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Rob Ford's Toronto

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One thing that really annoys me about Rob Ford's Toronto is the consistent allegation of the police at 23 Division protecting Rob and the tight family relationship with Supt. Ron Taverner. I recall a report recently that Chief Mark Saunders basically said it's just rumours. In light of the consistent allegations of protection by 23 Division, why isn't there an internal investigation? It just makes TPS look bad and they will only look worse as more Ford books come out saying the same things repeatedly.
check this...

This copper sets the tone
Toronto Police Supt. Ron Taverner -- Chief Bill Blair's role model -- earns top honour

Good cops, really good cops, generally do more than investigate and arrest bad guys.

Really good cops, or coppers as they typically refer to themselves, are connected to their community in a way that allows them to understand and even foresee the concerns and problems within those communities.

Ron Taverner is one of those cops; and for his dedication he was recently invested in the most prestigious Order of Merit of the Police Forces by Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean.

"It's a tremendous honour," said colleague Insp. Scott Baptist.

And very selective. Last year only 40 officers across Canada earned the order.

"There is no one more deserving," Baptist said. "He is in touch with so many in the community, and that's how you gain their respect."

Taverner, a 42-year veteran of the force, is superintendent of 23 Division, in Toronto's north-west end.
It's a career which has included work in intelligence, community policing, morality, special investigation and motorcycle gangs. It was the late '70s and early '80s when he worked in the biker division, a time of much violence said Taverner.

"It was a little on the scary side," Taverner said. "My partner and I were doing observations at a biker funeral when we were spotted. About 200 of them surrounded us and threatened to shoot us. All the while I'm thinking, am I going to go home tonight?

"Fortunately someone called the police. "
It was Toronto Police Chief Bill Blair who put Taverner's name forward.

"He's a helluva cop. When I was brand new, he was already renowned for his work with motorcycle gangs, and today the community connects with him in an unbelievable way."

Blair adds Taverner is his role model, and someone he turns to teach others.

"I send officers to him to learn how to connect with people and become leaders," Blair said.
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evva WOW great work putting together that trail and putting together all those dots.
I'm wondering, lacking your google-fu, if maybe another look at Ma Ford's retired judge gentleman caller may not tie in there somewhere. I smell Doug in your findings somewhere and not Rob, the leashed circus bear he trails around to distract & entertain the peanut gallery.
will one of ford's 'accomplishments' be undone?

Transit unions appeal Ontario law prohibiting TTC strikes
The McGuinty Liberal government enacted Bill 150, the Toronto Transit Commission Labour Disputes Resolution Act,on March 31, 2011, in response to a request for such a law by a Toronto City Council led by Mayor Rob Ford. The Act designated the TTC as an "essential service" and provided for binding arbitration if the union and employer were not able to arrive at a freely negotiated collective agreement.

The issue, which goes to the heart of Section 2(d) of the Canadian Constitution's Charter of Rights and Freedoms ("Freedom of Association") is expected to ultimately be decided by the Supreme Court of Canada.
more irony...
Looking forward to 2015, Taverner’s other goals include tackling the impaired driving issue and cracking down on auto thefts.

In terms of the former, north Etobicoke’s top cop said his officers are on the lookout for drivers not only impaired by alcohol, but also those driving under the influence of drugs – be they illicit or prescription medications.

“We’re going to be stepping up our efforts to make the streets as safe as we possibly can,” Taverner said, noting that police have specially trained drug recognition officers deemed experts in determining a person’s ability to drive.

“Obviously this type of crime – and it is a crime – could affect anyone. When an impaired driver is involved in an accident, innocent people get injured.”
Oh, this could be a good distraction for the House of Ford

November 5 at the Albany Club Red Tory greybeards meet to discuss re-branding the party after stunning electoral loss! Keynote speaker Brian Mulrooooney. I am assuming dancing circus bears will not be admitted especially if they show up in red tracksuits.
man... just how corrupt and dysfunctional is this region?!?!?
I have often wondered that myself, Evva. After going down a few rabbit holes the last couple of years on this thread, and finding names that keep popping up again & again, getting jobs and 'appointments'; stories like the Byblow one (the Star recently had something about cops who've been charged with serious crimes but are still working as cops).

Sometimes I'll be driving through an area and look at houses and think "they're full of criminals, full of people running crack dens or brokering some shady stuff between connected parties." I see people hanging around a plaza and think "what sort of criminal enterprise are they engaged in?" I see cop cars and just roll my eyes: "oh here they come to bully some poor nobody, that's all they do." I see buildings and think "who got paid off so that could get built there?" I'm not naive; I expect there's always going to be some corruption... but sometimes I feel like everything around me is rotten and corrupt.

Anyways, great sleuthing, major thumbs up!
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