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Rob Ford's Toronto

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For sure, she's good. If you define "good" as being knee-jerk, mechanical, unimaginative and unoriginal.

One thing I'll happly credit her for is her admonishment of Ford in today's column - saying he should have paid it back and be done with it. Sadly, her programming forbid her from couching that critical comment in anything but the weakest of terms. But it's better than nothing and it almost confers on her a semblance of journalistic credibility.
Lol, Yeah she is good:D

But no mayor has been handed such abuse from the media, the Twitterati, the snotty left-of-centre elitists who think they run this town, the “AHTS” crowd, the Miller leftovers on council like Joe Mihevc or Adam Vaughan (who should look in the mirror when they question Ford’s ethics) and Leiper

Sue Anne Levy is good and Rob Ford is abused by the media he says.
Seems funny that a blustery, tough-talking, old boy of a mayor can feel so easily threatened by the spectre of a vast left-wing media conspiracy. And now, the good mayor is sounding off that he's not impressed that he has to appear in court at all. It's an odd sense of, shall we say, entitlement? - that Rob is showing here. Accountability is for the little people! Or is it that he's too busy to even pretend the rules exist, much less follow them?

So many excuses, so little time.
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Lol, Yeah she is good:D

But no mayor has been handed such abuse from the media, the Twitterati, the snotty left-of-centre elitists who think they run this town, the “AHTS” crowd, the Miller leftovers on council like Joe Mihevc or Adam Vaughan (who should look in the mirror when they question Ford’s ethics) and Leiper

Is Ford not an elitist? He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and never had to work hard for anything. His father gave him the business. The guy is a multimillionaire, from a wealthy family, so how is that not elitist? He just happens to be a right-wing elitist, which seems to be fine, by you, since he supports your views. He may act like a regular joe but he certainly can't relate to one. He has most likely been breaking the rules and getting away with it his whole life. No wonder he's spoiled and feels entitled to special treatment. Now that's what I call a true an elitist.
Or, what's "accountability"? He just wants to do good, by any means possible, even if it's procuring OxyContin for AIDS patients. He wants to do good. And all this "accountability" and "conflict of interest" crap just gets in the way of his "doing good".

Unfortunately, his manner of "doing good" is not unlike a Baby Huey or Junyer Bear nearly killing their fathers in the process of helping them. Except in his case, he's killing his own political career.

Hazel may have been worse--but speaking as a Machiavellian, her means of handling it all was infinitely "better". I mean, right now, I'd *like* to expect Ford to win this case; simply because esp. w/the best lawyers at hand, how can he be so stupid as to lose it? Yet--he just might be that stupid. And yet...he might still win anyway, almost on sympathy grounds; like, how can *anybody* throw Baby Huey or Junyer Bear into jail for crushing their fathers?
Is Ford not an elitist? He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and never had to work hard for anything. His father gave him the business. The guy is a multimillionaire, from a wealthy family, so how is that not elitist? He just happens to be a right-wing elitist, which seems to be fine, by you, since he supports your views. He may act like a regular joe but he certainly can't relate to one. He has most likely been breaking the rules and getting away with it his whole life. No wonder he's spoiled and feels entitled to special treatment. Now that's what I call a true an elitist.

Elitism is not conferred on one by birth, it is a description of a lifestyle. Jack Layton was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and never had to work a day in his life, would you identify him as an elitist?

Mayor Ford lives in a modest home and until very recently drove a several years old minivan. Instead of attending the Ballet he coached kid's football, the players involved are very likely the children of your "regular Joe".

Zip up, your prejudice is hanging out.
Hazel may have been worse--but speaking as a Machiavellian, her means of handling it all was infinitely "better".

What Hazel pulled was much worse, and she was caught at it before. But she was much smarter about it and devious - managing to push back the final report after the election and pulling out all the stops to exact payback on those who dared to push that issue. She also had a much stronger grip on council than Ford ever did.

Jack Layton was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and never had to work a day in his life

Actually, prior to his involvement as a full-time politician, he taught at various universities. Did Rob Ford actually work, for any significant length of time vis-a-vis his career, at any other place other than a) City Hall and b) his father's business? Now whose prejudice is showing again?


re: Hazel - and to top it off, it wasn't her first run-in with CoI issues either (the last one was back in the early 80s)

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From Google:

A group of people considered to be the best in a particular society or category, esp. because of their power, talent, or wealth.

A person who believes that a system or society should be ruled or dominated by an elite.

It seems to me that anyone who has a political view, believes that society should be organized according to those political beliefs, and run by an elected politician who also shares those political beliefs, could be described as an elitist. That covers most of us on here doesn't it, Right, Centre, and Left?
“It’s all politics, I truly believe that… I truly believe I didn’t do anything wrong. If they just dismiss me from office, I guarantee I’ll run again… The next day, I’ll start campaigning.”

Ford's recent comments seem to lack his usual bluster. It's almost if he senses his ouster is a foregone conclusion. Perhaps his lawyer warned him of this possibility?

I just hope he’s more prepared to face Clayton Ruby on the stand. Answering “I can remember what I ate for breakfast this morning” to the question ““You said, ‘I have a memory in my mind.’ What is it you have in your mind?”” just makes him look like a fool. Please, Mr. Mayor, try to preserve the dignity of the office of the Mayor of Toronto. I fear, though, this may turn into Spencer Tracy interrogating Frederic March in Inherit the Wind, and Ford will end up looking like a monkey.
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From the Star:

“Do you have a memory of the handbook?” Ruby asked.
“I just answered that question,” Ford replied.
“You said 'I have a memory in my mind.' What is it you have in your mind?” Ruby asked.
Ford replied: “I can remember what I ate for breakfast.”



Good god.

Why do I get the feeling that Ford taking the stand is going to look exactly like when Clay Davis went in front of a grand jury on The Wire.


Or when Clay Davis took the stand.

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