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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Warmington speaks!

His radio show is over. I had no idea it was ending.
“We are calling all over the United States and looking at every kind of trial we can find,” said Doug. “We are talking to doctors everywhere. We have found some research happening with mice and things like that.”

Sounds pretty desperate. How fitting they had that kook Charles McVety on the show to pray for Rob.
How is that Doug got through two interviews today, and no one asked him about Rob?

And since when do Canadians use "Hispanic" to describe a group of people? I thought that was a uniquely American thing, and a somewhat racist thing at that.

Hispanic and Latino mean slightly different things. They're not exactly interchangable, but both words are frequently used similarly.

Latino means someone (specifically male, if referring to an individual person) of Latin American ethnicity/heritage. Hispanic refers to a person or people of Spanish ethnicity/heritage, either from Spain, or generally from a Spanish-speaking country.

Latino is becoming more widely used to describe persons of Latin American heritage, but in many cases, Hispanic is still acceptable.
Sick and callous, I know, but I want him to live long enough to see Lisi's trial and maybe the public release of the crack tape.
It's a real bummer he, by the sound of it, won't be around the testify and be questioned. That would've been epic!
May be time to start working on that Saint Robbicus Etobicokenensis portrait. I'm sure the list of "miracles" he performed will be long and far-reaching. All will speak highly of Saint Rob as if he rivalled some seemingly life-long councillors for selfless dedication to public service. "Folks, no one did more to stop the gravy train than Rob!" "He was always looking out for the taxpayer!" or "While his style was unconventional, Rob had the interests of 'the little guy' at heart."

A better summary of his mayoralty would be to read the highlights of this thread, which I think many would agree would make a pretty interesting book.
So Doug says Rob is back in hospital for another round of chemo - the latest of 8 rounds to shrink the tumours on his bladder. Not sure which round this is. So that's the story they're sticking with for now.
So Doug says Rob is back in hospital for another round of chemo - the latest of 8 rounds to shrink the tumours on his bladder. Not sure which round this is. So that's the story they're sticking with for now.

I didn't read about more chemo, just that there was the possibility of doing it again. Maybe I am wrong. They just took him back because he wasn't feeling good.
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Appropriately, the Warmington article was served up with an ad depicting a well-placed facepalm right after it.


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