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Rob Ford's Toronto

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My guess is that Ford Nation is the product of a specific set of circumstances, not the least of which is memories of when Rob was an effective retail politician. That's all gone now, short of the odd IHTW nutbars.

Mike will win the seat and fade into the wallpaper along with the other 30 or so silent councillors we never hear in the news. Doug's checkbook, but not face, will be welcome at PCPO fundraisers. Mamolliti and other assorted assbags will try to harness FN's energy and fail completely. Tory will comfortably win re-election in 2018 and the whole thing will just be a bad dream.

...Until 2022, when Tory will flame out in one of his signature blunders and the next affluenzad populist will step up to the plate.

I've a feeling if Mikey takes over, that he'll prove a big disappointment to Ford nation, since he seems somewhat (possibly big L) liberal.
So, what does this do for Ford Nation? Does it strengthen them or is this a huge blow? He was much more "likable" than Doug or any other family member who was in the public eye.

He will be an interesting one to watch - though at the end of the day, I wonder if some parts of FN is more about symbolism than actual values (i.e. the ability to support individuals in a potpourri of positions), so long as the individuals identifies as "one of them".

My guess is that Ford Nation is the product of a specific set of circumstances, not the least of which is memories of when Rob was an effective retail politician. That's all gone now, short of the odd IHTW nutbars.

Mike will win the seat and fade into the wallpaper along with the other 30 or so silent councillors we never hear in the news. Doug's checkbook, but not face, will be welcome at PCPO fundraisers. Mamolliti and other assorted assbags will try to harness FN's energy and fail completely. Tory will comfortably win re-election in 2018 and the whole thing will just be a bad dream.

...Until 2022, when Tory will flame out in one of his signature blunders and the next affluenzad populist will step up to the plate.

One thing people like about Mikey is that he actually seems to care about his trustee job. If he does quit halfway just to please grandma, it will look bad on him.

He will be an interesting one to watch - though at the end of the day, I wonder if some parts of FN is more about symbolism than actual values (i.e. the ability to support individuals in a potpourri of positions), so long as the individuals identifies as "one of them".

A lot of Ford Nation people were the type who wouldn't vote otherwise. Without a candidate like that, they stay home.
Rob Ford's Toronto
Discussion in 'Politics (Toronto Issues)' started by MetroMan, Sep 20, 2010.

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  1. MetroMan, Sep 20, 2010

    MetroManSenior Member
    Apr 22, 2007
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    As it's becoming increasingly inevitable that Rob Ford's opponents will fight amongst themselves and propel Ford into the Mayor's chair, what do you think Toronto will look like in 4 years at the end of his term?

    Will development stall? Will the province give up on Transit City? What services do you think will be cut? Will festivals like LuminaTO and NuitBlanche collapse from lack of support from City Hall?

    Let's make some realistic predictions. Please discuss.

    #1Like+ QuoteReply

Well, we've now seen you go.
A fond farewell to a Canadian that broke most of the stereotypes and gave us all a LOT to think and talk about.
Much as I find the "haters" tag childish - I think reasonable people can disagree with someone without being a 'hater' - I'll go ahead and speak on behalf of myself and probably lots of other 'haters' here.

This very much was not "my wish." My wish would be that Rob Ford have to face justice for some - hell, any - of his many transgressions of law, council policy, decorum, and basic decency. I had no wish that he would die. Honestly, I'd much rather he live to a ripe old age in sincere contrition for what he did wrong, and trying with the time he had left to make it right.

Expat and Everyone:

I just found out about the death of Rob Ford from my local cable news channel - News 12 Long Island - in between the reports on
today's terrorist attacks in Brussels and how the New York area
is reacting by ramping up security at transportation hubs of all
types in this region including here on Long Island.

I like your thoughts about RF and would have liked to have
seen him face justice in some form - in this case death is the
ultimate justice...

This was not unexpected noting RF's serious health problems but to see him pass this quickly is a shock to some - including me.

AOD's thought "Like him or hate him this is a form of closure" is something to think about...

What will be interesting to see is how Toronto says goodbye to
one of the most controversial political figures in its history...

Long Island Mike
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What will be interesting to see is how Toronto
says goodbye to one of the most controversial
political figures in its history...

Well, right now they're leaving chalk messages all over NPS and signing a book of condolences in City Hall. Tory said he would be speaking with the family so there's that.
- the Rob Ford signs are back up in the window. Think we can give that a pass. It's kind of nice to see them, actually
- it looks like the Argos cheerleaders are getting ready to something by the Toronto sign. Let's hope that's just a coincidence
- there chalk idea hasn't exactly taken off, and there's a 70% chance of rain tonight
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He will be an interesting one to watch - though at the end of the day, I wonder if some parts of FN is more about symbolism than actual values (i.e. the ability to support individuals in a potpourri of positions), so long as the individuals identifies as "one of them".

I'll agree with that, lofty goals, accomplish nothing as long as you wave the right flag.
I've a feeling if Mikey takes over, that he'll prove a big disappointment to Ford nation, since he seems somewhat (possibly big L) liberal.

I remember all these people saying how awful it was that the unqualified Mike Ford defeated the highly qualified, respected John Hastings as school trustee. In fact Hastings wasn't highly qualified or respected at all, he was a rabid social conservative who often seconded Trustee Sam's motions.
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