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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Perks are now added to the Indiegogo:

They include a $75 public thank you tweet (unlimited) and a $100,000 iPhone that is used to record the video (there is only one such specific iPhone). There are three other perks, but would only be available if the funding is consummated: a $150 signed Canadian flag by Nick Denton, owner of Gawker (100 available); a $200 commemorative hand-drawn digital painting (read: done on a graphics tablet) of Rob Ford smoking crack (100 available), and a $1000 dinner with Gawker staff at a restaurant in New York City (1 available).

As of this post, it raised $66,411.

Oh yea,

THAT will encourage people.

Who wants a $1,000 used iPhone? I do!
Don't know if this is legit, but a recent comment:

:Steven Debus said 3 hours ago
I agree with a number of commentors here about the rewards for donating money. I will personally contribute $50,000 if we can make the arrangement that upon receiving the video it will be aired live at a video unveiling party at a venue in Toronto. Anyone who contributes more than $50 will get a ticket to the event. If John Cook is interested in this please contact me. I can be contacted at"
Don't know if this is legit, but a recent comment:

:Steven Debus said 3 hours ago
I agree with a number of commentors here about the rewards for donating money. I will personally contribute $50,000 if we can make the arrangement that upon receiving the video it will be aired live at a video unveiling party at a venue in Toronto. Anyone who contributes more than $50 will get a ticket to the event. If John Cook is interested in this please contact me. I can be contacted at"

Here's his LinkedIn:

Steven Sal Debus
President/Design Director at Modifide Bike Polo Equipment
Don't know if this is legit, but a recent comment:

:Steven Debus said 3 hours ago
I agree with a number of commentors here about the rewards for donating money. I will personally contribute $50,000 if we can make the arrangement that upon receiving the video it will be aired live at a video unveiling party at a venue in Toronto. Anyone who contributes more than $50 will get a ticket to the event. If John Cook is interested in this please contact me. I can be contacted at"

Shoot John an email about it:
I would imagine that Paul Magder would be willing to pony up some dollars, unless the Ford trial has left him short of cash.
I would imagine that Paul Magder would be willing to pony up some dollars, unless the Ford trial has left him short of cash.

why would it leave him short on cash?
the judge ruled that each party was to cover their own legal expenses, and Magder's was free so RF has to pay his $100+K tab.

update: $66,780 as of 2:34 pm
Ah, forgot about that. I don' know how wealthy he is, though.

Maybe Clayton Ruby would help- IMO at this point it's all about outreach and getting those who would donate aware about the video.
I would gladly donate $50 if there was a live unveiling party!! Just leave it on a loop all night after it plays once.
I was planning to donate on the last day, i might end up being glad i waited :D

same old firewall issue search: what can be done about rob ford and the crack video

its a pretty depressing read.

What can be done about Rob Ford and the crack video
Justin Fauteux and Jeff Gray
Toronto — The Globe and Mail
Published Sunday, May. 19 2013, 1:44 PM EDT
Last updated Sunday, May. 19 2013, 2:08 PM EDT

If Toronto Mayor Rob Ford continues to dismiss reports of a video in which he appears to smoke crack cocaine, there seems little that can be done to force the issue.

Josh Matlow, councillor for Ward 22, said that it is possible to add a discussion of the video reports to the agenda of the special council meeting scheduled for Tuesday to debate downtown casino plans, but he doesn’t see a “reasonable possibility” it will be brought up.

He nonetheless thinks the mayor should address the video reports, calling the matter an “embarrassing sideshow.”

“I think the sooner the accusations are addressed, the sooner we can move forward as a city,” Mr. Matlow said Sunday. “What would be very helpful, as a start, would be if the Mayor would be more open about his take on the story and offer his perspective. That hasn’t happened yet.”

Mr. Ford’s brother Doug, councillor for Ward 2, is usually the mayor’s quickest and most vigorous defender. He was silent Thursday and Friday but came to the mayor’s defence Saturday, telling radio station Newstalk 1010: “I have never seen my brother involved with anything like coke.” The Fords have a Sunday afternoon talk show on Newstalk 1010, but this weekend’s episode was cancelled.

On Friday, the day after news of the video broke, Mr. Ford went about his day as scheduled, arriving at city hall, attending a flag-raising event to honour the International Day Against Homophobia and reading a proclamation.

He dismissed the video reports as “ridiculous,” but has refused to say any more about it or address calls for his resignation.

If he continues to do so, it is extremely unlikely that he could be forced from office.

Under the City of Toronto Act, which is similar to the Ontario Municipal Act that governs other municipalities in the province, sitting mayors or councillors generally cannot be turfed from their posts unless they miss three months of council meetings without the approval of a resolution of council.

So mayors who do not resign in the event of police investigations, charges or even convictions under the Criminal Code are not tossed out unless they are sentenced to prison for more than three months, said Toronto lawyer John Mascarin of Aird & Berlis LLP, who gives legal advice to municipal politicians.

The Toronto Police have indicated they have been “monitoring the situation closely,” however, have not said they are launching a formal investigation.

Sitting councillors and mayors can also lose their jobs if their posts are deemed vacant by a judge, which is a possible outcome of violations of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, the legislation under which Mr. Ford faced a legal battle last year over donations he solicited for his football charity. He won the case on appeal and held onto his job.

They could also lose their posts if they are convicted of a “corrupt practice” under the Municipal Elections Act, Mr. Mascarin said, but this has never happened.

Otherwise, there are no legal mechanisms to remove a sitting mayor, he said, even if they are convicted of a crime – something many people find surprising.

“Just because you’re convicted, doesn’t mean you lose your seat. And I think a lot of people have some real difficulty with that,” Mr. Mascarin said.

In the event that a mayor is removed from office, city council has the option of calling a by-election or appointing a new mayor. An appointed mayor would need to be nominated by a councillor and then win the support of the majority of council.
Amazingly, the non-options for Ford's removal presented by that article might actually be relevant. Frankly, it's hard to foresee any circumstance in which Ford would resign--and that includes being told to do so by his entire 'inner circle.' Even if the video does come out, I could easily imagine he and Doug continuing to deny, deny, deny, and clinging to the office until the next election, insisting all the while that the voters will vindicate them.

same old firewall issue search: what can be done about rob ford and the crack video

its a pretty depressing read.

Not really that depressing, I don't really see why he would be removed over these things unless he resigns (which is unlikely).

What the video does do however, is expose his hypocrisy (looking at his purported comments on the video), low (non-existent) moral standing.

These will all influence the next election and people's general opinions of him, though this really does depend on how he handles this.
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same old firewall issue search: what can be done about rob ford and the crack video

its a pretty depressing read.

FYI for future reference. You can get past the pay-walls on most articles (except those marked "unlimited") by simply clearing your browsers history. If you use Chrome in incognito mode it will clear cookies every time you close the browser. Same thing works for Toronto SUN and other pay-walls.
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