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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Renta's FB page is a little schizophrenic. Multiple postings of the same stories/.gif's, plus we can see she sure doesn't like Trudeau, Wynn or Tory and she's a climate change denier. She doesn't like Muslims either. Also interesting, Renata posted "Love you honey and will miss you" on March 20th (last Sunday).
Renta's FB page is a little schizophrenic. Multiple postings of the same stories/.gif's, plus we can see she sure doesn't like Trudeau, Wynn or Tory and she's a climate change denier. She doesn't like Muslims either. Also interesting, Renata posted "Love you honey and will miss you" on March 20th (last Sunday).
Maybe it's actually LeAnne...
I think it's goofy to want a public funeral, but if there's precedent (Casita's examples, Layton), why not? And why be bothered? He's gone, and his influence has been zero since he started to get sicker. Another week and he disappears, even from CP24.
IMO modern day funerals are all about the mourner, or rather in the Ford Family's case audience/consumer, not about the dead.
That's got nothing to do with the CityTory granting the family's request. Do you know whether the other former Mayors were 'diminished' or 'undiminished'?

I think of it less as enabling their "power" than as a reflexive enabling of their ridicule. Sort of like, a figurative parading them out on stage without telling them they're about to be pelted with overripe tomatoes and turnips and Nelson-style ha-has, etc.

And technically, the other former Mayors were "diminished" by being basically "past news" (Dennison, Givens, even Uncle Nate). And Faubert represented "lowly" Scarborough for but one pre-amalgamation term.

Though I *would* like to see what happens to Mel Lastman once *his* time comes--Jewish burial ritual aside (which also factors in re Givens and Nate), I can't help thinking of him in terms of flamboyant ragtime parades in his memory, Mel-heads doing the thumb-forefinger "Noooobody" thing for the camera, etc. *And*, I'd approve.
Why? He is a former Mayor.
That's got nothing to do with the CityTory granting the family's request. Do you know whether the other former Mayors were 'diminished' or 'undiminished'?
"Former" is the key word, another good word is "failed"; however, the point is that Robbie was a sitting councillor. IMO Robbie's viewing should be in Ward 2. Considering the Ford Family and the shenanigans they are world famous (or infamous) for I hope that the event does not embarrass Toronto further which such an event (or spectacle) could do if things go sideways since we are dealing with a quasi-deity by most of FFN.

As I have said previously, if this whole thing turns into a political rally then I want a bill issued to the Ford Family.
Renta's FB page is a little schizophrenic. Multiple postings of the same stories/.gif's, plus we can see she sure doesn't like Trudeau, Wynn or Tory and she's a climate change denier. She doesn't like Muslims either. Also interesting, Renata posted "Love you honey and will miss you" on March 20th (last Sunday).
Can you see how old the account is (I mean when it was opened)? I'm not on FB and am not very adept at using it.
there are at least 2 Renata Ford profiles - how do we know which is real. Two friends of mine are on the other account (which undortunately totally fits the bill with these individuals).

Re former mayors or councilors receiving "civic" funerals - could also be that no one ever considered asking for such an honour.
there are at least 2 Renata Ford profiles - how do we know which is real. Two friends of mine are on the other account (which undortunately totally fits the bill with these individuals).

Re former mayors or councilors receiving "civic" funerals - could also be that no one ever considered asking for such an honour. looks like it was created late 2015? It has 5,000 friends, none of which are the Fords. Based on the photos and sheer effort required to fake that time line it seems legit. stopped posting around when the other one started so it may be the same person.
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Can you see how old the account is (I mean when it was opened)? I'm not on FB and am not very adept at using it.
I can find 2 accounts, one she hasn't used since last August. The second has nearly 5000 friends, so it's probably been around awhile. She's posted a copy of the funeral article from the Sun today. A little too attention seeking for my taste, but she's a Ford, if only by marriage.
Renta's FB page is a little schizophrenic. Multiple postings of the same stories/.gif's, plus we can see she sure doesn't like Trudeau, Wynn or Tory and she's a climate change denier. She doesn't like Muslims either. Also interesting, Renata posted "Love you honey and will miss you" on March 20th (last Sunday).

I saw it--and to be honest, unlike some brave souls there I *wouldn't* have posted comment-thread digs at her husband; just a personal "decorum thing". (But I don't mind witnessing those who *did* dare to do so.)

My impression: she posts a *lot*. An *awful* lot. It's like Facebook is to Renata what Instagram is to the K's. And if the K's are all about "showing off", Renata uses FB more as part of a loneliness-assuaging social network. Each post she makes drowns her sorrows amidst a network of fellow lonely-housewife sorrow-drowners. Ego vs loneliness--and a loneliness you can't simply blame on widowhood actual or pending. And such entropic loneliness can warp one's perspective of reality.
And actually, beyond anti-climate-change or anti-Muslim, her most WTF "share" over the past few days was this (to say nothing of its source)
Can you see how old the account is (I mean when it was opened)? I'm not on FB and am not very adept at using it.

Photos go back to at least Aug 2015, including wedding photos. I think it's legit. She "liked" pages such as "Michael Landon Forever" and "METH IS DEATH", makes dumb comments such as suggesting that Trudeau is transgendered and "perfect Justin should run for President US" & appears to like Trump. Then there's madness like this that she writes: "I feel there's civil war coming to Canada"... & "They should not teach our children about sex. No thanks I will teach my children about sex bùt I like the gender separate private washroom stalls and the showers should all have there own private showers right no sharing. Some babies are born with two genders. I think gays should have the operation not lie and marry someone that don't turly purely love ťhem . In Canada the government will pay for the operation for gender change. Mrs Wynne should do it I would support her 100%."
Yip, it's legit. Or Iola did a damn good job.
She has tons of videos of recipes that she keeps liking. Do you really think she cooks? I have doubts that it's legit.
If I had to make a guess I'd say she knows how, but often isn't mentally or physically up for it.
She probably shares in the spirit of "ah, if only...". Whereas the K's post their *own* creations.

As for what we're learning about Renata's FB history: and they said that Marilyn Lastman was "kooky", but...Wow. Just wow. If it weren't for RoFo and his family, *she'd* be the issue here.

Well, I know what they meant, now, when whatever authorities suggested that Rob was the more "responsible" parent. Especially if Renata was prone to verbalizing her FB tinfoil-isms to them.

And sadly, when it comes to the "Rob the abuser" argument, her evident instability just plays into his hands ("see?!? the bitch is nuts!"). Kind of a neanderthal-conservative version of how Lucy DeCoutere lost to Jian Ghomeshi...
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