their supporters on July 5 in Scarborough, at a location to be announced later this week.

“Ford Nation’s going to be in full swing,” Doug Ford said.

The Fords also plan to host their annual BBQ this summer at their mother’s home in Etobicoke.

I might add on this interesting little quote:

amfontaine said:
I'll give it to the Fords, they are doing their darnedest to make their supporters feel like they are part of a greater cause. It's like the civil rights movement all over again except instead of racial equality, the goal is to cut the land-transfer tax by 10 percent.
Completely true, and is something that anyone running against Ford will need to overcome.
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I can't believe we're all talking about these guys as if the endgame to all this isn't obvious: resigning in disgrace by the end of the year. I mean, these stories take a while to break, but seriously, look what's out there already. Clearly a lot of people have never followed a serious mayoral scandal before.
I went to Ford Fest last year at his mom's house. I'm not a Ford supporter but it is pretty nice that he hosts this get together every year. Free food and beer! I'm going again this year.
I can't believe we're all talking about these guys as if the endgame to all this isn't obvious: resigning in disgrace by the end of the year. I mean, these stories take a while to break, but seriously, look what's out there already. Clearly a lot of people have never followed a serious mayoral scandal before.

He'll have to be in jail before he is removed from office. He will never resign, and anyone who thinks he's not stubborn enough to plow through this controversy like all the others he has is going to be disappointed.
It is usually not a misunderstanding, but switching between moral, ethical, and legal arguements. The only way for Ford to be removed is if he is jailed. Does this mean we do not discuss anything unless he is jailed. All the arguements being made against Ford are ethical and moral arguements and almost everyone agrees that there is not enough evidence for a criminal charge.

The same way, arguements against the Provincial and Federal goverments are also not truly legal or democratic arguements. In some way, you could say all are equally democratic since people have the freedom to voice opinion, within the limits of libel and slander laws. The only place where the constant discussion could make a difference is Provincially, where there is a minority government and discussion that leads to the NDP changing their support would trigger a democratic election.

Ethical & moral? Aren't they the same thing?

Does Robbie play by the rules? Whose rules then? IMHO and in others, Robbie is negligent in his job, and you can end the discussion at this simple fact.

Limits of libel or slander? Have you paid attention to the campaigning in the last 20 years. Unfortunately, truth no longer has anything to do with elections.

Party politics only technically promote "democracies", mayoralties, such as Toronto's, are to be representative of the people as whole..

Unless we get rid of "past the post" elections can we begin to be truly democratic.
He'll have to be in jail before he is removed from office. He will never resign, and anyone who thinks he's not stubborn enough to plow through this controversy like all the others he has is going to be disappointed.
Agreed. Hopefully he runs in the next election, and thinks he can win.

With Doug Ford's provincial career over before it started, I somehow doubt that Doug will be running for re-election as councillor. The last thing I'd want is Ford dropping out of the running for mayor, to run for councillor, as I wouldn't be surprised if the voters of Etobicrack actually would still vote for him for councillor.

I'm hoping for a Ford-free city in 2014.
Agreed. Hopefully he runs in the next election, and thinks he can win.

With Doug Ford's provincial career over before it started, I somehow doubt that Doug will be running for re-election as councillor. The last thing I'd want is Ford dropping out of the running for mayor, to run for councillor, as I wouldn't be surprised if the voters of Etobicrack actually would still vote for him for councillor.

Actually, I wouldn't mind that scenario. Surprised myself when I thought that. Rob goes back to helping folks with potholes, Doug goes back to Chicago, council gets on with marshalling the resources needed to make the PanAms work without an obstructionist Mayor.
RE: Ford's election

Some UT members have mentioned that it would be difficult for Ford to get any large donations from rich conservatives. Do we know where he got the bulk of donations last time?
There should be particularly nasty penalty attached to the use of the term "common folk" by politicians. I'm glad Dougy thinks it recharges his batteries, cause I'll tell drains mine. By "common folk", I'm guessing he's either referring to those imaginary people, or the guy wearing track pants in the Tim Hortons? I can't imagine the level of a mind that can listen to either Ford talk, and actually feel inspired by it.

