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Rob Ford's Toronto

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UPDATE: On the John Tory show he just read a statement from the organizer of the Garrison Ball - Mark McQueen - who states that "at no time was Ford asked to the leave the Ball by either the organizers or Councillor Ainslie".

Key words in that statement. "to my knowledge".

Funny that none of the papers picked up on this revelation.
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Unfortunately, I can see eyewitnesses who come out in either support for or against Ford to be influenced by their opinions of him.
UPDATE: On the John Tory show he just read a statement from the organizer of the Garrison Ball - Mark McQueen - who states that "at no time was Ford asked to the leave the Ball by either the organizers or Councillor Ainslie".

Key words in that statement. "to my knowledge".

Funny that none of the papers picked up on this revelation.

Indeed. Idiotic reporting. I love how Peepers treats this as groundshaking new information. McQueen said as much in the Star's initial story. lol just lol at this hackery.
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There must have been hundreds of people inside the Bier Markt with camera phones and not one person captured this on video?

There were also quite a few people at ACC, and not one person captured the tirade by photo or on video either. What does it prove? That the tirade didn't occur? His worship begged otherwise at the end of the day.

Also why is the Star reporting on what Ford did at the Bier Markt? He was not on official business but enjoying his private time on St. Patrick's day.

There are expectations on behaviour in the public regardless of who you are - and more so when you are someone who represents the city.

I don't recall the Star intruding into David Miller or Dalton McGuinty's private lives.

Well, did any one of them turned up drunk or looking like they're under the influence of something at public events? Did any one of them called the police on anything? Did any of them got "unwelcomed"? If you can point to examples of such, perhaps the media would have a reason to "intrude"? Oh, and I forgot, Ford is the mayor who didn't even let what the public know what he does with is non-private time without a FOI.

As long as Ford is not driving drunk or turning up for work drunk (as was the practice with former Liberal Attorney General Michael Bryant) I'm not sure that this should be anyone's business. How many people reading this had one too many drinks on St. Patrick's day? (I know I did). Should we all be checking ourselves into rehab?

Well, when can we have a former mayor Rob Ford in that case - besides, isn't not showing up for work precisely one of the issues at hand? One too many drink is one thing - a historical pattern of one too many is alcoholism.

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There were also quite a few people at ACC, and not one person captured the tirade by photo or on video either. What does it prove? That the tirade didn't occur? His worship begged otherwise at the end of the day.

Actually, this is a very good argument (for once) from Peepers. Six years ago, not as many phones had cameras in them, and the ones that did were of such poor quality that they might as well not. YouTube was just starting out, so capturing every little thing had not taken off to the same degree as it is today. Finally, Rob Ford was not as infamous as he is today. At the time, he was just another city councillor. Today, none of these factors are present.

Still, I am inclined to believe that this did happen, or some kind of events influenced by alcohol did occur. Simply put, where there is smoke, there is fire, and with Ford there has been too much smoke coming from him over the years.
One other contentious element today--George Chuvalo. (Which, given the apparent closeness of the Ford and Chuvalo families and the fate of Chuvalo's sons--on top of rumours about the young Fords' past--leaves me wondering about a *lot*...)
Actually, this is a very good argument (for once) from Peepers. Six years ago, not as many phones had cameras in them, and the ones that did were of such poor quality that they might as well not. YouTube was just starting out, so capturing every little thing had not taken off to the same degree as it is today. Finally, Rob Ford was not as infamous as he is today. At the time, he was just another city councillor. Today, none of these factors are present.

Still, I am inclined to believe that this did happen, or some kind of events influenced by alcohol did occur. Simply put, where there is smoke, there is fire, and with Ford there has been too much smoke coming from him over the years.

Mind you that this is a military ball, though, which I would believe would be classier than a game at the ACC. I think that people would not be inclined to whip out their phones and start filming.
Mind you that this is a military ball, though, which I would believe would be classier than a game at the ACC. I think that people would not be inclined to whip out their phones and start filming.

I was referring to Ford's alleged antics at the Bier Markt on St. Patricks Day

At the Military Ball you're right. People are not likely to be video recording Ford.

Another thing that amazes me about the Bier Markt allegations is even if Fords wild antics on the dance floor were not captured on camera he would have been witnessed by dozens of young patrons and you would think that within minutes of being escorted out of the club that news of this would have immediately hit the twitter universe and we would have been reading about it the next morning not weeks later.
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Where else can you get this much free entertainment? I say we should appoint Ford Mayor for life immediately.

Greatest Mayor EVER!
After reading some of the sensational details in the Star what amazes me is none of this was captured on video?

There must have been hundreds of people inside the Bier Markt with camera phones and not one person captured this on video? Also why is the Star reporting on what Ford did at the Bier Markt? He was not on official business but enjoying his private time on St. Patrick's day. I don't recall the Star intruding into David Miller or Dalton McGuinty's private lives. As long as Ford is not driving drunk or turning up for work drunk (as was the practice with former Liberal Attorney General Michael Bryant) I'm not sure that this should be anyone's business. How many people reading this had one too many drinks on St. Patrick's day? (I know I did). Should we all be checking ourselves into rehab?

Not on video, but on pictures, yes. From that night:


Random cameras from people in the digital age DO incriminate Ford on this issue. From another outing:

Non-stop distractions that are dividing and bringing our city down and shaming us both country and worldwide. We have some very real problems that we need a strong leader (read, Mayor) to help guide us through and mend fences. Transit is at least two decades behind, much of our public housing is disgraceful, a major highway is literally crumbling, funding formulas need to be developed to deal with these problems and we're stuck with sideshow Bob here who is challenged with stringing two sentences together that he is reading from and a fractured Council. Enough already. Surely something has to stick soon to get this man out and move forward.

Are these the kind of photos that we want our Mayor who represents us to look like? I've seen enough of these. It's disgraceful, simply disgraceful and no one can refute that.
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