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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Personally, I think that admitting he has a problem, resigning, going to rehab, and coming back in the next election as a "changed man" still out to "fight for the taxpayer" will just galvanize his base. It'll be spun into "but I thought lefties say we have to give addicts and the mentally ill a second chance...lefty hypocrites" by the SAL's of the city...and it will fucking work.

Perhaps, but keep in mind this is the guy who can't even stay away from KFC and went for a very public failure of his pledge instead.

At this point, I'd rather attack the sanity of his base than the already discredited messenger of said base. I mean, I wouldn't be a tad surprised it'd be the same fools who went for Lastman the first time around (remember those awfully populist zero-tax increase pledges? MFP? It's a variation of the same theme)

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There's another important side of this story that isn't being reported. Rob Ford is 43 years old, 300+ lbs and smokes crack cocaine. There's no other way to put it: Rob Ford is going to die.

It would be a sad ending to this story but you can't escape it. It's now confirmed that he's doing hard drugs. He's already terribly unhealthy. There's no way this man is going to live more than a few more years at best if he carries on with this lifestyle.
I am 200% certain that the Somali drug dealers do not have a Hollywood-calibre studio, where they can create realistic-looking masks, have a professional voice synthesizer that sounds exactly like Rob Ford (even to speech pathologists) and not like a robot, and have someone with the exact body mass, height, and skin tone as Rob Ford. Not even Microsoft, Apple, IBM, or Google can make a voice synthesizer that sounds completely like a human.

If they have such a studio, they would not be selling drugs. They would be hired by various major film studios to make box-office hits instead, which makes much more money than selling drugs (and legally too!).

If he speaks like Rob Ford, thinks like Rob Ford, looks like Rob Ford, moves like Rob Ford, is in Etobicoke like Rob Ford, and is addicted like Rob Ford, then he must be Rob Ford and not his Doppelgänger.
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It would be a sad ending to this story but you can't escape it. It's now confirmed that he's doing hard drugs. He's already terribly unhealthy. There's no way this man is going to live more than a few more years at best if he carries on with this lifestyle.

That's his problem - help was thrust upon him, and he isn't exactly an individual with no means of his own/his birth. Sympathy to the humanity of the situation is one thing, it doesn't equate to him having the right to drag the city down into his funeral pyre. The cold hard truth is - he was never fit for the position he found himself sitting in.

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I'm curious about why Debus is so interested in this. I'd expect him to be an event organizer but he apparently works for an apparel company called Modrobes. Can't imagine what interest he'd have in taking down Ford other than the potential media attention.

Anyways, I really do hope he follows through on his offer. A Gawker party in Toronto would attract quite the crowd. I've always had a feeling that Toronto would throw a massive party the day this guy is removed from office :rolleyes:.

Free publicity + what does he have to lose? If the fundraiser doesn't make it, he loses no money, and if it does, he gets to host it (assuming the video is real). Plus it likely fits into his personal views of Ford so he isn't going to be losing any sleep over this.

That's his problem - help was thrust upon him, and he isn't exactly an individual with no means of his own/his birth. Sympathy to the humanity of the situation is one thing, it doesn't equate to him having the right to drag the city down into his funeral pyre. The cold hard truth is - he was never fit for the position he is now sitting in.


No disputing that. But as much as I despise him politically, it would still be a sad ending to this tale. Hopefully we can be rid of him as Mayor without him having to die.

His "fate" is in his hands, not ours, and besides, not all tales can have a happy ending. Personally, I am more concerned about the collateral damage to the reputation of the city, to the governance of the city and to the future of the city instead. There is truly no need to multiply the misery of one individual into a metropolitan tragedy, and for his role in continuing to inflict this needless suffering when he could have taken the graceful way out just drains any ounce of goodwill in my system.

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Personally, I think that admitting he has a problem, resigning, going to rehab, and coming back in the next election as a "changed man" still out to "fight for the taxpayer" will just galvanize his base. It'll be spun into "but I thought lefties say we have to give addicts and the mentally ill a second chance...lefty hypocrites" by the SAL's of the city...and it will fucking work.

