I know I've offered seemingly outrageous scenarios in the past: riots in the streets, assassination attempts, etc--but here's another one: at this point, I wouldn't be terribly surprised if Rob Ford's driven to suicide. And re those who think he's too obtuse to be suicidal: au contraire, I think it's exactly his obtuseness that could lead him to off himself.
Other than the fact that he's just naturally unintelligent, I think his extreme obtuseness is a result of having an extreme personality disorder...more than likely a malignant narcissist. And narcissists rarely commit suicide. The stresses he is facing as mayor is really no different the stresses he has had all his life...which has always been chaotic. I suspect he is a product of a dysfunctional family. One or both of his parents probably have disorders as well. This is why his siblings are also screwed up.
He is probably a very frustrated narcissist (think of a very stupid Conrad Black)....he doesn't have the intelligence to be a successful cerebral narcissist or the looks or charm to be a successful somatic one. So he will act in desperate ways to obtain his narc supply. This is why he seems to be oblivious to reality, and actually believes most of the world belongs to "Ford Nation", when in fact, few people do. People like this literally are almost completely unaware of how people really see them, or any failures or negativity about themselves. Regular people assume he sees his long string of embarrassing comments and behaviour as humiliating, as they would....but he doesn't.
He's a pathological lier, and obviously lacks empathy. He has no sense of humour and couldn't even fathom the concept of being the butt of a joke as "fun". Which is why he reacted so bizarrely to the THH22M incident.
But to contemplate suicide would imply a level of introspection a guy like Ford is incapable of. Introspection is the scariest place a narcissist can go....it represents annihilation and they avoid it at all costs.
No....I think something bad is very likely to happen, but I don't think he would commit/attempt suicide. He will handle it the way he has shown he always handles it....redirect his inner aggression towards others. He may quit...he may get arrested...he may pull one stunt that forces him to out of office....he may have a mental breakdown...he may become ill. But most likely, he will just not run in another election...or not win another election.
Cause there's one thing I'm pretty sure about....things are not going to get
better for Rob Ford in the next 3 years. And that's because he's going to listen to his imaginary friends in line at the Tim Hortons...he's going to "stay the course".