The level of denial here is just over the top to the point of comical.

Cut the LTT by 10%. Hmmm. More cutting revenue without an explanation on how to pay for it. Oh right....I forgot that those "common folk" who support this idea don't actually realize that. Cut revenue by $34 million and balance the budget by cutting what services? Or are we still looking for that magical "gravy" that's supposed to pay for everything?

And forget the fact that the LTT is actually an intelligent tax (like the VRT) targets where a lot of profit is being made (remember that there is no capital gains on selling your principle residence), and helps keep speculation and flipping lower which keeps Toronto's hot real estate market from being too volatile. It actually does the city some good.
A politician as crazed and toxic as Mammoliti was able to sell tickets to an illegal $5000 a table dinner. Of course, he did it outside the city, in Woodbridge. So there must be people willing to be supporters if they think you'll do their bidding. (Although I'd like to think the wealthy and powerful in Toronto are overall progressive, and recognize the value of fair taxation for proper infrastructure maintenance and improvement. It's the disenfranchised working class, small property owners and real estate professionals that are probably Ford's natural constituency.)
Isn't that guy wearing track pants at Tim Horton's Fabio Basso, small-time drug dealer and petty criminal, life-long buddy of Rob Ford? Is that the common folk?
So despite sending numerous emails to Mayor Ford like he tells us common folk to do, I never get an answer. But this weekend, he sent this email telling me all about the good work he has done, and how he is so supportive of the folks at TCHC :rolleyes:
Another busy week at City Hall has come to an end.

I'm very pleased to announce that the City of Toronto realized a surplus of 248 million dollars in 2012. This surplus was largely driven by savings found within our divisions.

This is excellent news and proof that today, our City is on the right track. Before I took office, any annual surplus was used to fill holes in bloated operating budgets, but not on my watch.

Under my leadership, the City of Toronto has changed its financial management strategies. We are now planning for the future. In 2012, City Council voted with me to put an end to the unsustainable budget practices of the last administration.

Our new Surplus Management Policy dictates that 75% of any annual surplus must now go towards funding our capital needs. That's 186 million dollars we are investing in funding our transit priorities, resurfacing our roads, maintaining the Gardiner Expressway, and projects to address traffic congestion.

The remaining 25% of our 2012 Surplus, about 62 million dollars, will go to replenishing our reserves, to help fund future liabilities.

This 248 million dollars will help us pay for critical capital needs, and offset future tax increases. This is exactly where your money should be going.

On Thursday, we heard some very troubling news coming out of Toronto Community Housing Corporation.

I want to thank the Ombudsman for the report, which outlined issues faced by seniors at TCHC.

Although I was saddened and shocked after reading the report, I am glad to be aware of this situation, so I can take the appropriate action. We now know that there were those who have been allowed to slip through the cracks.

The reality is, once I became Mayor, I took responsibility for the 164,000 tenants who live in TCHC. It's no secret, I have a special place in my heart for the residents in Toronto Community Housing.

I have visited thousands of units and seen the horrible conditions some of our residents have been forced to live in, first hand. But, I take comfort knowing that Toronto Community Housing Corporation is turning the corner.

TCHC is currently in the middle of a significant internal reorganization. We are realigning the Corporation to deliver better customer service to our tenants and establish clear roles and accountabilities for every employee.

Today, I met with our President and CEO, Eugene Jones to discuss the report. Mr Jones has accepted all of the Ombudsman's recommendations and has already begun to implement them.

Next week, we will be dealing with a number of important issues at City Council. I encourage you to come down to City Hall and follow along.

Be sure to listen to my weekly radio show on Newstalk 1010, on Sunday between 1 and 3 pm.

Please do not hesitate to contact my office or I, if we can ever be of assistance to you.

Yours truly,

Mayor Rob Ford
So despite sending numerous emails to Mayor Ford like he tells us common folk to do, I never get an answer. But this weekend, he sent this email telling me all about the good work he has done, and how he is so supportive of the folks at TCHC :rolleyes:

Yup...I got that email too. New communication policy? I haven't written the mayor's office about anything in several years.
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