Already started:

Corbella: Mayor Ford won’t be afforded compassion for his ‘disease’

Maybe now that Rob Ford has allegedly been caught on tape smoking crack cocaine, we can finally dispense with the nonsense that drug use is a disease. It’s not, it’s a choice.

Funny how quickly, though, lefties who use that excuse for beautiful losers they admire, or for the downtrodden on their city streets, have abandoned their hackneyed mantra when a person they despise is a user.

So, thank you, Mayor Ford. According to your enemies, you are not a victim or someone suffering from a disease. Here’s hoping that the ridiculous claim that every alcoholic and drug addict is not unlike someone with renal failure or cancer is put to rest.

But here’s also hoping that this story will expose the hypocrisy, viciousness and lack of compassion of those elites who have been out to first ensure Ford was not elected Toronto’s mayor, and then doing everything in their power to discredit him and to use the courts to remove him from office because they didn’t like the outcome.

On Thursday, the U.S. website Gawker posted a report by John Cook, who alleges that he saw a cellphone video of Ford smoking from a glass pipe what a Toronto drug dealer alleges is crack cocaine.

The drug dealer has been shopping the video around to media outlets, initially for $100,000, and now $200,000.

The Gawker website is attempting to raise the needed cash through crowd-sourcing donations, and by late afternoon Friday, it had already raised $34,000.

After Gawker posted the story, the Toronto Star decided to publish the report it had been working on for a couple of weeks. Two reporters at the Star say they watched the video three times and that Ford is clearly visible and the room he’s in is well lit. But no one else has seen the video and it’s impossible to independently verify the allegations, or even whether the video is undoctored.

Mayor Rob Ford has dismissed the claims.

“These allegations are ridiculous,” Ford told scores of reporters at Toronto City Hall on Friday. “It is another story with respect to the Toronto Star going after me and that’s it. That’s all I’ve got to say for now.”

This wouldn’t be the first time Ford has been in trouble for alleged illicit drug use. Way back in February 1999, a then 29-year-old Ford was charged with possession of marijuana and driving under the influence while vacationing in Florida.

The marijuana charge was later dropped. While campaigning for office in 2010, Ford denied the 11-year-old Florida charge.

There have been other allegations that he has been drunk at various events and was recently asked to leave a military function in Toronto. The Star put that on their front page. Ford denied those allegations as well.

That the Star, and many of its loyal readers, has had it out for Ford is no secret.

Toronto’s Deputy Mayor Doug Holyday told CBC Newsworld that the Star has been relentless in pursuing Ford.

“(Star reporters) have followed him, they have gone to his home and spied on his backyard, they have gone to his summer cottage up near Huntsville, they followed his mother, they’ve talked to his neighbours, they’ve done things to this mayor that no other mayor has ever had done to him, and it wasn’t in the name of trying to find out whether he was doing drugs, it was just to try to find something that they could bring up against him,” said Holyday.

There is clearly a double standard in how the Star and others treat Ford and how the Star treated B.C. NDP MP Svend Robinson for stealing a $65,000 ring in 2004.

On April 17, 2004, the Star actually awarded Robinson a laurel in its Darts and Laurels feature: “For taking medical leave; the controversial NDP MP showed courage by stepping aside after stealing a diamond ring, which he blamed on ‘inner turmoil’ that caused him to snap.”

In fact, Robinson only turned himself in to police after he learned that there was surveillance video of him pocketing the valuable bauble. But Robinson’s politics follow the Star’s sensibilities and views, so he was treated with love and compassion.

The Star was relentless in going after Ford for soliciting donations from City Hall associates for the soccer team of underprivileged kids that he coaches. It wanted him stripped from office for that. It’s perverse morality to be sure.

If it’s true that Ford has smoked crack, he should resign. It would prove he has terrible judgment. Marion Barry, the former mayor of Washington, D.C., however, was videotaped smoking crack cocaine in January 1990, and after serving time in jail, he was elected to city council in 1992 and was re-elected mayor in 1994, serving from 1995 to 1999.

Barry claimed to be a victim and that his drug use was a disease.

But it wasn’t a disease then and it isn’t a disease now. It’s a choice. A bad choice, but a choice nonetheless. If it were a disease, it would be impossible for people to quit it. How many people, after all, have been able to quit cancer or glaucoma through willpower?

As for Gawker it says this:

“We are mindful that people who hang out with and surreptitiously record crack-smoking mayors may not always be reliable. The people we’ve been dealing with have so far honoured every commitment they’ve made. And they have pledged to sell it to us for $200,000 if this Crackstarter works. But if they disappear, or sell it elsewhere, we will donate every penny we receive to a Canadian non-profit that helps people suffering from addiction and its consequences.”

One has to wonder if that would include helping fat, heterosexual, white guys who live in the suburbs? Not a chance.

Surprisingly, despite Calgary being a far more conservative city than Toronto, all of those commenting are eating her alive and calling out her BS! Compare that to the Toronto Sun (and even the Star) where commenters would back her, with the same lack of logic she used.

According to one of the posters, she was fired from the Calgary Sun. I'm assuming it was because she used more than two sentences per paragraph, rather than her complete idiocy.
I am 200% certain that the Somali drug dealers do not have a Hollywood-calibre studio, where they can create realistic-looking masks, have a professional voice synthesizer that sounds exactly like Rob Ford (even to speech pathologists) and not like a robot, and have someone with the exact body mass, height, and skin tone as Rob Ford. Not even Microsoft, Apple, IBM, or Google can make a voice synthesizer that sounds completely like a human.

If they have such a studio, they would not be selling drugs. They would be hired by various major film studios to make box-office hits instead, which makes much more money than selling drugs (and legally too!).

If he speaks like Rob Ford, thinks like Rob Ford, looks like Rob Ford, moves like Rob Ford, is in Etobicoke like Rob Ford, and is addicted like Rob Ford, then he must be Rob Ford and not his Doppelgänger.

I can't believe we're even having this conversation. Its just such a ridiculous idea.
Compare that to the Toronto Sun (and even the Star) where commenters would back her, with the same lack of logic she used.

Exactly. I can just see his base, and others who are sick of the Star, et al., who are just on a "witchhunt" and '"out to get him" frothing at the mouth at any excuse to back him.

Hence, the conclusion that it is the sanity of his core base that is questionable. You can see similar patterns in the Tea Party phenomenon, ditto the gun control and other hot button issue groups. Their ability to suspend reality is unreal - and one's best hope in dealing with them is probably isolation and let nature play itself out.

Personally, I think that admitting he has a problem, resigning, going to rehab, and coming back in the next election as a "changed man" still out to "fight for the taxpayer" will just galvanize his base. It'll be spun into "but I thought lefties say we have to give addicts and the mentally ill a second chance...lefty hypocrites" by the SAL's of the city...and it will fucking work.

I'm no drug expert, but I doubt that Ford could be rehabilitated between now and 2014. He just has way too many issues.

And I hope voters wouldn't fall for a ploy like that either. But then again, they did vote for him fully knowing his history so I wouldn't put it beyond them.
The campaign just made it to $72K with over 3000 contributors. While the pace has slowed down from the first day hype, it's still stable. More importantly, the addition of perks has motivated higher contributions per person with quite a few now donating $200.

While Gawker has already won with all this (so far free) publicity, if we get within $30K, I can see them topping off the donations before the deadline to get exclusive rights to the video which would run worldwide with added below. I'd say there's a fair chance of this campaign succeeding.

The key issue isn't to convince his core not to support him again, because you probably can't - but convincing those who doesn't want to see a repeat performance to drop their petty arguments and do what's necessary.

There's another important side of this story that isn't being reported. Rob Ford is 43 years old, 300+ lbs and smokes crack cocaine. There's no other way to put it: Rob Ford is going to die.

It would be a sad ending to this story but you can't escape it. It's now confirmed that he's doing hard drugs. He's already terribly unhealthy. There's no way this man is going to live more than a few more years at best if he carries on with this lifestyle.

Is this from one of your sources?

But you are totally right MetroMan. I hate to say it but Ford will very likely pass away in a few years . He's in as bad of physical condition as someone can get.
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